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You want to believe in God (or Goddess) cool by me :) More power to you.

However, how many of you have realized that RELIGION is BS politics? Screw that.

Love God, not religion.



It was mildly amusing and a LOT disheartening to see people answer in a way that defended belief in God. I wasn't disputing God at all. I was disputing relgion. God and religion are two totally different things.

I believe in God. I learned about Him/Her through the Bible and Catholicism; as I got older I studied some Pagan beliefs, Ancient Egyptian similarities to Christianity, I looked up and studied Quakerism, Judaism, Ba'hai, and Universalism.

Though my title to this question was worded harshly, I am not a troll, nor "seeking attention". However, I am seeking understanding. And one of my ways of doing that is by trying to challenge people to explain their religion (not their belief in God). I think all religions hold some beautiful nuggets of wisdom, wrapped in corruption, lies, bigotry and cruelty. I don't think God is the problem---in my eyes it is man made religion.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    religion would be embarrassing to any real god

  • 1 decade ago

    Ephesians 2:8-9.

  • Green
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    To several people, religion is important to them. I do not believe in it, and my own perspective is that it is incorrect. I will not claim it is BS though, lest I claim that all beliefs are BS. People find hope in religion, it eases their pains, and provides them happiness both of which are not BS.

    I've been down that route before, hating people for their religion. It is a waste of time and effort. If someone is religious, and does not force it upon me and others then good for them. They have found a way to cope with life just as I have.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, i agree. The word "religion" no longer means what it did, and such a word does not even appear in the bible (along with "church", "hell" and "sacrament" amongst others, unless one refers to unlawfully altered versions), and actually it has appearances closer to spiritism (which is bad for true followers) than spirituality, so maybe it never meant anything good. It is a mortally devised concept, used by groups of people to dominate or conflict with other groups of people. Religion at best foregoes the spirit (Church of scientology, catholicism, anglican, atheism, buddhism, shinto, Jehovah's witnesses, judaism, etc.), and at worst confuses and substitutes holy spirit for unholy spirit (CoJCoLDS/mormon, baptist, hillsong, pentecostal, islam, hindu, kabbalah etc.)

    Yet, we must tolerate the existence of these sects, for by their bad fruit we may identify and know the truth. And the truth sets people free, not enslaves them.

    Source(s): Too many exposures to mention
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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Religion is a form of control over the masses.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think that either religion OR belief in God is BS. I don't subscribe to either ideology, but others have every right to. Where I have a problem is when someone's ideology-be it political, religious, economic or whatever-becomes more important to them than morality or reason.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Amen and :


    You need to find a home church, be obedient, follow his word, be baptized with the holy spirit, show your self approved and do the will of God (Mark 16: 15 - 18)

  • Loosid
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think youre angry and feeling upset about God. I would go in prayer quietly and ask Him to give you peace. Everything in love. Gods peace to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How do you know you love God? How can you love someone you do not know?

    The ONLY way one can know God is through His own Holy Word, the Christian Bible.

    How do YOU know God if not by this manner?

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't think RELIGION is BS but i believe that there is always politics in it as there is politics in a workplace.

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