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Previously a law enforcement officer, taught police academy, now a Tribal Judge and a Rabbi. Jewish.

  • How many pores in each hand?

    I know there are 2,000 pores in each foot- which is great for detoxing naturally, however if a person doesn't have feet and can only detox through the hands?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Cam sensor needs replaced on Beetle?

    I am looking at a car on Craigslist to purchase. Its a '99 Beetle. The ad says the throttle body needs to be replaced. I called about a new one. Even if it is just the sensor, a new one will cost $644.00. So upon calling back the guy says he has a friend coming to look at it but the throttle body is disconnected and runs fine but low RPMs. Now he says his friend looked at it (a mechanic) and says it is a cam sensor instead. I cannot afford to buy a car and find out I am being ripped off, but really want a Beetle. At $2,800 I cant decide if this is a good buy. What do I need to look for in case he is BSing me?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Needing a Cam Sensor for a Beetle?

    I am looking at a car on Craigslist to purchase. Its a '99 Beetle. The ad says the throttle body needs to be replaced. I called about a new one. Even if it is just the sensor, a new one will cost $644.00. So upon calling back the guy says he has a friend coming to look at it but the throttle body is disconnected and runs fine but low RPMs. Now he says his friend looked at it (a mechanic) and says it is a cam sensor instead. I cannot afford to buy a car and find out I am being ripped off, but really want a Beetle. At $2,800 I cant decide if this is a good buy. What do I need to look for in case he is BSing me?

    1 AnswerVolkswagen9 years ago
  • I have every symptom of Hashimotos Disease.?

    My Dr says thyroid low but refuses to do a full thyroid panel. I have asked over the past year at 3 appointments for thyroid testing. Most of my hair has fallen out now and my body has white spots where pigment has gone. Can I file a malpractice complaint?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do you find the owner stats for this webiste?

    I went on godaddy and icann to look for the ownership of this website and both tell me its an invalid site, however, you can certainly get to it and it slanders my family.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do you make sweet and sour sauce and egg drop soup?

    I need two good recipes. Egg Drop Soup with no vegetables in it and the other for Sweet and Sour Sauce.

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • How do yo burn a dvd for youtube video?

    I downloaded a youtube for a specific Israeli dance that I want to burn a copy of for our synagogue to use and learn the dance. Do you need special software? I have it downaloaded to Realplayer and can view it fine on my computer- but to take it to synagogue to reuse is my problem.

    7 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Have you heard about the FBI raid on Liberty Dollars today?

    apparently at 8am this morning FBI agents raided Norfed and seized all gold, paper and coin dollar pieces and books, computers etc. Does anyone else agree that this is a huge assault on freedom and an outrage?

    Bernard von Nothaus has not stated in his written communication as to whether or not any charges were filed or indictments handed down.

    5 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Hillary- po baby?!?

    Hillary Clinton , quintessential Alpha Female, is whining about the boys who share the presidential debate stage with her.

    She says that they’re picking on her! They’re ganging up on her.

    And she doesn’t like it.

    Her aides say it’s just because she’s a woman.

    But Hillary ’s the one who’s playing gender politics. Not them. When the going gets tough, Hillary always pulls out the female victim card.

    The fact is that the reason that Hillary is under attack is because she is a doubletalking panderer who can’t give a single straight answer. It’s not because she’s a woman, and it’s not because she’s a winner.

    How men that she’s tolerated for the past eight months – as if they were actually candidates of her high caliber – are all taunting her!

    Let’s take a close look at who these men really are:

    They’re men who:

    • certainly never presided over the biggest debacle in domestic policy since Roosevelt ’s Court Packing Plan in 1936

    In fact, these petty little men have never even had the power to single-handedly cause the President of the United States to lose control of both houses of Congress, like she has.

    It’s just not fair!

    Don’t they remember who she is?

    She’s the same Hillary Clinton who started her campaign by insisting that you have to “deck” your opponents if they criticize you.

    And the Hillary who loves to set up “War Rooms” to investigate the personal lives of anyone who gets in her way – especially those annoying women who were the objects of Bill ’s desire and affection.

    Yes, that’s the Hillary who blamed the “vast right wing conspiracy” for Bill ’s affair with Monica Lewinsky . (Of course it wasn’t Bill ’s fault) And the Hillary who sent her stooges out to humiliate, embarrass, and discredit Monica in the press.

    The same Hillary , the unabashed feminist, who encouraged the Clinton court jester, James Carville , to publicly label Paula Jones as “trailer park trash.”

    That’s the Hillary who tried – unsuccessfully - to use her position as a U.S. Senator to settle some old scores with Michael Chertoff , Secretary of Homeland Security, who was formerly Counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. She was the only Senator to vote against his confirmations as Assistant Atttorney General and Judge on the D.C. Court of Appeals. She claimed that he was rough in intervierwing some young aides, a claim she never made at the time. She did the same thing with Ted Olsen , even trying to organize a filibuster until her own party members warned her to back off. They found it unprofessional to try to settle personal scores by using one’s Senate credentials. In Hillary ’s book, its just called ‘getting even’ She’s good at that.

    And yet they pick on her.

    How dare they!

    Well, she’s just not going to waste any more time on this unfair situation. She’s looking ahead: Yesterday, she called for women to get out their mops, brooms, brushes and vacuum cleaners – she says that she’s going to need them to clean up the White House!

    When the going gets rough, Hillary Clinton , archetypical feminist, surprisingly retreats into homemaker happytalk – referring to a domestic life that she’s never experienced. (When do you think she last used a broom?) But the truth is that she would’nt know a mop from a laptop.

    But now, the embattled little woman says she is “comfortable in the kitchen.” Anyone who’s ever seen her there knows that’s not true.

    She has about as much experience in the kitchen as she does in the Oval Office.

    Consider the contrast between Hillary ’s approach to gender and that of Margaret Thatcher . While nobody could doubt Thatcher’s essential feminimity, she never used it as a defense, never enlisted women in a class defense against the male establishment. She gloried in fighting the men who ran Argentina or those who ran the European Union with never so much as a reference to gender.

    Or compare her to Condoleezza Rice who never takes refuge in her status as a member of the fair sex when the going gets rough.

    Hillary ’s retreat to shelter in the feminist orb when the male world spurns her raises serious questions about whether she is really tough enough to be president.

    When the men who run the Middle East or those who occupy the Kremlin or run China gang up on her, she won’t be able to hide behind the skirts of her husband or her domestic supporters.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Isnt it amazing how much support Ron Paul is getting form his supporters?

    Ron Paul Supporters Run Full Pg Ad in USA Today

    Tuesday, November 13, 2007 -

    On either November 20, or 21, USA Today will be running a full-page, black and white ad in support of the campaign of presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex), currently titled "An Open Letter to the American People."

    The ad will be paid for by a wealthy Ron Paul supporter in Massachusetts who will be placing the ad on his own behalf and is not associated with the official campaign. The graphic design work is being provided out of NH, and the ad concept is the brain work of the team at, sources said.

    The black and white ad will emphasize the constitutional nature of the Ron Paul campaign and the foundations of his small-government, anti-tax and anti-foreign entanglements perspective. profiles USA Today as follows: “USA TODAY is the #1 daily newspaper in the US, with a circulation of 2.3 million. First published in 1982, it is available throughout the country and through international editions; the paper also published news on its popular Web site. … More than 60% of its paid circulation comes from newsstands, vending machines, and hotels. USA TODAY is owned by #1 newspaper publisher Gannett.”

    Please read Edwin's latest, it is great:

    And also Devvy's:

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Premature unborn baby problem....?

    my sons GF is due dec. 27th, but tommorow she is going to a big hospital over an hour away to have the baby taken. my son told me today that the babys head is 33 week sized, but the body is 28 week sized. they said it could be blockage from placenta or it could be something in the brain not sending nutrients the rest of the body. has anyone ever heard of this? they are taking it tommorow. i dont know if it will live or die or what to expect. i am very afraid right now. any answers out there?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this computer game?

    I had a compuer with a game on it and no longer have that computer- it was stolen. The game was a few different colored balls on a grid and as you move them around to get 5 in a row (the path had to be clear) it would bring up new balls on the grid. The object of the game was to get your five of each color together and they would disappear and give you points. The other object of the game was to keep the grid from completely filling up or you would have no path to get rid of balls. It was a good kids game that I want to download for my granddaughter again. I cannot think of the name of it though. Please help!

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • AZ Probate question?

    My father had someone come into the nursing home a week before he passed away with a notary and a new will. The new will was recorded at the Register of Deeds and mailed to the new heir. The previously recorded will left everything to myself and my son.

    This new heir also did a durable power of attorney giving himself power to cremate my father.

    In a nutshell, my father was cremated, the guy wont pay for it, and had no memorial service. The obit didnt come into existence until i found out all that was going on and called numerous agencies. Then the guy- 4 weeks after my father died does an obit that slammed my father so badly it hurt to read it. It was an article rather than a true obit. The crematory told me that they were informed that no family existed or else they would have had a release from me to cremate.

    There is a woman living in my father home who was the caretaker. She has been there a year rent free while my father has been in a nursing home. I am in NC. Help!

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago