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Premature unborn baby problem....?

my sons GF is due dec. 27th, but tommorow she is going to a big hospital over an hour away to have the baby taken. my son told me today that the babys head is 33 week sized, but the body is 28 week sized. they said it could be blockage from placenta or it could be something in the brain not sending nutrients the rest of the body. has anyone ever heard of this? they are taking it tommorow. i dont know if it will live or die or what to expect. i am very afraid right now. any answers out there?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer
  • 1 decade ago

    after 27 weeks the baby has a very strong survival rate, if it is a blockage with the placenta then the baby is better off and has a much better chance outside the womb, if it is a problem with the brain the maybe the doctors can help with that,my nephew was born 4 1/2 months premature due to a blockage in the placenta he is now a happy healthy 9yr old, when he was born he weighed less than 500 grams and his mums wedding ring could fit right up his arm on his shoulder

    good luck and best wishes for your sons baby I hope all is well

  • When my mum was pregnant with my sister, the placenta stopped feeding her properly. She was actually overdue but was tiny (about the size of a 30 week old). It was essentially as though she had been born premie. I assume this is similiar to what is happening in your situation but they were able to detect and know that inducing labour will give the baby the best chance of survival.

    A baby born at 33 weeks has a good chance of survival given the proper medical treatment and since they are 100% prepared for this baby to require some treatment he/she is going to get the best care.

    I'm sure everything will be fine... my thought are with you

    (oh and my sis is now a healthy 27 year old)

  • 1 decade ago

    Well my daughter was born with a hole in her heart and it zapped a lot of her nutrients she was two weeks late with a blueish tint. She had to have surgery. I remember telling God that there was nothing I could do for her. I asked God to send his best angels to watch after her. By Gods grace she is three years old and she is smart and is doing well. There is still hope. When we almost lost our daughter I was thinking why would this happen and the dreaded what if. God creates us and then we all go home. We try so hard to hold on to things that we have no control over sometimes you have to give the situation over to God. So if the if rears it's ugly head remember all things go back home even us and all the things we loose will be waiting for us when we go home. This time will pass and you will be comforted. Even the fears of things sometimes make us think the worst, but always hope for the best. Many Digital hugs from far away and we'll keep you in our prays and ask God to send the best angels to watch over you right now.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think most likely problem is hydrocephalus. If the problem is with the placenta, the both the body and head should be equally affected by the lack of nutrients. Most like a partial blockage of one of the drainage ducts of the cerebro-spinal fluid.

    If the feotus dies, does it not only confirm that Psalm 51:5 is indeed true experimentally, a child is CONCEIVED in sin, and may die? Alas, many of us are too blind and oblivious of God's wrath and truth all these while.

    Some times we need a law like this, to make us stop to think; what is indeed my standing before God Almighty?

    May the LORD, who neither slumbers nor sleeps preseve both mum and the babe.


  • 1 decade ago

    The baby's lungs may not be quite ready but other than that, it should be ok. Usually if there is an expected early delivery for medical reasons, they will give you shots to help mature the lungs...did she have these? The baby has an excellent chance of survival and ecspecially knowing all this, they will be very prepared at delivery.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like it is a hard and horrible situation. I know that it is possible for a baby to survive this early with proper neonatal intensive care, but I don't know if there is something else going on that could jeopardize the baby's health.

    I'm sorry I don't have a real answer for you, but you will be in my prayers tonight.

    Best of luck, I hope the baby is alright.

  • 4 years ago

    in case you wait too long the an infection can get on your blood circulate and then particular it ought to impact your infant. in case you have had it extra beneficial than 2 weeks i could call the dentist and tell them that that's an emergency and you prefer to come back in precise away.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never heard of something like this...

  • 1 decade ago

    no, ive never heard of this, im sorry! i hope everything turns out ok.... and anti-drug, your not sarcastic, your retarded!

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