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Labor without bloody show?

I have been having contractions for a few hours now. They started at 10 minutes apart and have worked their way up to 3 minutes apart. Walking seems to make them worse and emptying my bladder doesn't help.

I had a bloody show over the weekend and I lost my plug 12 days ago. Now I don't have a bloody show. Just some thick mucus earlier today but not now.

The contractions are not getting worse, it is just steady pain.

Yesterday I was 3.5 cm and 60% effaced and the baby was at -1 station. I went in because I thought I was in labor and they sent me home.

I don't want to go to the hospital at 4 in the morning just to be sent home. So my question is, is it possible to go in labor without a bloody show if you had one before and it has stopped?


I forgot to add I am 37w6d and this is my fourth.

The doctor told us to come home and have sex but we can't because everything is so squished together..well you just doesn't work lol.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You dont necessarily have to have sex, some doctors say play around ( body play) and get your hormones working, make him touch you in sensitive spots. You dont need a bloody show to go in labour. you can get a pinkish show (or) your waters may break (or) labour pains start, these are all signs of labour coming. Walk around alot. Baby will be fine... Good Luck and All The Best with your newborn...

  • 1 decade ago

    most women have there show a week or so before they go into labor and not on the day they go into labor, with my son i didn't have a show and when he was born it was sitting on his head lol

    A show is your mucus plug that was stopping any other form of sperm getting into your womb, once you start to dilate it comes away. all this means is 12 days ago your started to dilate and prepare yourself for labor, get up walk about and get those contractions moving, your baby will be here soon.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't have a bloody show...I would go to the hospital. I would rather be sent home that have the baby at home without medical help...mind you had I been sent home from the hospital I would have been annoyed

  • aza
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well I didn't loose my 'plug' until I was in established (huffing and puffing labour! lol) labour for about 18 hours and I don't ever remember my waters going until they did it at around 24 hours!. Some of us are just weird! lol.

    I would go with your gut instinct and go demanding that you go in and stay there until your baby is born.

    Good luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    of course..

    and sitting down will not speed anything up either..

    keep walking... i was sent back home..and when i got home, i kept going up and down the stairs...

    6 hrs later i had my baby boy..

    so keep walking my friend...

    (i didnt have the "bloody" show either...(and they had to break my waters)

  • 1 decade ago

    try getting some nookie...that will help in more ways than one!!

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean, like The Sopranos?

    Source(s): TV Guide.
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