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  • Where should I start troubleshooting this heat pump?

    We have a Trane XE 900 heat pump. The air coming out is cool but not cold. It stopped working 2 days ago but we did get it to work last night by holding the fan in the outside unit still and turning it on with the thermostat inside. It ran all night just fine but this morning it quit again. We've cleaned the inside unit and put in new filters and also checked the drain hose for clogs. We took the cover and one side off the outside unit and blew it out with an air compressor hose so there is no grass or trash inside it. The inside unit is running normal, the outside unit fan is turning but still no cold air. Where do we go from here?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Lawn Boy Self Propelled Lawnmower?

    I am working on a Lawn Boy self propelled push mower. It runs ok until you start to mow with it and then it shuts off. Also, I keep having to prime it every time I start it. I changed the primer bulb on the advice of a local hardware and the bulb is not quite the one that was on it. Any ideas? Just wondering if the primer bulb not being exactly the right one could cause it not to stay running.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I restored my computer and....?


    I restored my desktop due to a virus. Of course, everything is wiped out. My problems are:

    1) the drivers for my video are missing so I can't change the display settings, everything is garbled and big. The color is on 4 bit

    2) the drivers for my sound are missing so no sound

    3) Windows doesn't see my modem, I tried to install the drivers for it but it's not being seen on any ports so it's not taking the drivers

    Any help would be great. How do I find my video and sound cards to see what software or drivers I need to download

    What do I do about the modem, do I just unplug it and reinstall it then try to install the drivers?

    Thanks a million!

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Battery Cables Touched Together?

    What would happen if you touched the positive and negative battery cables together and held them for 10 seconds?? I received this advice about my van and want to make sure it wouldn't mess it up even more. Please don't be mean..this is a serious question.

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 1998 Ford Windstar Won't Start?

    Our van won't start. It will turn over but it will not crank. We thought there may be a problem with the anti theft system because ever since we replaced the battery in the van the alarm will go off by itself. We have disconnected the battery to reset the computer and also tried using the key to disarm the system. The light indicator for the alarm does go off as it should when the alarm is off. Anyone know what it could be?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 2002 Honda Recon Spits And!?

    We have a 2002 Honda Recon. It was parked for a few months and ran fine. Now when you try to ride it, you have to pull the choke all the way up to start it. When you are riding it, it spits and sputters and sometimes even backfires. Sometimes it does fine until you get into 3rd gear. The lower the gear, the better it runs. We tried carborator cleaner and we cyfilled (sp?) all the gas out and replaced it with fresh gas. The problem got a little better after we used the carborator cleaner but it still doesn't run right. Any help is appreciated!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can I stop the diarehha?

    Doctor has informed me I should stay home and wait for contractions. I have bloody show and diarehha. Had an exam today which he said could have caused the bleeding. Is it ok to try to stop the diarehha so I can try to get some sleep?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is this...40 weeks?

    I went to the doctor today for my 40 week visit. I am still 3 cm dilated (have been for weeks) and 80% effaced. Baby is still at -1 station.

    Tonight I feel sick on my stomach with loose bowel movements. When I used the bathroom there was a huge amount of bloody show and now it feels like I am sitting on something. Did I push too hard and cause the baby to become lower or is this normal?

    They have me scheduled to be induced on 1/2/08 but any chance I may go before then?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What tests do they do after 40 weeks?

    What kinds of tests do they do once you reach 40 weeks to determine if the baby is still thriving and the placenta is still working right? I don't want to be induced but I want to make sure it's safe to carry past 40 weeks should I go that far.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Due date correct...will I go by 40 weeks?

    I have been 3 cm dilated for weeks now and my plug came out 3 weeks ago as of yesterday. I am 80% effaced and my baby is at -1 station. I am 39 weeks and 3 days.

    The doctor said since I have 3 children already and am showing signs of being ready, he would induce after 40 weeks but I really don't want to be induced.

    My ultrasound and my measurements both match my last period date so I am 100% sure my due date is right.

    My question is...are most babies born by 40 weeks when the due date is right or I am really looking at being induced? I read that with correct due date the chance of going over 40 weeks is like 2%

    I am not willing to try castor oil or anything crazy. We can't have sex because it's not comfortable and I have been walking as much as I can stand.

    Also would like to add that I have 3 girls (this is a boy) and I have never carried past the 38th week. Always been induced because I was 3-5 cm with no contractions..stalled labor etc.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • New stay?

    To the new mommies that have just had a long did you have to stay. This is for vaginal birth, no problems, baby healthy.


    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Getting through Christmas?

    I have a rather odd question. Now that my due date is so close, I am starting to freak out!

    I have been 3 cm and around 75-80% effaced for three weeks now. I have had some bloody show off and on and the baby is at -1 station. My plug came out three weeks ago as well.

    As much as I am ready to get the pregnancy over with and have my baby boy, I am terrified it's going to be during Christmas Eve or Christmas dinner! I have three girls and I don't want to go into labor and miss the whole "look what Santa brought" party.

    Is there anything I can do to maybe put this off until atleast the day after Christmas? We have not had sex and I have not felt good the past few days so not much activity, just the bare minimum. I know they use bed rest sometimes to prolong labor when it's preterm.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Where is labor!?

    I am 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced and the baby is at -1 station. I was sent home from the hospital yesterday morning. The doctor said I was either in early labor or it was false labor. My contractions lasted from 10:30 Monday night until 1:00 yesterday afternoon. After all this time there was no change to my cervix. For 2 hours the contractions were very painful and were all 4 minutes apart with a time of 60 seconds each!

    Just wondering if anyone else has been through this? I am 38 weeks today and this is baby number 4. All my others were early (between 36 and 39 weeks) so I figured I would have a newborn by now..instead just an empty crib :(

    The doctor suggested sex which we can't do since everything is so smushed up in there but we have be doing mutual "self pleasure" to help bring on the oxytocin but it seems to do no good.

    I did lose my plug and have had bloody show mucus for a week or so...

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Labor without bloody show?

    I have been having contractions for a few hours now. They started at 10 minutes apart and have worked their way up to 3 minutes apart. Walking seems to make them worse and emptying my bladder doesn't help.

    I had a bloody show over the weekend and I lost my plug 12 days ago. Now I don't have a bloody show. Just some thick mucus earlier today but not now.

    The contractions are not getting worse, it is just steady pain.

    Yesterday I was 3.5 cm and 60% effaced and the baby was at -1 station. I went in because I thought I was in labor and they sent me home.

    I don't want to go to the hospital at 4 in the morning just to be sent home. So my question is, is it possible to go in labor without a bloody show if you had one before and it has stopped?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I turn off moderation for messages in my group?

    I have set all my members to moderation for messages they post. I would like to change this to all unmoderated. I tried changing it in the moderator settings but it did not take effect.

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • TMI Labor Question?

    Ok. Here is my run down. I am 37w4d

    I was 3 cm at my doctor's visit at 36w6d and I was 25% effaced. I had already lost my plug.

    This weekend I have had a bloody show once (last night) and nothing else has happened besides a few Braxton Hicks. Now tonight my back is hurting off and on but no tightening contractions. When I wipe, I get GOBS of mucous, not just a little here and there like before. It's almost like I am losing my plug again. The doctor said when he examined me that my plug was all gone.

    So my question is, should I wake up my husband and go to the hospital or should I wait and see what happens?

    This is my fourth but I was induces with my others so I have never done this on my own and never had the back pain with them either. Never lost my plug and don't remember the mucous being so much!

    I also have been feeling nauseous like in the first trimester.

    We have been walking and having sex per the dr's suggestion.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Labor and sex?

    I have a few questions.

    I am 36w4d pregnant with my fourth child. Here is what is going on:

    2 cm dilated

    50 % effaced

    bloody show is present

    loose bowel movements

    lost my plug on Friday at 36w1d

    contractions are off and on

    lots of pressure

    cervix is very low, it can be felt easily just by wiping when I go to the bathroom

    baby has dropped significantly

    I am really worried that this baby will be born too early and his lungs will be immature. My last child was born at 36 weeks and she had to be on oxygen for 3 days because her lungs were not ready.

    My question is, has anyone had this going on and still made it to their due date or close to it?

    Also, is sex still safe? I am assuming if my cervix is that low that if we tried to have sex, he would hit the bag of water...just concerened. We have not tried it.

    I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so I plan to discuss all this but I am afraid I wont' make it that long.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cramping after bowel movement?

    I am 31 weeks 5 days pregnant with my fourth child. I have been dealing with constipation and diarehha for a while now. Lately I have notice that after I have a bowel movement I have period like cramps that last about 20 minutes and go away. I don't remember having this with my other children. Should I be worried?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago