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I finally got to see McCain's speech and...?

I finally got to see McCain's concession/loss speech. Even though I have been an Idependent/Liberal (Dem Leaning) voter, I thought it was lovely. Honest, humble, entirely diplomatic and gracious. McCain, being a war HERO, already had my respect, even though I strongly disagreed with his policies and views. (Palin---ugh. A whole 'nother story.)

Anyway---after watching both speeches (McCain's and Obama's) I noticed something. McCain supporters booed at every turn, for each gracious comment McCain made towards Obama. McCain had to, several times, ask them "please, stop". Obama supporters, on the other hand, during his speech when he praised McCain, stayed respectful and silent (and even clapped sometimes!)

Why is that? Why does it seem that Liberals, Democrats, Independents...can be respectful towards McCain, and admit that he deserves respect, while (many) Republicans, Conservatives, and Evangelicals can only boo at any mention of mutual respect and diplomacy?

What is it with the Repubs/Cons/Evangelicals and judgement, violence, and disrespect?

In my personal opinion, it ain't cool. I respect McCain, I just think Obama was/is better for our country right now. Why can't (many) Conservatives have the same respect and diplomacy?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He delivered the speech with a tremendous amount of class. I was truly impressed.

    I had to put up with so many liberals/Democrats bashing on my opinions. Especially these past few ones with Bush. I don't fight back and I asked the same thing. Why can't we just respect each other and our government?

    Everyone has been divided lately.

    To hear this from someone politically opposite, is music to my ears.

  • 5 years ago

    confident, human beings could be attentive to this already.. it is basically like grade college according to possibility Obama has a penchant for mentioning the plain.. we are optimistically on the top of the term of the worst president ever.. My worst worry is a republican getting into and persevering with Bush's regulations. From a 350 billion surplus to 1000 billion greenback deficit.. McCain hasn't shown that he's a able follower.. he's seventy two years previous and in none of his speeches has he ever recommended something which you will affiliate with a sparkling thought.. he would be a puppet to special oil, pharmaceutical businesses, armed forces and protection contracters, and great buisiness and wll do something to guard them mutually as we pay on the pump. If he's seventy two has a great form of money why is he working? ability? Are we extra suited off than we've been 8 years in the past. No, and till this election is over i'm hoping he repeats it a minimum of 25 circumstances in each speech......

  • 1 decade ago

    You see and hear what you want to hear. You might want to hear the comics where it was all about McCain, Bush, Palin and Joe the Plumber. You might what to watch the music videos (or listen to the music without vids) that tore McCain family, Palin family and Joe the Plumber apart while praising Obama. While the news were busy interviewing McCain, Palin and all their friends, they got nothing on Obama as if the people that were his suppose friends for years never met the guy. The media and entertainment industry were very vile to McCain and Palin while praising Obama like he was the second coming of Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    Respect is a virtue of the winning side. One only has to look at the last 8 years to see that.

    EDIT: oh...all these thumbs down. Strike a nerve did I? Truth really is painfull...or did everyone just forget how big of whiney douches large segments of the liberal population have acted in the last 8 years?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And all the democrats rallied around behind Bush right?

    These double standards are so funny, and yet you will never admit it.

    I guess you missed your Icons call to end the seperation and bring the country together. this question, an others like i from both side, are only going to keep it going.

  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't have said it better. Completely agree! He is a very good loser. Perhaps, his last speech was not only the most respectable but really defined his character.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah they praised Mccain after the fact their candidate won. so if obama supports praise mccain and mccain is the same as bush does this mean that obama supports and bush are one in the same? if not then your candidate for socialism change lied to you.. your socialism candidate for change failed to mention to ou that john kerry considered mccain as a possible vp slot, does this mean that kerry and bush are one in the same?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    his speech was exceelent keeping the spirit of true politician.

    It is great when you commend your opponent

    after accepting the failure, only few people can think +ve under such circumstances.

  • I agree with you. You don't have to like it, but at least you could be courteous and respectful.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    McCain's a good loser. He's had a ot of experience.

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