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What is this...40 weeks?

I went to the doctor today for my 40 week visit. I am still 3 cm dilated (have been for weeks) and 80% effaced. Baby is still at -1 station.

Tonight I feel sick on my stomach with loose bowel movements. When I used the bathroom there was a huge amount of bloody show and now it feels like I am sitting on something. Did I push too hard and cause the baby to become lower or is this normal?

They have me scheduled to be induced on 1/2/08 but any chance I may go before then?


I meant to add that this is my fourth baby. I have always had to be induced and never expierenced any of this..all new to me.

Update 2:

Did my own little check..don't feel anything unusual. Baby is kicking. Reason for induction is because of the fact that I have had to be induced with my other three because of stalled labor. Doctor says to wait it out since I was there today and they did an exam that could be the cause of the bloody show. They also told me today that my cervix was in the position it should be in for labor to start very soon.

Update 3:

Due date, ultrasound and measurements all point to the same due date (12/27/07)

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm thinking you're not making it to that induction! Get a mirror and look to see what is going on down there. The feeling of sitting on something could be a prolapsed hemorrhoid. If there is nothing unusual going on with your bootie (sorry, I just can't use the word anus!), I'd start packing!

    Good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, I promise I am not trying to scare you: You said you feel like you are sitting on something. That could just be the pressure from a head becoming engaged, but you said you had a huge amount of bloody show. I really do believe you are on your way to a baby within a couple days, if not sooner. Your tummy issues are your bodies way of getting everything out of the way for labor. With the feeling that you are sitting on something, I think you need to reach inside yourself with a finger or two and make sure you don't feel an umbilical cord (which is quite different than the feel of a head or a bag of waters, which will both be round and smooth). Make sure you wash your hands first, b/c you don't want any bacteria inside you in general, and especially not right now. If you do feel an umbilical cord, get on your back with your butt in the air and call 911. The cord is your babies oxygen and if it presents before baby, baby gets no air. Like I said, I'm not trying to scare you, just want you to have as much info as possible.

    If you can't reach anything, or if you feel a head/bag of waters, then you are just fine.

    Since you know the status of your cervix, your doc did a vaginal exam which can cause bleeding.

    As an aside, why induce so soon? If you are 40 weeks today, then you still have two weeks before you are considered "past due". And your body is already getting in gear, so why push it? Induction is never better than laboring on your own and often causes much more intense labor and gives you a significantly increased risk of ending up with a c-section, which has a higher risk for mother and baby. Pitocin is notorious for giving women hard contractions that wear you out. And NEVER let a doctor use cytotec to induce you as it causes problems for baby and mom and the manufactures state that is is NOT to be used on pregnant women. But many docs use it anyway because it's fast.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bloody show and loose bowel movements are signs of labor.... you need to call the doc immediately you could be in labor and not be feeling the contractions yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the other answers.... Congrats!!! I'm happy for you!!

    Check out these top signs of labor:

    Notice it states that with loose stools it's a matter of a day or hours.

    Yes, call your doctor. Doesn't hurt to go in and get checked out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you should go NOW. If you have "a huge amount" of blood, especially at 40 weeks, you need to go in and have them check it out. Also-feeling like you're "sitting on something" you very well may be feeling your baby getting down in there and ready to pop out.

    Call your doc and go in. Congrats!

    Source(s): Mom of a 3.5 year old boy, 30w6d pregnant with a girl
  • 1 decade ago

    ER. That is my advice. Go now, let them check you and make sure you are ok. Blood at this stage is usually a sign of labor or something being wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are going to go into labor in the next two days if not tonight

  • labor labor labor :) congrats!!! call the doc and let them know what you just told us!

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