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Help my homie! His wife is a cheater.?

My best friend's wife just told him about an affair she had 8-9 years ago. He is torn. It hurts. He doesn't know if he wants to stay. She told all the gruesome details about their activities and how many times how good etc. I want to tell him get out but I don't understand his feelings because they have been married like 12 years now.

MY QUESTION IS: What do I do? I want to be a true friend. I want to help not react with my gut. Help PLZ!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wow... sounds like if that guy pushed her away to another man he might have done something really is just not in a woman's nature to cheat.... she told him details probably to hurt him... I bet if she went out of her way to tell him THAT much, it is probably not even true or just exaggerated... maybe she is trying to get attention from him.... maybe she wants him to know that if he doesn't take care of her and treat her good, someone else will... he should be grateful she told him, she could have just left.

  • 1 decade ago

    the best way to be a true friend to this guy is just be there for him to talk with and have some beers with or whatever. Offer him a place to stay. Help him find out if he wants to stay with her or not...HE has to work it out for're just there for support for whatever he decides. A lot depends on the circumstances...and has she been faithful ever since? You can tell him your opinions also, but remember that the decision is his to make, don't try to pressure him either way, because if it goes bad he'll blame you. can find some sluts and get your friend laid...head to the or and bring your wallet...LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    Stay out of it. It's between him and his wife. They have 12 years together and things to resolve. They have to work this out themselves. You are not there to dog the woman, as your friend loved this woman and possibly is the woman of his children.

    I suggest you be a sympathetic ear but keep your expletives and comments to yourself. You are not a professional therapist and that is what your friend and his wife will need to get through this together if they intend on working on their marriage. An affair is a symptom to a bigger problem going on in the marriage and you don't know the whole story so please stay OUT of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    *Your role as a true friend is limited to arbitration only.Lend them both an ear but do not offer the solution,you are too closely involved thus you cannot be impartial and as you lean to one side you will be unfair to the other party.

    *Secondly,her adultery is 8-9years old and they seem to have lived with the wound and even gone beyond it timewise.Her recent revelation of the deed can be overlooked even though it may not be condoned.Hang loose brother and let them work it out themselves.

    Source(s): CK
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  • 1 decade ago

    Be a friend that doesn't judge him for the decisions he makes. If he decides to stay just Stay Out Of It!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly you should just stay out of it.

    Be there for your friend as much as possible and help him when he wants your help. But if you overstep and say something negatively about his wife or do something that could piss her off and if they were to get back together then she wouldn't be comfortable around you and then neither would your friend.

    Just listen to him and help him when he asks for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's really none of your business. That decision is his......... and it should be only his.... with no coaching or input from you. If he makes a decision based on what you think he should do, and it turns out to be the wrong decision ... he will eventually blame you for pushing him into it. Stay out of his business!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Be a good friend and be supportive. Listen to him if he needs someone to lend a shoulder, but don't tell him what you think about the situation unless he asks for your honest opinion then give it to him.

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