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Is Ron Paul reall that big of an idiot.?

I heard a quote the other day from this idiot Ron Paul.

Something to the effect that the USA has never been attacked in over 225 years.

Is he really that far out of touch? Does he not remember the first attack on the twin towers, 9/11, Pear Harbor. These were inside the US. Also numerous bombing of embassies, the attack on the USS Cole.

Is this guy really this big of a joke.


mustagme- You are too kind.

kveryeff- We have been. In support of the No-Fly-Zone.

Trooper7- You are kidding right.

squishy- Interesting I agree, picking from this gang of clowns is going to be hard. For the most part, those days are gone. We are fighting a new kind of war.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just a third tier candidate getting in his 15 seconds of fame. Just ignore it and I assure you he will be gone in a few months time. Only the big guns will remain, such as Fred Thompson and Rudy.

  • Banker
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Joke or not, there are people listening to him. He has this look about him that says he completely believes what he is saying.

    If we had been kinder to the radicals, they wouldn't have to fight back. Huh??

    If we would just leave governments alone, they wouldn't need to have nuclear defenses. Say What?

    I think he is the opposite of everything I believe in. I don't think he is an idiot.

    Like George Burns and Gracie Allen, he's dumb like a fox.

    Watch this guy.

  • 1 decade ago

    If we could elect more than 1 president, and control which part of the government each elected president was in control of. WHICH I UNDERSTAND WE CANT, but just for arguement sake. We should elect ron paul for some of his domestic pollicies, mit romney for controling the nations finances, rudy juliani for national defence, tom tancredo for boarder control and illegal immigration. The entire field of cannidates running for office seem to be more of a presidents cabinant, rather than any one of them haveing thier whole act together. It's going to be a tuff choice for president this time around. None of the cannidates have everything i'm looking for all rolled into one guy. And it sucks that I'm going to have to make a choice of just 1 of them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Guess that must have happen during his nap time.

    He was also said we have been bombing Iraq for over 10 years.

    He is classic example of the Peter prinicple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He was referring to a traditional military frontal style attack on American soil.

  • Greg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He is a sad excuse for a Libertarian.

  • 1 decade ago

    well a lot of these attacks were made on ourselves and made to look like other countries attacked us for war profiteering.

  • 1 decade ago

    Simple answer.....


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