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Isnt it amazing how much support Ron Paul is getting form his supporters?

Ron Paul Supporters Run Full Pg Ad in USA Today

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 -

On either November 20, or 21, USA Today will be running a full-page, black and white ad in support of the campaign of presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex), currently titled "An Open Letter to the American People."

The ad will be paid for by a wealthy Ron Paul supporter in Massachusetts who will be placing the ad on his own behalf and is not associated with the official campaign. The graphic design work is being provided out of NH, and the ad concept is the brain work of the team at, sources said.

The black and white ad will emphasize the constitutional nature of the Ron Paul campaign and the foundations of his small-government, anti-tax and anti-foreign entanglements perspective. profiles USA Today as follows: “USA TODAY is the #1 daily newspaper in the US, with a circulation of 2.3 million. First published in 1982, it is available throughout the country and through international editions; the paper also published news on its popular Web site. … More than 60% of its paid circulation comes from newsstands, vending machines, and hotels. USA TODAY is owned by #1 newspaper publisher Gannett.”

Please read Edwin's latest, it is great:

And also Devvy's:

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    very cool thank you to the guy that did it

    this link is how much that cost , mighty big investment.

    and allot of belief in Ron Paul

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it is. Even Ron Paul is amazed at the support he's getting. He didn't even think he could raise $1 million in a week, but with his supporters and their efforts alone, he achieved that goal. This is a truly grass-roots movement. That is what I love about America and the American people (the awakened ones, not the sheep).

  • boost
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    those that do must be believing interior the ending the conflict- element that Hillary and Obama say. Ron Paul didnt choose for to guard the individuals with our squaddies everywhere interior the completed international- only loopy! i might difficulty greater with regard to the Socialized drugs - reason thats going to do the main injury right here- they wouldnt end the conflict- they couldnt be that stupid, thats only their lies to get votes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, and finally the poll numbers which a lot of the provocateurs like to point to, are finally going up! 5 or 6% nationally (using CNN or Zogby respectively).

    Tied with McCain in Iowa at 8%, at 7% in Nevada, and could be 15-18% percent according to Zogby in NH (as seen on the Fox Zogby interview, with an incredulous Hannity). And remember, those polls are including only Republicans that voted a couple years back. Ron is appealing to many others as well. Grassroots primary delegates should be able to get him on the ballot at this time (very few people actually vote in the primaries, and there is no clear front runner like their was in 2000 (Bush).

    Unfortunately the attacks are stepping up as well, hopefully people get to know him, and compare the rest, before they hear about him through biased talking heads and self proclaimed pundits.

    EDIT: YOU MUST watch this video if you wonder about his supporters being real. Amazing!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Easy, when all is said and done, he is the only man standing really defending the Constitution. Those that do not like him can only sling dung, but they can not name one single policy they do not like and why. These same people couldn't tell the difference between the Constitution and a TV Guide.

    Ron Paul did one thing sell out politicians will not do, say no to Israel. He did not run to Israel to receive orders & indoctrination.

    He is a real man who isn't afraid to speak the truth even if he is talking about things most people don't want to hear, or can't admit.

    Keep listening to vipers like Pat Robertson who one day talk about abortion and gays, and the next day supports the very same candidate who is totally for the things he supposedly hates.

    Vote for Ron Paul or get used to saying Madame President

  • TJTB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This election will be the election of the dark horse. The two "front runners" won't be front running much longer because for once in our history, WE the American people are going to decide who the front runners will be.

    Thanks for this information. I hadn't heard it. Also thanks to the answerer who provided the link about December 16th's fund raising. Will have to keep an eye out for that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess I'm one of the 15 supporters of Ron Paul then. Amazing that we have given him over $8 million already in October and November, isn't it?

    Isn't it also amazing we convinced 4,000 people to show up last weekend to hear him speak in Philadelphia, PA?

    Not bad for 15 extremists, is it.

    Ron Paul is going to win this election for two reasons: He has the strongest ideas and impeccable character. Everyone else will self destruct, because they have tremendous flaws of character.

  • ArRo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Actually, it is very surprising and most of his campaign contributions come from the Internet. I am not one his supporters, however, because he has some very weird ideas. I know that a lot of young people jumped on his bandwagon over the "legalize drug" policy, but I think that's nuts...for a lot of reasons. We already have more than enough impaired drivers and employees already. The other thing is his little girl whiny voice that drives me up a wall.

    ADD: Thanks to all of the thumbs-down...a record for me and for a good cause, at that...makes me proud to be a progressive liberal Democrat.

    I suppose this means I'm not getting "best answer"....

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really. Extremists usually develop a small but fanatical following. That they want to throw thier money away on a lost cause is sad but not really surprising.

  • 1 decade ago

    It Is Amazing!

    Thank You For The Info.


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