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  • How to build my credit?

    I don't know why my credit is "bad", and I'm such a newb to the whole thing, that I'm baffled as to how I should build it back up? I applied for a credit card and they rejected me. My husband and I want to build our credit so we can eventually buy a house. I suspect maybe my credit isn't good because I think I have a library fine from where I used to live. It was really small though, like $20.

    Could my school loans affect my credit? We're paying them on time.

    So I guess my question is, how can I build my credit if I can't get a credit card?

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I want another baby already?

    I'm not sure what's wrong with me. My baby is 4 months old, and I already want another one. *forehead smack* My husband doesn't want another so soon...not by a long shot. And after how hard my labor and birth with our daughter was, I didn't think I'd want another baby ever. But it just suddenly hit me really hard, and I'm starting to feel that same obsession I felt prior to conceiving our child.

    Any advice? Anecdotes or personal experiences? Ways to convince me it's NOT a good idea?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How long does pre-labor last before active labor?

    I wasn't impatient until my body started to tease me, lol! For the past week or so I've had a lot of BH contractions, some painful some not, and all erratic. Until 7 PM when they seem to strike up a pattern. They usually ease off around 1 AM, and I get a few in the middle of the night that are painful enough to wake me up. Last night was the worst, with lots of pressure in my pelvic and vaginal area as well as contractions that seemed to hurt my back.

    How long can this last? Are we talking days or weeks here? I'm 38 weeks and this is my first. Any experiences with something similar?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Baby Alien Halloween Costume?

    My husband and I are expecting a little girl any day now, and so she'll be about a month and a half by the time Halloween rolls around. We always go to a Halloween party for our church, and have decided that we're going to be Scully and Mulder from the x-files, and our little girl will be our baby alien.

    So my question is, do you have any ideas on how to make a baby alien costume? And one that's somewhat comfortable for a newborn? I don't have a sewing machine, although I could probably sew minor things by hand.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas!

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Infected kitten paw, any advice?

    So my husband and I found this little kitten wandering around outside, and decided to give her a place to stay. Our apartment doesn't allow pets, so we've been trying to take care of her the best we can without actually "keeping" her. She might be about 6 months, I'm not sure. She does stay inside for a lot of the day and goes out for a few hours, and the longer we've had her the more frequent we seem to be keeping her.

    Anyway, I noticed about 3 days ago that her front left paw is probably infected. There was pus in the space between her pad and the smaller pads of her toes. My husband brought home some hydrogen peroxide, and we tried flushing it out with that. However, this is the third night we've attemping cleaning and flushing it, and we can't see a cut or anything. I just looks raw and sort of gouged, even though when I repeatedly check it througout the day it seems to still be leaking pus. Also there's dirt actually stuck on the wound and we can't get it off. We're afraid of hurting her by pulling at it...or opening a wound or something. It's not swollen, and she's not limping, but it definitely causes her pain when we hold her down to examine and clean the paw.

    Any advice as to what it could be or what to do? Where is the pus coming from? We can't afford a vet right now, especially because we're expecting a baby any day.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Ok, how about the girl name?

    So I asked for your opinion on our little boy name (thanks for the positive response!)

    So since we don't find out the sex until Friday, what do you think of this girl name?

    Lilianna Marie

    Marie is my mother's middle name so we're keeping that. Is Lilianna too popular? I know Lily is.

    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • We chose a baby boy name. Thoughts?

    Rowan Alexander

    Do you like it? Think it's too odd?

    23 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Monistat 7 and Pregnancy?

    I am 6 weeks pregnant, and just developmed a yeast infection (ick). I was told by a lot of women that Monistat 7 would be safe to use even this early in my pregnancy, but I'm still not so sure. I wanted to get some opinions from everyone else on here too! (Yes, I am calling my doctor, so that's not a valid answer ;p)

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Vague TV show...Help!!?

    There was this TV show I used to love when I was younger, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it, and I can't find it anywhere. Maybe one of you can help me out! It used to be on before Murder She Wrote on A&E in the afternoons, (this is about 9 years ago) and it looked like an 80's show. It was a guy cop and a woman who I think had a child but I could be wrong on that. They were always getting into mishap together, and there was that "will they, won't they?" appeal to their impending relationship. In one episode they pretended to be married on a cruise for a case. Can anyone remember the name of this TV show? I know, vague, right? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • What the heck is going on!!!?!?

    So, I started my birth control pills in the beginning of October. However, I missed about 6 or 7 within just the first two weeks, and so I just stopped taking them around the 14th of October. My husband and I had unprotected sex before I stopped, after I stopped, and just haven't really been worrying about it because I figured the pills would still be in my system (and we didn't really care if we got pregnant, we want kids anyway).

    So, I'm 4 days past when my period should have been, but the test was negative. So what's going on? Is it my birth control making my period come a few weeks later or am I pregnant? I'm really confused!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Need some help! TTC soon...?

    My husband and I can't TTC until April 2009, but I'm so impatient! It seems sooooo far away! Can anyone give my advice for patience or what I can do to alleviate my baby cravings?

    Also, when should I stop taking my bcp before we tcc?

    Added details--my husband wants to time the birth, thats why we have to wait. I'm dying!!!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I really need to know!!!! Help me PLEASE?

    I missed a whole lot of pills from my birth control pack, so I just stopped taking them all together, and I've started my period from it. But how will that affect my ovulation, meaning will it make it late? My husband and I have sex alteast every other day (unprotected) but I can't get pregnant because I'm on my period, right? When would we have to stop having unprotected sex? I was supposed to have ovulated yesterday, but that would be different now, wouldn't it?

    Please help! Thanks!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • The effects of birth control if...?

    So I sort of asked a question like this, but I have more questions now, lol. I missed like 6 or 7 pills within the first two weeks (yeah stupid I know) and so I stopped taking them all together, just in case I might be pregnant. But now I'm on my period (because I stopped them), and so my question is: does that mean I can't get or be pregnant? And does stopping the pills change my ovulation date? I'm supposed to be ovulating today and tomorrow, but would that be different now? Can I expect a period at the same time as I normally would have it?

    Thank you for any answers, I'm in desperate need of help! My husband and I woudn't mind a baby, we just aren't expecting one.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need some help here! About birth control...?

    I just started taking birth control again (I skipped a month) and in the first week I missed three pills, and this is my second week and I missed two again. My husband and I have been having sex pretty regularly. So, I know I could be pregnant, there is a pretty big risk, but should I stop taking the pills just in case? Would it harm my baby if I kept on taking them? If we're pregnant we'll be happy, of course, we just weren't planning on it.

    P.S. I know I was stupid for missing so many, so no mean comments please!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it possible, what do you think? ?

    I know this question gets asked just about every five seconds on this site, but I thought I'd get everyone's opinion's and sort of take a poll, just for fun. Do you think I'm pregnant?

    My last period was August 31. My husband and I had sex on (notably, anyway) on the 10th, the 12th, the 15th, 16th, and the 17th. We had sex everyday before that, lol. Anyway, I am feeling a little odd like I'm really thirsty, I have cramps, and I get lightheaded a little more. It's only started happening today. So what do you think? Could I be pregnant?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • For LDS members about marriage?

    I attend BYU and I just got married. My husband and I moved into a cute little apartment and also a student married ward. I was so surprised to see that everyone (minus maybe two couples) were either pregnant or had children...or both. Before we got married my husband and I both agreed that we would wait until we were done with college to have kids. I thought that would be fine, but now that I'm here it's getting harder by the day for me to not want children. I've always wanted them, and now that I see so many couples in our stage of life with children, its making me ache for a baby too. My husband still doesn't want children, so what should I do? I brought it up sort of but he just got really anxious and worried.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My husband is making really weird noises at night?

    Occasionally I wake up to my husband making very strange, terrifying noises. I wouldn't say they were wheezing sounds, but when he breathes in its loud and sounds painful. The first time I heard it I thought it was a cat or a baby crying. I wake him up every time, and he just apologizes and goes back to sleep. He isn't short of breath, and doesn't seem to really have any symptoms of Sleep Apnea. What could it be? (He doesn't have asthma, but he does get allergies sometimes).

    6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Mystery Allergic Reaction?

    My coworker just had another allergic reaction, and we cant figure it out! Yesterday, at the same exact time, she swelled up, got rashes all over her arms, and then fainted. At the hospital they gave her benadryl, and she seemed okay this morning. All of a sudden it acted up again, and she left before it got too bad. She doesn't take medications, didn't eat any food today as a precaution, and has never had reactions like this before. What on earth coudl it be? Why the same time twice a day? We're in an office setting with just computers and paper, etc.

    7 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Road Trip to Idaho?

    What are some good places to visit going from Pennsylvania to Idaho? I've tried looking, but I guess I'm not doing a very good job, because I'm not coming up with anything. Anything not too out of the way would be awesome! Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Wedding Gift Faux Pas?

    So, my fiance and I did sign up for a registry, and because we were trying to be classy, we didn't send a registry card with the invitation, but a small card with our website on it. On the website is our registry information. But here's our problem:

    We're moving to Idaho right after the wedding (a 2000 mile drive) and wont really have too much room for wedding gifts. Is there a tactful way to ask for money instead?

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago