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I need real, critical thoughts on Twilight.?

Listen, being an avid Anne Rice fan, and being a fan of vampire books/movies since I was kid, you think I'd have read "Twilight" by now. But I am just not sure if want to put the time in yet until I get some REAL critical thoughts/reviews from other readers. So if you're here just to misspell words while proclaiming your love for Edward, you're not the kind of answerer I am looking for.

I was a huge Anne Rice/Vampire Chronicles fan, and I heard this is similar but very much dumbed down (is that true?). I am also a huge fan of writers like Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Jean Auel, and Anne Bishop as well. (I also love the classics especially Shakespeare, Poe, Plath). Do you think then, that I would enjoy this series? I am not a big fan of cheesy cliches or silly writing for the most part, though I am a sucker for a WELL written fairytale. I remember being skeptical of Harry Potter when that whole deal was happening; but I gave them a chance and I was delighted! (I even worked for Mugglenet for a while if you are familiar with the website, lol)

So having a little background info about my (fiction) literary tastes...

What did you like about the books?

What did you dislike?

Do you think they deserve the attention they are getting?

Do you think I might enjoy them? Or are they too cheesy?


6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally, I enjoyed Twilight. It's not the height of literature, just a simple book to read. But unfortunately, it is getting way too much attention and is simply overrated.

    Why I like Twilight:


    Simple Read

    Makes a nice, little escape

    Why I don't like Twilight:

    The vampires sparkle

    Not well-written


    Obsessed TwiFans are annoying

    I can find so many examples proving why Twilight isn't well-written. The book is full of purple prose and cliches. The plot is rather weak, and the main character is a mary sue. Not to mention the grammar errors, and jaded theme of forbidden love.

    You might enjoy them, you might not. It's just a pleasure book, no heavy duty reading involved. No symbolism, no real themes, but just a simple book. But you said you're not a sucker for cliches and silly writing, and I Meyer's book goes under that category.

    The fans are annoying. Especially the obsessed TwiFans. No two ways about it. They come on Answers with usernames like Mrs.Edward Cullen and Twilight Rox!!!, and scream about how great Twilight is, their only reasons being "cuz edward is sooo hawt!" and "twilight is da bast bok evr!!!1". What really sets me off is when people begin calling it "somethin so beeutiful!" and "how culd somethin that beautful be ritten?". These people need to read more.

    Just my two cents.

  • Anna
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My friends introduced me to the books a few years ago. I was pretty willing to try a new series and I really loved Twilight. It wasn't the best book ever, but it had a descent plot and pretty like-able characters. It took me a while to finish reading the first one cause I wasn't really that into it in the beginning, but once I did, I wanted New Moon (the second book in the series). And I suddenly got pulled into the fan base. It's a strange thing, because once I had found that online niche, the books took a seat of "nobility", so to say. They were perfect, and wonderful, and man did I love Edward (heck you didn't want to be near me when my mom told me we'd go out to get Eclipse last year, after having to wait a whole freakin' day for it!) Anyway, I really was drawn into the hype and it was definitely not a good thing. So many people were praising these books, and once when I was rereading one (a major first for me, I like to read books once!) I put it down and said out loud "why do people like this book?" The writing is mediocre, and the storyline, which was a little weak to begin with, just went down hill from there. Breaking Dawn was the most horrid excuse for a novel that ever hit the shelves. I'd rather not get too into it, but I pretty much lost most of the respect I had for Stephenie Meyer after that train wreck. It was just not consistent with the other books, and was a disappointment. Don't start reading these books, their not that good (though you should see the movie, because it does look pretty amazing, and Catherine Hardwick is a great director). The fame for the Twilight books is a lace cover sewn by the fans. It’s not so much that the books are good, it’s that so many people have convinced themselves that they are, and “brainwashed” other people to believe so. Don’t get sucked in, it’s not really worth it, though Edward is awesome (aaaaaaaah! Eddie!!!!!!!) Sorry! : )

  • 1 decade ago

    Twilight is not your typical vampire book. If you like dark, mysterious books about brooding heroes and tough chicks, you probably won't appreciate Twilight. It is, first and foremost, a love story. And a good one at that!! I, too like Anne Rice, but I found Twilight's soft love, good action, and great characters very refreshing. Edward is more of a supernatural being than a vampire. He has a dark side, but it is only because he fears hurting the girl he loves. If you've ever seen Angel (from buffy the vampire slayer), its a LITTLE like that, but better.

    The only thing I disliked was the slow beginning of the first book, and the somewhat depressing nature of the second. Other than that, they are written well, the plot is impeccable, and the characters spot on. I do think they deserve the attention they are getting, and more. They are incredibly well done.

    Cheesy is a very subjective thing. Just give it a shot and see what you think.

    Give it a try, you might just find that you really like it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, like I've been saying this for the past 70 questions, but here I go again... (I don't mind - I'm just bored, really. It feels like -40 outside, but it's cold and snowing...).

    I liked the books, if you want something you could fall into cloud 9 on. It's like floating on a cloud, especially Twilight. For the more advanced readers, you'd be a little more skeptical than others who dreams about finding their "Edward". I mean, I do too, but still...

    I disliked how unrealistic it was. And I don't mean the vampires and the werewolves and the mythical stuff. I meant how unrealistic it was, in the Twilight world Meyer created. She didn't stick to the mythology she created, and the laws of physics in the Twilight world. Everything was an exception to Bella. I mean, I understand her losing part of herself, because she became a vampire, and how we cannot relate to her any longer because she is a vampire, but..

    Vampires were not supposed to have children, yet she birthed from the semen of a vampire. Next, Bella was the PERFECT vampire. On the first day, she TOTALLY ignored the scent of human scent. ON THE FIRST DAY SHE WAS A VAMPIRE. Oh, jeez. She's beautiful, she has a half - vampire baby, she's GRACEFUL, even more so than Alice... but she was a klutz as a human. *rolls eyes* Then, there's where Bella saved the day. All she had to to was put on her shield, and everyone was safe! As the series went on, the storyline broke down more and more. Eclipse; I was confused in the story, because I had figured out everything by the middle of the story. I thought the characters knew it too. What made me confused was the pace of how they figured out, piece by piece, whereas I found out everything by a few chapters.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the Twilight series. I like how Meyer writes with such passion and love for the first book. Twilight was the one I truly loved, because of how Meyer made you lose yourself into the Twilight world, and fall in love with the story that is Edward and Bella. It made you want to be a vampire. It made you want to fall in love, and find your "Edward". It was a true cloud 9.

    They do and they don't deserve the attention. They shouldn't be acknowledged as something like Moby Dick or To Kill a Mockingbird, but I had to give props. It was a great story.

    You MIGHT enjoy them, but I can't tell you that, really. I am able to look at a book with different perspectives, so I was able to appreciate the books, while learning to appreciate the classics at the same time. I looked at it, not the same way you'd look at something like a classic book, like To Kill a Mockingbird. They're cheesy, all right. But, it's cutesy. I like it because of it.

    No offense to those die hard fans (Hey, I spent an expensive sweater for Twilight, well it was cute. I bought the books, and I'm seeing the movie. Don't accuse me of hating the books), but liking Twilight, for me, at least, was like having a shallow crush. A crush that you only have because the guy is hot, or good looking. I have those moments.

    Source(s): My opinion. Hope it was critical for you.^^ I'd have more great, and perspective insight, but I don't want to drag on and on about the pros and cons of Twilight.
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  • 1 decade ago

    "Generic" isn't the right word, but it's the first to come to mind.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok here it is. Its a copy paste answer(sorry I normally don't approve of them) but it's way too much for me to type out again.

    I like that the books get people reading but there is a lot wrong with them.

    Here is why I think twilight is awful: I felt that its poor characters, over done plot, hellishly annoying lead character Bella, bad writing, predictable story line, terribly stiff unrealistic dialog all came together to form a very very bad book.

    To call this a romance is like calling Great Expectations by Charles Dickens an action story. It has no romance it has light fluffy puppy lust. Real Romance has passion and love conflict and desire. This series has none of that. Look at why they love each other. He thinks she smells yummy and she thinks he is hot. That’s not love or romance that’s just shallow and some what disturbing.

    Bella. Dear god where to begin with Bella. She is supporting misogyny one pathetic whiny bitchy action a time. She cannot do anything on her own with out nearly killing herself. She is just plan stupid despite the authors attempts to make her seem intelligent and she is beyond annoying. She lets people walk all over her. She sets feminism back a good 400 years supporting what Male rulers of the 1600s called Feminine weakness. She gives up her entire life for a boy she has known for a month and not had a single deep conversation with. She literally so virtually no point in living with out Edward then she leads Jacob on through almost all of New Moon then dumps him. She made Jacob her rebound and then treated him like trash. She is what most people in real life call a b*tch. She does nothing but treat people badly at least people who are not vampires. I will admit I did like Jacob until Eclipse. I felt like punching Bella for treating the poor boy like that. One of the worst things you can do to some one is lead them on then dump them. Trust me it is one of the most painful things you can do to someone. She has virtually no likable qualities at all. She has no goals no ambitions no dreams nothing except becoming a vampire and loving Edward. That's it. That is all she wants from life. She ditches everything n her life to be with Edward and she knows almost nothing about him. She likes him because he is good looking. Seriously I hate her. She is one of the worst characters I have ever come across in all my years of reading.

    Edward is another terrible character. First of all he is portrayed as perfect. What kind of author makes a character perfect then says she wants her characters to be realistic? Secondly he is a vampire THAT FREAKING SPARKLES! Like Tinkerbelle or Glenda the good witch. Vampires should be pale and ugly not glittery bunny eaters. Thirdly there are 165 descriptions of his beauty in twilight alone. Honestly who needs to be told a guy is pretty that many times? I find it funny though because are never actually told what he looks like outside other than very vague things like bronze hair, topaz eyes and pale skin. There is also the little problem with him being abusive that bothers me. He is EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE he may never hit Bella but he messes with her mind and her emotions so much he might as well. I hate how every one keeps saying he loves her and is just being protective because that’s not true. Being protective is telling someone to be carful and checking up on them from time to time not removing parts from their car so they cant go see their best friend. He is a jerk and Bella can’t see past his god like glittery exterior to see that.

    There is also the matter of the completely useless characters in it such as Esme and Emette. They serve no purpose at all except to take up space. They add nothing to the story. You could take them out and it would be the exact same yet they are classifyed as main characters. Even worse are the classmates that are only there to show you how desirible Bella despite her having no likable qualities. The human boys (Eric Tyler and Mike) are the prime examples or this. They do not futher the story at all, they just sort of exist to ogle Bella and dream about her. They have known her for less than a day yet they adore her enough to be fighting over her.

    The parents bother me a lot in this book too. Bella’s father is a police chief and yet he cannot even tell that there is a stranger sneaking into his house at night watching his daughter sleep? And Bella’s mom is another annoying parent. She gives up her daughter for a little boy toy. What kind of mother does that? I suppose I should say Bella left because of the boy toy but still it’s a terrible why to portray mothers.

    The cluttered writing bothers me too. I am wondering if there was even an editor because this book was so cluttered it was annoying to read. Honestly why can’t Stephanie Meyer cut back on the adjectives and focus on the story rather than telling us about Edwards’s velvet voice 30 times? Is it really so hard to do?

    The dialog in this book is just plan sad. “You’re my brand of heroin.” Comparing love to heroin for one thing is a no-no because love is not like heroin. “Bring on the shackles I’m your slave.” Ok that’s wrong on so many levels. The first of which is, no teenager alive talks like that. Also I think Edward is masochist. “Holy Crow.” Ok now I have not uttered anything that stupid since I was 7 and I doubt any 17 talks like this. If they do they are probably teased by every other 17. A normal 17 year old would say something like: Oh god, Oh sh*t, f*ck, Oh Crap, Holy Hell, Oh my god, Whoa. But Holy Crow? Come on now that’s just stupid. Not to mention some of Edward's lines that sound like messages from greeting cards.

    I also fail to see any actual plot until the end of the first book. Up until that point its just a bunch of pointless fluff that consist of Edward and Bella making eyes at each other and cuddling. There are no sub plots what so ever. Every little thing reolves entirely the "plot" of Bella and Edwards puppy lust. Thats it.

    The Vampires in this book are just plan painful. Glittering vampires that are drop dead gorgeous have super strength, are eternally young, have super speed, mind reading powers, whose eyes change color and they eat animals? That sounds like something from bad fan fiction. Vampires are supposed to be pale corpse like, ugly or some thing like that. They could even be sexy but at least give them an uncontrollable blood lust or something that’s a flaw. She might as well have called the Cullen’s fairies. It would have made more sense that way.

    The story is another bothersome thing. How many vampire human love stories have seen? A human girl meets vampire man they fall in love instantly and she is not even bothered by the fact that he wants to eat her. It’s boring. I mean change it up some. Make the girl a vampire for once instead of the guy, have it end with the vampire going crazy and eating the girl, something just not the same stuff we have seen.

    All in all I just find this book to be really bad. I know I am being a bit harsh but I think that if something is going to get this much attention and be called the best book ever it should at least live up to a fraction of it.

    This book is nothing like the Interveiw with a Vampire series. Frankly its just trash compared to it. I am not a huge Anne Rice fan but still I prefer her books to these any day.

    They are horribly cheesey and no i don't think you would enjoy them. I would go with the Women of the Other World series b Kelley Armstrong. They are not exclusively vampires but they are good.

    Source(s): I'm tough critic I know.
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