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blogbaba asked in SportsBoxing · 1 decade ago

Everyone respects a fighter, but seriously should somebody step in and talk to Holyfied?

I have always been a huge Evander Holyfield fan and I have nothing but respect for him, but if ever there was a case for mandatory retirement for the good of the sport, it's Evander. Nobody wants to admit it, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Evanders fight in Moscow didn't end up like the Drago/Creed fight in the Rocky movies. In America, we wanted Evander to make history and all that, but the truth was we were more worried about the old man getting hurt than we were about who won the fight. Am I the only one who wants to see Evander end his career on a positive note, or is boxing really trying to create a tradgy here? Enough Evander, we love you, but it's time bro, you got to let the next generation do their thing, you belong in the Boxing Hall of Fame, not the ring.


PrarieD, I do respect him, but lets be real, I went to the last Tommy Hearns fight in Detroit, and all anyone cared about was that Tommy didn't get hurt. Same thing with Evander, these guys are bigger than any one fight, and an injury to them would be horrific to boxing as well as their families. When the fight is secondary to concern for an older fighter, it's time for them to quit.

19 Answers

  • Pancho
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been a fan of Evander since his Olympic days. I love the man and respect him as a true warrior and a humble person outside of the ring. I really think that if he keeps fighting, he's going to get seriously hurt or killed. I'm sure that people have talked to him and have tried to convince him to quit, but he seems determined to keep going and prove people wrong.

    I think a fighter like Ray Leonard should invite Evander to his home, sit him down and really try to talk to him into calling it quits. Leonard suffered two terrible losses at the end of his career when he wouldn't give it up, one to Terry Norris and the other was a career ending, humiliating, KO loss to none other than Hector Camacho. That was all Leonard needed to realize that it was time to hang 'em up.

    Evander should also take a look at his former Olympic teammate Meldrick Taylor, Taylor stayed around way too long and now can barely put two words together. As much as i love boxing, it just sickens me when i see fighters that should quit and just won't out of stubborness. Evander has nothing left to prove, he's been a great champion and he's done boxing proud, but i truly believe that he has to be saved from himself at this point. But as long as he passes all the necessary test, he will continue to get licensed by the commissions and he'll continue to fight until he gets seriously hurt. It's a sad case, but all we can do is pray for him at this point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Pal,

    As you know I'm a huge boxing fan in general, and yes, I'm an Evander Holyfield fan also, but I guess I was one of the few who hoped Evander would get knocked down 10-15 times and stopped inside of 3 rounds....

    Why?, am I some cruel sadist? No.

    Because it's the only way he'll stop.

    I'm 40 years old, and if I looked in the mirror and saw Evanders' body I might be tempted to try to do somethings that I did when I was younger. The man is always in incredible shape, and that is part of the problem.

    Second, he's (in his mind) getting closer. If I at 40 had fought and went the distance with the heavyweight champion, I'd be able to fool myself in trying again, watching tapes and trying again. Now consider if you'd ALREADY BEEN heavyweight champion....

    Come on men, it's the "Why don't you stop and ask for directions" on the grandest scale. He's a warrior and a male. We all are and if we could we most-likely would be no different. He's done this thing for 70% of his life.

    We cannot understand what it takes.

    On a lesser scale we all try to avoid or slow the aging process

    and Evander is no different....

    Now, yes, I am concerned about his health, but consider Ali. Everything I read about him says that he wouldn't change a thing, even in his present state. He revels now in being the most known face on the planet. There is a price for that kind of greatness. I only hope that the cute cashier at the store remembers me. Imagine being loved by billions.

    Yeah, Evander should retire, but he won't, he like all other greats MUST receive the final beating, ( see Louis-Marcano, Ali-Holmes [ Berbick to make sure] Leonard-Norris [ Camacho to make sure]) , the one that painfully makes him understand that what he sees in the mirror is a not a 25 year old, but a 45 year old. But it is HIS choice. If we don't like it the strongest message is NOT to watch the train wreck...I didn't order the fight nor do I want to see it, because I clearly remember what Evander looks like, even If he doesn't.

    Keep Your Hands up,

    Big Nate Dog

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have always been a fan of Holyfield too. Which quite frankly disgusts me that you have that opinion. I really thought you knew alot about boxing, I am disappointed that you are so close minded and discriminartory due to somebody's age. Is it Holyfield's fault the Earth circled the sun 45 times in his life? Holyfield has beaten most of the best in the 80's, 90's, and 00's. People counted Holyfield out SO many times, and he always proves people like you wrong. The ONLY reason he lost that fight in Moscow was because of the home town crowd and Russian relations can't be strained with the US in Iraq and Afganistan. You just wait and see, Holyfield will win if he gets a rematch in any other country in the world. Even if he doesn't get that rematch for a few years, a couple more fights, and he'll get another title shot. After winning his next title shot, he can collect the WBC WBA and IBF titles. Then Ibragimov HAS to give him the rematch or just duck Holyfield and look like a coward. That is what I would say to you if I was disillusional and thought Holyfield should continue his "quest". Hope you got a laugh from me leading you on like that. I wonder if Ibragimov was carrying Holyfield a little. You know, who the Hell wants to feel responsible for hurting somebody that bad... and maybe permanently?

  • 1 decade ago

    I must say Evander must call it quits! I too was at the Tommy Hearns comback fight and my stomach was "hurting" every time Tommy would take a punch because I was afraid he was going to be hurt badly or KO'ed! I could not enjoy the fight. Truth be told I believe that fight was fixed, That guy could have hurt Tommy if he wanted to, but he ended up not answering the bell in about round 7? Bottom line is Evander is messing up his legacy. 6-6 in his last 12 fights.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Blog I seen that fight on PPV at a friends house. I love Holyfield and I know he is a shoe in for the IBHOF in the next five years after he retires. During that fight Holyfeild only had one good round and the reat of 11 he was dominated by a fighter he would have taken apart in his prime. His time has past and someone should make him realize that and deny him fights and not promote him no more. Every one is trying to do what George Foreman did in his forties, but not every boxer has that great defining moment. Most who do have speech problems much later in life or much worse can happen like lose their life. His accomplishments can not be ignored accomplishments like:

    1984 Olympic Bronze Medalist

    Undisputed Cruiserweight Champion

    4x Heavyweight Champion

    One of the best and I do mean best hearts in boxing as well as chins only being knocked out offically by Bowe(James Toney does not count he was way out his prime by that time.)

    Real Deal Hang it up you had a good career but it is over now.

    Source(s): Amateur Middleweight Boxer and avid boxing fan
  • 1 decade ago

    Evander is to old to box and need to retire. when hes in the ring i have to hold my breathe every time he gets hit. i guess a lot of people dont see what you see blogbaba because its not fighters like tysons out there right now. i still wouldnt want to see him in the ring with a klitcsho or a peter because he will get knocked out in one of these matches. holyfield has made his legacy and lived so warrior or no warrior he should invest his time into training. you can train star boxers and still be the center of attention and will be respected the same such as all the other trainers out there. he can still spar. what he is doing is just suicide. Evander if you are listing why dont you try becoming a trainer just as the old days the older people train the younger guys to take over. you or a old man should realize you cant be young forever look at your face its beat up and your ears or bit off. you know what i cant watch holyfield fights anymore because its a tragedy waiting to happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree. The man is a legend and has done some amazing things throughout his career. The trilogy he had with Bowe is some of the best heavyweight boxing to take place in the last 25 years.

    No one wants to see a fighter get seriously injured. Speaking of Bowe, he had the slurred speech and slow reaction time for a while. Luckily he got better somehow. I surely don't want to see Holyfield the same way.

    Its not saying goodbye to a champion, its saying hello to a Hall of Famer.

  • 1 decade ago

    This reminds me of a conversation that I had with my little brother (well, little being 31) about slinging. He currently deals in Washington D.C. and Baltimore.

    Let me clarify, my little brother is highly intelligent. Probably so much so that he overthinks the system and doesnt believe in it, and respectfully declines to take a part in it and goes his own way.

    Well, obviously as we all know its getting dangerous out there for dealers..and I was asking him why he just doesnt give it up. Its too dangerous, hes WAAY too intelligent for it, etc etc. Ill basically sum up his answer in quotes.

    "Why would I do what you do? I respect what you do, but I dont want to BE you. I would rather live five days of my life and have it cut short , rather than live sixty years being you".

    Evander, be it flailing, be it tragic, is a warrior. Fighting is what gives him air to breathe when he wakes up in the morning. Yes, even if he retires now his story will likely end tragically. But he will have lived, and died, on his own terms. And as much as we all talk it, very few actually make the choice to walk it.

    Insane or stupid, brave or incorrigable, you have to admire that he is living his life to the end, and just respect it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think maybe some legendary fighters should have a talk with Holyfield (maybe even Ali if he's able) and try to convince him that enough is enough.

    Holyfield's argument would probably be that he "isn't getting beat up" but he has absolutely no chance of being competitive against a young top fighter.

    What's the point of fighting if you don't have a chance of winning regardless if you don't get knocked out.

    He is embarrassing himself.

    Someone needs to get in is hear and tell him this before it is too late.

  • 1 decade ago

    My friend, Holyfield has this dream and nobody seems to be able to convince him that he is sadly past his prime as far as main event championship boxing goes. This has been the case for many fighters in the past who still think they can fight the way they once did in their prime. I hope Holyfield watches videos of his last fight and realizes that he is standing a real possiblity of getting hurt badly if he continues. In his prime he could have beaten any of these guys, but he is too far gone. In his mind he can still do it, but he is just too slow and his reflexes are not as good as they used to be. I would prefer that he end his career with dignity and class and step down from the ring to be honest with you sir.

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