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Mother, wife and teacher. In that order! I am also a Pagan, who follows a Pantheistic view. I've been to "hell and back" for the things I say and believe, but still hold strong. I'm open-minded about all possibilities. I'm willing to listen to what others have to say. I will respect you by not telling you your wrong. I expect the same respect in return. I firmly believe that thoughts create. I also believe that people continue to perpetuate and justify hate, murder, and other inhumanities against their fellow man, all in the name of the god they believe in. I think we can learn something from other faiths and that ALL faiths have something beautiful and inspiring to say. I also believe that the fundamental core of all religious doctrine says the same thing and in the end the only thing that is ever being argued about is the name by which people call the deity they believe in. "If it harms NONE do as you will" Bright Blessings )O(

  • How many are offended by...?

    The new Stop Smoking ad? I mean I'm a smoker and I get it....most of the time we are quitting for our families. But if it is illegal to sell tobacco products to any one under the age of 18; including smoking cessation product,why are they using a 4yr old (approx) CHILD to promote their product!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How to stop your child from smoking?

    Yes, my husband and I do smoke, so we don't set the best example. The best reason we can come up with for our rule against them smoking; since we don't pay attention to the health issues, is....IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

    We've punished, we've had the cops talk to them (I have two, the oldest got the youngest started) we've spanked, etc...and they continue to smoke. Believe me, I get the whole nicotine addiction thing, that's why I'm still smoking. I'm weak and have no real excuses. So admitting it is partly my fault for setting a bad example, is there any way to help them quit and stay quit? (Already setting appointment with my doctor to help me quit. Doing it "cold turkey" hasn't worked too many times to count)

    29 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I don't understand how it is possible?

    I don't know the complete ins and outs of why this is going on however. A friend of mine is being forced to pay in taxes for a non-working spouse. She says the IRS submits her taxes every year as if her husband was still working and making wages. He's been laid off for 5 yrs or more and hasn't sought gainful employment. Is it actually legal for the IRS to "collect" taxes on money that's not being made. Why are they doing this anyway? She just told me she has two choices. Let them garnish her check 400.00 a month or take her home. How can they do this?

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • If Jesus had never been born...?

    Who would you believe in? Would you still believe in God? If Mother Theresa had been Crucified in modern day times, and prior to this all you had to "believe" were the words she said, would you begin to follow what she said and make her a martyr.

    Simply put, before Christ, there were no Christians. Everyone believed in a God. So what does it matter what we call our God?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your wish/hope for the New Year?

    My wish for the New Year is that people can start practicing tolerance. Practice an attitude of agree to disagree. You don't have to believe the way I do but don't condemn me for believing this way either. TOLERANCE. As soon as we as a community and society continuely practice tolerance, NOTHING about us will change.

    Peace and Good will toward your fellow man begins with Tolerance. That is my wish for the New Year!

    9 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Take a listen. Great answer for "What do you believe?"?

    Found this when I was looking up Kermit music after watching "Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas" (I'm 39 mind you!).

    I believe all things are possible, that there is something bigger than me. I believe there is more than one answer, and we can all be right. I believe that as soon as you "find your heart and open both your eyes", people will began to except there is no wrong answer about faith or lack their of. It is a personal choice, and the war, hate, death and all inhumanities caused in the name of "God (insert Deity)" will cease as soon as each one of us accepts that it is a personal choice. Cause NO harm, but beyond that do as you will.

    So my question is "WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE"

    Bright Blessings

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Zen Buddhists, help with Religion Class Question?

    I am a teacher and one of my fellow colleagues is getting her teaching degree. She is taking a religion class and had a question posed to her. She asked me if I knew, because of how I believe. I don't know the answer but told her I would help her find out.

    "What do Buddhists believe a person was before their parents were born?

    Thanks for the help!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • "I lost my joy"...?

    OK, I know it sounds cheezy but I was watching Clash of the Choirs and one of the singers talked about "losing her joy" when she talked about losing her daughter. It choked me up to think about losing my child because that is exactly what it would be like, losing my joy. So, at this time of year when there is supposed to be Good Will to all men, instead of being so frustrated with our children, lets remember that positive things we see in them so....What is something beautiful about your child/children?

    My 10yr old is very lovable and affectionate. My 13yr old can find the humor in almost everything, and has learned to laugh at himself.

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • "Savin' Me"?

    My son brought this video to may attention.

    Nickelback has always made songs about society's need for a wake up call, and once again they do not disappoint.

    What do you think?!

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Step-Parent Adoption?

    My oldest son has had a MAJOR fall-out with his dad. Very long drawn out story but to shorten it for this:

    My son now wants his step-father to adopt him. His biological dad said (in some very unkind words) that he wouldn't fight it. Do I have to have an attorney file the adoption papers? What can I expect to have to pay? Is it something that I can do on my own without an attorney, like "file your own adoption papers"? We live in Kansas. Any information, "I feel for you here's what I did", would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • "We will pray for you"?

    This is the message that was attached to the bottom of my wedding announcement....that was sent back to us. I'm posting here because this message I know is because of the day we chose to get married...Halloween. Yes, we are Pagan but that is not the reason we chose Halloween, it just happens to be a bonus. That message also came back unsigned and no return address on the envelope so the malice behind the words are there or the sender would have proudly signed it or at least put a return address on it. As it is, I'm taking it as a nasty message from a closed minded Christian who pity's my soul for even THINKING of getting married on such an EVIL day and we obviously need prayed for. To make it even worse, we only sent announcements out to the fact that a family member is being so hateful makes the message that much more "you've got to be kidding". How would you handle this hatefulness...or would you even bother?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dear Mr. President?

    Take a minute to watch and listen....

    "Dear Mr. President...How do you sleep while the rest of us cry. How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye. How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even look me in the eye, and tell me why?"

    What do you think his excuse would be THIS time?!!

    I can't wait until his term in office is over. We DESPERATELY need a change. Somebody in office who is TRULY by the people FOR the people.

    One comment posted on the response boards to this song is "Revolution America...You need it." Do you agree with that comment in anyway, and if so what do we need to revolt against?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you think...?

    I read in a post recently that Christianity is on the way "out", along with the other monotheistic faiths. It was also indicated that we are finally on our way to a society in which we can all agree that there is more than one truth about faith.

    As a Pagan, I believe that this is indeed an attitude that is desperately needed in our society. Too much hate, death and war has been perpetrated all in the man of "God". I think it is a thought pattern that can be completely healthy and inspirational in a society where our biggest problem between us seems to be based around religion.

    Do you agree that this is our future, and do you believe it will be helpful or more detrimental than the patterns we are already in?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Monotheistic followers: What if....?

    on the day of your "judgement" (according to your faith) you find out that you were wrong, and that it's not a matter of what exactly you believe, but more that you believe in something that helps you to live your life in a positive manner. What if it ISN'T all about the details but more about the "Big Picture". Will you feel cheated? Will you feel like you were "sold a bag of goods" because you didn't listen to your heart about questions you had. Will you feel like there were missed opportunities you wish you would have taken?

    I'm a Pantheistic Pagan and firmly believe that there are many paths to the Divine. I do believe that it isn't specifically what you do or do not believe in, but more that you live your life as a positive example to others and truly live by the "Cause No Harm" mind set. So it won't come as a shock or disappointment to me...but what say you?!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I don't mean to beat a dead horse...however?

    I was a Christian for 25 years. I am now a Pantheistic Pagan. I searched my soul and found many things about Christianity that left me feeling empty and many unanswered questions. But I also found beauty in all religions I studied, including Christianity.

    My question is, and as I said I know I'm beating a dead horse and I'm sure its been answered thousands of times here in R&S, but I'm going to ask it again.

    It is my opinion that there are many paths that lead to the Divine (God, Allah, Muhammed, insert Deity). There are many who agree with my opinion. This being said, why does individual beliefs about God(s) continue to cause such hate, war and death? In a day and age filled with such contempt for our fellow man, if what I believe causes no harm (the fundemental base for Pagans) what does it matter what I believe, and why do others continue the persecution of religious differences. Aren't we trying to create a better legacy for our children?!

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Handfasting..HELP!!?

    We are newly Wiccan , or at least new to putting a "title" to what we believe, and we are planning our wedding. We will be married on Halloween of this year, and want it to be a traditional Handfasting. We want the ceremony to be more than the "a year and a day" commitment. I am just now getting started on finding information about vows, rituals, etc. We will be talking to our friends to find someone who will perform the ceremony for us, but can anyone give me some resources to check out to help me in the process of planning our ceremony. ANY information that you can provide me would be much appreciated.


    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What is the greatest power....?

    a person can possess?

    My answer: Unconditional love. When you practice unconditional love, then all other virtues naturally fall into place.

    What's your opinion?

    I decided to post this in R&S because it appears to be the most read area of discussion.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Religious truth...?

    is in the mind of the believer, i.e Christians believe in Jesus because it "makes sense" to them for whatever reason. Muslims believe in Allah because it makes sense to them. The only things that can be proven completely true (for the most part) are things that can be proven through complete scientific or logical study. Religious belief is a matter of faith and the opinion of the believer. This being said, why is religious tolerance so difficult to practice? I personally do not ask someone to think as I do. I can't expect someone to believe what I believe JUST BECAUSE I SAY SO. Just because faith can't be proven right or wrong, doesn't make it wrong.

    So here's what I would like to see answered: WITHOUT using your spiritual guidebook to do so, what kind of factual proof can you offer about your faith. I am Pagan and know and accept I can not give you Proof of fact, only my personal experiences. Because of this, it's right for me, but I don't expect it to be right for others.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I respect each person's right to believe.....?

    in whatever faith they feel is best for them. For whatever reason a person has chosen a belief structure, it is their choice and opinion as to what is best for them.

    One would think that this frame of mind would be simple for all to adhere to. Why is it not so? Does not each faith, not taking into account any religious fanatics, have something that we could learn from it? Does not each faith have something inspiring and beautiful to offer? Are you willing to listen to what another has to say about their faith and their beliefs, if they are willing to not tell you you're wrong when/if your belief structure differs from them?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Religious differences?

    I understand that each person believes in a different fashion. I myself am Pagan. I was raised as a Christian (Baptist), attended private Christian schools in high school, attended a non-denominational church as a younger adult. I have studied Panthenism, Buddhism, as well as several other beliefs. I have found that I am very happy with what I believe now, more so than I ever have been. I know that each faith, for the most part, teaches that their way is the only true way to reach whatever glory is waiting when our physical life ceases to exist. All of this being said, why do "radical" believers feel that it is completely necessary for them to convince others to believe they way they do. What good does it do the individual, but more so what good does it do the particular faith to shove those beliefs down someone's throat. Does someone not believing the way you do honestly effect they way you believe? If it does, are you completely certain of what you believe?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago