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Labor and sex?

I have a few questions.

I am 36w4d pregnant with my fourth child. Here is what is going on:

2 cm dilated

50 % effaced

bloody show is present

loose bowel movements

lost my plug on Friday at 36w1d

contractions are off and on

lots of pressure

cervix is very low, it can be felt easily just by wiping when I go to the bathroom

baby has dropped significantly

I am really worried that this baby will be born too early and his lungs will be immature. My last child was born at 36 weeks and she had to be on oxygen for 3 days because her lungs were not ready.

My question is, has anyone had this going on and still made it to their due date or close to it?

Also, is sex still safe? I am assuming if my cervix is that low that if we tried to have sex, he would hit the bag of water...just concerened. We have not tried it.

I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so I plan to discuss all this but I am afraid I wont' make it that long.

Thanks in advance for any help!


We have not tried to have sex and don't plan to.

Hubby has been checking to make sure nothing is there. He said he can see my cervix but that's all. The doctor has advised me to stay home until I have regular 5-6 minute contractions and/or my water breaks.

I was just curious as to other expierences.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    36 weeks is almost full term. by now the baby's lungs are developed enough to be born.

    your baby mostly grows in the last few weeks. I wouldn't really worry much, but this is common I had everything you are experiencing now, and my baby came right on his due date... with my other 2 babies I didn't have any of what you had and they were both born early...

    My first one was born 2 months early, and my middle one was born 3 weeks early....

    The first one suffers from permanent health problems but the middle one has none...

    my last one I was sure i was going to go into labor early, i had all the signs, and he just wasn't having it..

    the baby will be fine. i would stay away from sex... but that's just me.

    good luck everything will be fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My son was born at 36 weeks well really 35 weeks gestation and there is nothing wrong with him now. He was born 6lb10 oz, sure the neo natal fee was expensive but he is fine the nurses were actually wondering why he was in there as he was so big. Your baby will survive, the neo natal staff are well trained and will be able to deal with anything that arrives. It is kind of freaky when your children look so fragile, my son had tubes up his nose and I use to have to express into a seringe and put it down the tube.

    I would hold off on sex if your have lost your plug and with everything else going on. I am surprised you still want it lol, take it easy get your partner to do everything with the children and house work, just put your feet up and drink lots of water. Umm Cross your legs and hope for the (Sorry a bit of humor can relax you a bit)

    Source(s): Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Do not have sex unless you want the baby today. Sperm has prostaglandins in it that will stimulate labor. They actually induce labor with prostaglandin gel placed on the cervix.

    You are very close, will not make it to the due date. Anything can happen with the baby's lungs though, she or he could be just fine and not need oxygen. All in all, just oxygen is not bad as long as overall he or she is healthy! Smile, relax and let nature take it's course. I would call and give the Dr a status about the baby being so low you can feel when you wipe..maybe have your husband look and see if he can see any crowing, in that case rush in to L&D.

    Relax and think positive. :-) Congratulations!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd go into the ER if I were you. Holding the child in will do nothing but harm you and possibly the baby. If all this has been going on there's a chance that you could give birth before you get to the hospital and if you're baby's lungs aren't stable like the last time, you won't have anywhere to put her. If you go to the hospital, at least the baby would be well taken care of.

    And I wouldn't try sex at all at this point.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you are only 3 days from being full-term. So if your baby was born today, it would probably not have many problems from being "early". Has the doctor put you on pelvic rest? If not, sex should be okay. Just know it will likely stimulate your contractions, and you might end up in labor. If your water breaks, sex should be avoided.

  • 1 decade ago

    Back in the olden days. . . .

    I was told no intercourse last month . . .

    then 2 months and no baby, so . . .

    Yes, it did induce labor :o)

    Have fun some other way and take it easy . . .

    I doubt you will make it too being a second birth.

    I wonder why they aren't using this time to give the medication that prepares the lungs of pre-term infants? But you are close to term. A 'due date' doesn't matter to your babe.

  • 5 years ago

    No. that's mentioned that semen contains a chemical/hormone that thins the cervix... yet whilst that replaced into the case, what keeps you from going into labor at 6 weeks? 21 weeks? and so on. i think of that's greater of the muscle contractions that helps kick it in. exercising can help. yet get in all the intercourse you are able to now b/c you will possibly desire to no longer be waiting to for 6 weeks after the child is born! :) after which you would be interrupted by using "Waaa! Waaaa!" (translation: feed me NOW mommy!) delight in it on an identical time as you are able to....

  • my child was born at 37 weeks. she had problems, but they were not related to what week she was born. she or he should be fine if they were born right now....but if you dont want he/or she to be born right now....i would obstain from sex!!! lol...thats WHY my child was born at 37 weeks....i had sex at 6 pm ...and my water broke at 3 am the next morning. i wouldnt risk it....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Avoid sex, and try to see the doc sooner

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    how about some other form of sex for now until you after you deliver

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