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Should I confront my exBF? Understand, most people break up because the relationship goes to $#@!.?

Not so with us. We never had an argument or unkind word between us, laughed all the time, but his ex never quit calling. I never said anything. Cared enough to want him to be where he'd be happiest. He cared enough to break up with me face to face in the most sensitive way possible. "I know I'm going to regret this, but...." He wouldn't admit it was the ex. I didn't try to make him. I think he thought that would hurt me worse, so he told me that he thought I had more feelings for him than he had for me, which I'm sure was a crock. He had requested and arranged to meet some members of my family for the first time on the same night he broke up with me. That wasn't my idea! It never happened. My family cancelled on us. But when he finished his break up speech, I crossed the room to him, laid my hand on his shoulder and said, "____, I know you are a wonderful man, and I truly hope you find whatever it is you need to be happy." HE cried, said I had more class than any woman he'd ever met.


For more than a year, he showed up at different places I hung out at about every 2 weeks on avg. We'd talk. He'd invite me home. I'd decline. Then a couple of mos. ago he showed up at the club I go to. I was with a guy who was standing beside the stool I was sitting on, and the guy had his arm around me. The ex comes in, orders a drink, walks around to the other side of my stool, rests one foot on the bottom of my stool and starts leaning on me like a cat that needed petting. The man I was with threw his hands in the air and walked away. I followed. Of coarse he asked who that was, I told him, he then asked when I broke up with him, I told him I didn't. He broke up with me over a year ago. He just shook his head. I havn't seen him since that night.

The next night he came in and did everything in his power to make me jealous. It didn't work. When he walked up behind me at the bar and said, "It looked like his luck had changed," I decided I'd better warn him about what he was flirting

Update 2:

with. I told him, "When you take her home make sure you lock up your money, cc, checkbook, and bank statements, and when you go to do what you're looking so forward to, "Make sure you're double wrapped." He backed up and almost screamed twice, "I don't want her!" I shrugged and walked away.

A week later he met another woman in there who he started dating. He's constantly placing them in front of me at the club, the restaurant, and yet everytime she turns her head or back, he flirts with me. Sometimes almost right in front of her. And if all this wasn't bad enough, now he's moved her in 5 doors down, and the neighbor tells me that he slows to a near stop in front of my house every time he rides by.

11 Answers

  • L A
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are awesome. No... you need to leave him alone because you were the "bigger man" so to speak. You didn't get emotional and senseless... you understood that you cannot make some one love you unlike... well... every other women in the world. You need to move on because some lucky guy is going to give you every thing you need to be happy. You should teach lessons to other girls. Oh... and it will eat him alive if you leave it be. Good job.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    beneficial, you could have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and in no way step foot in a church; in spite of the undeniable fact that, the Lord tells us interior the Bible that we would desire to collect regularly with different believers. it is mandatory for fellowship, help, edification, etc. the advantages are many greater effective than i ought to checklist here. yet maximum heavily, the Lord tells us to collect, so as that's quite the impetus to attend interior the commencing up, yet as you strengthen into area of the family members of God, you will locate the advantages are impressive. i like my church and my church family members. my church is a place of affection and popularity and community. we are brothers and sisters in Christ and the Bible additionally says that because of fact the Day techniques, we can want one yet another all of the greater. all of us understand additionally that the Bible speaks human beings as guy or woman areas of the physique of Christ. what could the physique be without eyes? or ears? or legs? we each are an essential area of the working physique of Christ, and if we forsake assembly with others, we no longer in basic terms harm ourselves, however the whole physique suffers. to be a Christian and not be a area of the physique, is risky, to assert the least.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he was still in love with her. I've done the same thing and I have regretted it ever since. I don't know the back story on your ex's relationship with this other woman but it sounds like she might be manipulating him, I went through the same thing with a girl, but didn't break it to her like your ex did, I just disappeared and never called her again, (I was young and stupid) so count yourself lucky you didn't run into a doufus like me! Good luck in the future, and you never know...he might just change his mind and come back.

  • 1 decade ago

    What would you confront him about? He wanted to be with his ex more than he wanted to be with you (in my opinion). He was trying to let you down easy. I'm guessing his tears were tears of relief that his double life was over and he could be happy with his ex.

    I don't mean to sound as abrupt as this is coming across...I'm not sure how else to write it. Again, just my opinion.

    Better luck to you next time.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whats the question and confront him bout what? Congrats on having such a mature break up but whats the point to all this?

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Confront him about what? That you think he broke up due to his ex? If he wanted you back, he'd be back with you.

  • soelo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Confront him about.... what?

    He gave you reasons, maybe you don't believe him, but he gave them. Grieve for a bit and then try to move on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very nice.....I must say that must've been hard to say. But you my lady are definately mature.

  • 1 decade ago

    What's the question?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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