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Why do so few people use punctuation?

I read many questions here at Yahoo Answers, and a majority of people seem to have no idea what punctuation is. They write a rambling paragraph with no periods, capital letters, exclamations, etc. It makes things so difficult to read! Add that to the people misspelling even the most simple of words, and using the nefariously evil "cHaT SpEaK" and you have a mess on your hands. I can barely understand some of the questions! So why do you think people type this way? Is it a matter of looking "cool" (I never understood how coming off as stupid makes you cool), or is it just that SO many people are that "grammatically challenged"? I wouldn't ask this, and come off as pompous---but it's pretty severe! I'm not talking a couple of typos. You can't even understand half the questions here! What's your take on it?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a child`s thing to write so.

    When they grow and have children of their own, they too will be horrified when their offspring do the same.

    I hope.

    General educational standards in the West and as far as I can see, particularly in the States, are becoming very low and illiteracy is becoming a problem. In Europe the standards are rather higher in general, in the East, higher still.

    People have to wake up soon and realise that they are not being taught all that they need to know to compete adequately in this World of ours. To have such a low level of standard education produces inept morons who will have as their career path the choice of nothing or cannon fodder.

    To generalise the point, a nation will only educate it`s population to a standard sufficient to produce the people that it will need in the future.

    Maybe that is what our illustrious leaders want though eh ?

    Source(s): A lifetime`s experience and travel.
  • Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's pathetic.. but the truth is, a lot of people really just don't know how to be punctual and grammatically correct. Literacy is a growing problem in the world. Actually, in 2001 only 50% of the world was literate. Literacy, in the sense of a person being illiterate or literate, is also a very lose term- and can sometimes mean people who can read a vocabulary of 100 words.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's quicker to do it that way. Sometimes when a person types fast they mispell words, and seeing how this isn't a report or anything spell check isn't used. I understand the questions on here. What section are the questions you're readingin?

  • 1 decade ago

    They don't realize that there's spell check here. Also, they apparently don't realize that they don't have abbreviate things here since you don't need to type as fast as you would have to when in a chat room. I'm less likely to take the people who use chat speak seriously.

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  • 1 decade ago

    People these days are way too lazy to use punchuation, and they just want to write it, not take the whole day. It is alot faster but sometimes, I cant even understand what people write!

    Great opinion/ debate

    (whatever you wan to call it!)

  • Yahoo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Mainly it is a lack of education. Understand that it isn't "most people". It is "most accounts". One moron can carry a thousand accounts and they tend to type the same way regardless of of the character they are playing.

  • I guess most of them are teenagers and they text sooo much theyre used to it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i alwaiz tipe lyk dat

    idk wut ur takin bout

  • 1 decade ago

    ,,,,,,,,,,,""""""...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;''''''''''''''''Are you happy now???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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