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  • Why do people look down on Janitors/Custodians or Maintenance People?

    I was just wondering. I personally know three people who work this kind(s) of job(s), and I have found all of them to be smart, educated, and EXTREMELY hardworking (all three run their own business). But I ran into a pompous question earlier that referred to them as "servants". (It was a high school aged teen of course) and the responses were disturbing.

    Why are people so condescending towards service jobs? Janitors, garbage men, city workers, nurses, waitresses, etc. It really kind of disgusts me. I doubt half the people criticizing these kinds of jobs have the hard work, experience, or education to do so.

    So why do YOU think these jobs are looked down upon? Why are they considered "bad"? I think service jobs are what keeps our country running, and what keeps our communities thriving, clean, healthy, and safe. How 'bout you?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • I need real, critical thoughts on Twilight.?

    Listen, being an avid Anne Rice fan, and being a fan of vampire books/movies since I was kid, you think I'd have read "Twilight" by now. But I am just not sure if want to put the time in yet until I get some REAL critical thoughts/reviews from other readers. So if you're here just to misspell words while proclaiming your love for Edward, you're not the kind of answerer I am looking for.

    I was a huge Anne Rice/Vampire Chronicles fan, and I heard this is similar but very much dumbed down (is that true?). I am also a huge fan of writers like Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Jean Auel, and Anne Bishop as well. (I also love the classics especially Shakespeare, Poe, Plath). Do you think then, that I would enjoy this series? I am not a big fan of cheesy cliches or silly writing for the most part, though I am a sucker for a WELL written fairytale. I remember being skeptical of Harry Potter when that whole deal was happening; but I gave them a chance and I was delighted! (I even worked for Mugglenet for a while if you are familiar with the website, lol)

    So having a little background info about my (fiction) literary tastes...

    What did you like about the books?

    What did you dislike?

    Do you think they deserve the attention they are getting?

    Do you think I might enjoy them? Or are they too cheesy?


    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I finally got to see McCain's speech and...?

    I finally got to see McCain's concession/loss speech. Even though I have been an Idependent/Liberal (Dem Leaning) voter, I thought it was lovely. Honest, humble, entirely diplomatic and gracious. McCain, being a war HERO, already had my respect, even though I strongly disagreed with his policies and views. (Palin---ugh. A whole 'nother story.)

    Anyway---after watching both speeches (McCain's and Obama's) I noticed something. McCain supporters booed at every turn, for each gracious comment McCain made towards Obama. McCain had to, several times, ask them "please, stop". Obama supporters, on the other hand, during his speech when he praised McCain, stayed respectful and silent (and even clapped sometimes!)

    Why is that? Why does it seem that Liberals, Democrats, Independents...can be respectful towards McCain, and admit that he deserves respect, while (many) Republicans, Conservatives, and Evangelicals can only boo at any mention of mutual respect and diplomacy?

    What is it with the Repubs/Cons/Evangelicals and judgement, violence, and disrespect?

    In my personal opinion, it ain't cool. I respect McCain, I just think Obama was/is better for our country right now. Why can't (many) Conservatives have the same respect and diplomacy?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I broke my toe earlier today...?

    I broke my baby toe earlier today. There obviously isn't any reason to go to the hospital since they basically tell ya there is nothing they can do, and they just tape it for you.

    My question is, is there anything else I can do besides just taping it? Any little tricks or remedies to keep it straight and keep it from hurting so bad? LOL :) It sucks.

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Need help remembering an old cartoon

    Okay, this will sound very strange, but please bear with me. I am trying to remember an old cartoon---I believe it was an animated movie. I think it *may* have been on Nickelodeon, but it might have been Disney too, not sure.

    I can't describe much; I was a little kid. All I remember is a little boy, floating underwater, following some kind of guide i think? Lots of white, beige, lots of crystals everywhere.

    I already found one of the old movies I couldn't quite remember...Unico. So I am hoping to find the one I described above, too.

    You may not remember it if you weren't an 80's kid. I want to say I saw it around the era between '84 and '89.

    Any help would be SO appreciated.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Anyone ever have a problem with a "peeping tom"?

    We have had an issue with what we believe to be a "peeping tom". I caught a man looking through our living room window twice, about 5 or 6 months ago. We just now caught him again about a half hour ago. I called the police and an officer came out, and told us he would put an extra patrol in the area around the time the "peeper" seems to strike (between 4-6 a.m.)

    My question is, has anyone else ever had this issue or problem? Any ideas on what I can do to deterr him from coming back/staying away. I of course always keep my doors locked, but it's scary.

    Any ideas/suggestions?

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • People asking for psychics' help?

    I am just wondering why so many people on Yahoo Answers ask for a psychic's help. Don't get me wrong; I do believe that some people have special gifts. However, I believe a genuine psychic/ESP ability is extremely rare.

    In other words, do the people asking these questions realize that they are almost always being answered by frauds? Usually teens or young adults who believe without any basis in fact, that they are "psychic" when it is completely untrue? Usually the cheesy Pagan/fanatsy types answer these people's pleas with such definite answers, and it's just ridiculous.

    (Don't get me wrong, I have HUGE respect for Paganism, and I love fantasy...but by cheesy, corny types, you know what I mean. The flakes.)

    So just to restate: I believe psychic ability exists; however I don't think genuine psychics are waltzing around YA on a regular basis. So why believe that 15 year old with the witch hat avatar that thinks she's a high priestess dragon caller? LOL. Just wondering.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you burn Quicktime videos onto a CD or DVD?

    Is it me, or does Quicktime work with NOTHING? LOL. Anyway---is there any possible way to burn a quicktime vid onto a DVD?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Making a movie for Mother's Day; need help?

    I am finished making a little slideshow movie with windows moviemaker. However, I cannot seem to burn it to a DVD no matter what I try. Any suggestions? Am I missing something here?

    Any help would be SO appreciated. Thanks :)

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is misogyny or "man bashing" more prevalent in the gay community?

    This is, in no way, meant to be offensive. I am not homophobic in any way that I am aware of. I have (and love) my gay friends.

    However, I have always wondered about something. It seems as if some drag queens, as well as some particularly flamboyant gay men, dislike women. Let me explain; they portray their feminine personas (or simulate/model their female-like personalities) in a way that makes me think they dislike women; they portray women as catty, shallow, backbiting, materialistic, agressive, rude, etc. In seeing this, it occurs to me that if they are emulating/copying what they believe to be womanly or feminine traits, then they must dislike women since they seem to accentuate the most negative stereotypes.

    The same goes for some particularly masculine lesbians. They emulate the more negative stereotypes of men---machismo, laziness, agressiveness, etc. Making me think they dislike men, because look at the traits they choose to adopt.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

  • How do you reconcile yourself with the popular image of God?

    I see many Christians on here, and generally in life, who have a very strong faith in the ord and believe wholeheartedly that He loves them. Nothing wrong with that ;)

    However, the popular image of God---the one protrayed by the Bible, Catholicism, Protestantism, Baptists, Pentecostals, Jehova's Witnesses, etc. is an image of a very vengeful, wrathful being who can and will send you to hell for any one of a myriad of sins---even those sins that are inherent to human nature.

    A comedian (Carlin, lol) recently said something that made me think. He speaks about how God gives us our "rules" AKA, Commandments. And how if we do not follow them he will send us to "burn and choke and die and scream and cry forever" etc. Then he goes on to sarcastically say "but He LOVES us".

    I have to say, wow. The popular imgae of the Lord comes off as hypocrite. He loves us, but will send us into an eternity of torment if we do not worship him. That seems...awful.

    Continued below.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Finger paralysis?

    Obviously I will see a doctor about this soon, but i was wondering if anyone here has had this experience or can help.

    Earlier this evening, my middle finger and hand tingled in a strange way, and then my middle finger drooped like it was "dead". This happened twice, but it only lasts one or two seconds. Any ideas? Carpal tunnel maybe or some nerve thing?

    Thanks for any help or ideas.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Why do so few people use punctuation?

    I read many questions here at Yahoo Answers, and a majority of people seem to have no idea what punctuation is. They write a rambling paragraph with no periods, capital letters, exclamations, etc. It makes things so difficult to read! Add that to the people misspelling even the most simple of words, and using the nefariously evil "cHaT SpEaK" and you have a mess on your hands. I can barely understand some of the questions! So why do you think people type this way? Is it a matter of looking "cool" (I never understood how coming off as stupid makes you cool), or is it just that SO many people are that "grammatically challenged"? I wouldn't ask this, and come off as pompous---but it's pretty severe! I'm not talking a couple of typos. You can't even understand half the questions here! What's your take on it?

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Bible - Old Testament?

    Okay I have a couple of questions---and before anyone makes assumptions, I AM a spiritual person, and I DO believe in God.

    However; if we believe literally, that the Bible is the incontrovertable truth, then we must logically follow it literally, right?

    So that is all fine and good for the Christians (thou shalt not judge) who judge and condemn gays...but what about lobster, crab and shrimp? To eat them is a hellworthy offense. To wear more than one type of fabric (wool, cotton) is hellworthy sin, too. And don't forget that we should put to death disobedient teens.

    Why do so many people take what they want from the Bible (like judging and condemning homosexuals), but leave out other parts (like shellfish being unholy)?

    Why do some Christians discount the Old Testament, yet still condemn homosexuals?

    I don't understand the (convenient) justification.

    I DO believe in God. But the Bible was written by MEN.


    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Converting videos?

    Hi, I'd like some advice about converting my "Quicktime" videos. I would like to use Windows Movie Maker, as well as other programs that can manipulate and work with my videos. However Quicktime doesn't work with ANY other program or application it seems. So any advice on how to convert the Quicktime videos, or at least be able to work easily and efficiently with them?

    Thanks much:)

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • G.A.D. Coping Mechanisms?

    Just wondering...

    I have G.A.D. (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and I am wondering how many people out there suffer the same things I do? Racing heartbeats ( to the point where I may need a pace maker as I get older, all from anxiety), severe stomach aches, crazy rashes, panic attacks, unwanted thoughts, hard time swallowing...all the usual G.A.D. and O.C.D. stuff.

    How do you cope? Even after dealing with it for as long as I have, (about 8 years) I am still always open to opinions and understanding. You never know what can turn your life around---you never know what can make difference. So how do you deal? How do you deal with everyday life? With your kids? Your husband? Your family? Anything is appreciated.

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Fish recipes?

    I am looking for good, simple fish recipes for white fish like Perch and Tilapia.

    Oven Baking or Pan fried/sauteed preferred.

    (Please no huge, long lists of ingedients; while I have spices I do not own a spice company, lol)

    Thanks guys :)

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Illegal immigrants in schools?

    We live in a medium sized city, and the school my son attends is predominately Hipsanic, because of the huge influx of illegal immigrants.

    I recently found out that the person watching the students on the playgorund is Spanish speaking and cannot fluently communicate with the English speaking students. Therefore if there was an emergency, or an injury, this playground monitor would not be able to communicate with my son.

    I am all for intergration, however opposed I am to illegal immigration in general. But I find this situation unacceptable in an American school. Shouldn't people responsible for our children be able to communicate with our kids? It troubles me that when she gives directions, the kids in his class who speak Spanish must translate them to my son and the other English speaking students. This is a major safety issue, and I am terribly worried and disappointed.

    How would you handle this situation?

    25 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people assume certain things about Americans?

    Now don't me wrong, as humans we all have our assumptions about other cultures. However, I've seen a lot of American bashing lately, and I wanted to know where the assumptions come from. Most average Americans HEATEDLY disagree with our current government and president. Hollywood celebrities aren't the best representatives of the average American either, lol. Same goes for TV---it's fictional and with the exception of a couple shows, does not represent the average American either. I see the average American as generally pretty family oriented, fun loving, quirky, and ambitious. Of course we have our bad apples, but there are crappy people in every country.

    So I wanted to know where (what specific sources) the assumptions that we are ALL conceited, loud, overbearing, power hungry thugs is coming from. Me, my family, my friends, and most the people I know are a far cry from that current stereotype. Thoughts?

    10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago

    You want to believe in God (or Goddess) cool by me :) More power to you.

    However, how many of you have realized that RELIGION is BS politics? Screw that.

    Love God, not religion.


    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago