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What are in your opinion the Christian viewpoints of Being Born Again?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My understanding was always that your spirit is born, leading to a complete person with all three original parts: the body (mater & energy), the soul (mind), and the spirit (supernatural part, in the image of God, allowing communion with God's Holy Spirit) -- humanity having lost their original spirits at the Biblical fall.

    Don't believe in it in a litteral sense any more -- but find several non-Christian parallels such as the Hermetic "union with the Holy Guardian Angel (higher self)" and the "fetch self / fetch bride" of traditional witch Robin Artisson.

    Source(s): Primitive Baptist (my dad's church) + Southern Baptist (my mom's church) + Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn + "The Witching Ways of the Hollow Hilll" (Artisson)
  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus Christ says that we MUST do this. Peter preached it on the first day of the first Church on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:38 We must put off the old man which is getting rid of our sin . We do this by baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ. When we receive the Holy Ghost, we will experience the same thing as the first 120 did in the upper room.AS THE SPIRIT GIVES UTTERANCE is a characteristic of the Holy Ghost. James goes into great detail of how the tongue is the vilest member of our bodies. When we give God control of this, He has dominion of the whole body. We need this to become overcomers of the flesh, and only the overcomers will enter into heaven, Rev. 2:7.

    This is the Gospel of the first Church, what the Apostles were taught and what they went about doing. Anything else is a perversion and not worth the paper it's written on.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe not only people of the Christian faith have the opportunity to be Spiritually Born Again.

    We are given a Holy Spirit when we come to ourselves in repentence.

    Gods spirit speaks to us.

    We are born and then raised in the flesh like a plant.

    We then come to an age of maturity after learning what is good and bad.

    It is how we are "trained"instead of "raised" that sets our way of thinking.

    God said,"Train your children in the way they should go,in the adminition of the Lord."

    If a child was raised in a cave and never trained in the Lord I believe he/she would still know good from evil b/c of the Spirit of God.

    God is Spirit.

    If we do something bad we know it is bad through the spirit.

    We feel it inside.

    That is the Spirit of God speaking.

    The first churches (before Constantine)moved in the spirit.

    Man came along and layed down rules and regulations.

    Through the spirit Moses was given the Laws in order that we would know what sin is.

    Even without the Law we would still know what good from bad is-through the spirit.

    Jesus was sent from the spirit realm into the flesh b/c we were being trained wrong by man and getting to far away from the SPIRIT.

    The Spirit of Jesus came to remind us that mans way is not the truth.

    Man cannot forgive us our spiritual wrongs.

    Jesus came to let us know that we have forgiveness of spiritual sins.

    If we lie is that not a spiritual sin?

    We can ask forgiveness of our fellow human beings,but if they are not lined up with how Jesus forgives us(in the spirit) then it is worldly and not the truth.

    We are born again in the spirit after repentence.

    I believe we are Born Again over and over untill we get it right and sin no more.

    Repentence in the SPIRIT,FORGIVEN,BORN AGAIN.

    I don`t know if Jesus said, you must be dipped in water to recieve the HOLY SPIRIT, but He did say that by John we are Babtized by water ,but then Jesus Babtizes by Fire.

    Repentence is a fire in the spirit.

    Tears are water in Repentence,maybe that is where John comes in.

    After watery tears of repentence we recieve forgiveness and then follows fire.

    Fire is a burning away of something......perhaps sin.

    Coals are a process that is leaving, but in the meantime do give warmth and comfort,and then they are gone and we feel refreshed and restored, and deeply Loved*

    When we feel we need to repent we have a desire to find water and if we can`t then it comes from within us...we cry.

    To sooth our tears and hurts we desire warmth and comfort,a fire is nice.

    A New Day*

    Gods Mercy and Love are New every morning in Jesus.


  • 1 decade ago

    Scripture tell us in John Ch.3 that being born again literally means to be "born from above" Jesus was trying to demonstrate to Nicodemus that whilst he has experienced a physical birth (born of water) he must now experience a spiritual birth. This occurs when the Holy Spirit indwells the new believer and gives eternal life to his dead soul. man in his natural state is born in a state of separation from God. He inherits a sinful nature by his physical birth and needs to do something about this condition which eventually sends him to hell if left unaddressed. In order to address his condition, the Lord requires him to Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and God will do the rest. I can testify first hand about being born again as it happened to me some 38 years ago. Being born again is not a "baptist thing" but is a requirement of the Lord Himself for anyone wishing to accept the free gift of eternal life.

    Ephesians Ch.2 v8-9 blows away the whole idea that salvation can be gained by our works moreover, Romans 3:22 makes it clear thet the righteousness of God is upon all who will believe and this is the only standard of righteousness that the Lord will accept.

    P.S. Baptism is not what the Bible describes as being born again. baptism comes only after salvation and is the scriptural means by which a new believer is added to the church. It is a requirement for any one who wishes to serve the lord as there is no service to the Lord which is acceptable outside of baptism

    Source(s): King James Bible
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  • 1 decade ago

    Hinduism claims that till the sprit is beyond karmas (Account for good and bad deeds) it keeps coming back to the earth. And finally it attains Moksha (integating with GOD). There are millions of rebirth the sprit goes throug. Each time it is a different roll and human being is the best blessed roll because only a human can understand the ways to GOD.

    Scientifically too I beleive in such rebirths. I have read many news that people could remember event that happened many many years before their birth. This is still a mistry and in Germany a kid of 7 yrs old has claimed that he is from a particular village in Pakistan and he spoke a very perfect local language of that village. No one in the kids family knew either the language nor the village name. On verification it stood true. Cool, leave such stories, I strongly beleive in rebirth concept.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't understand it

    I feel that god is willing to forgive anyone who has spent there life honestley searching for him, regardless if they are christian (born again or otherwise), muslim, hindu, buddist, etc.

    I do not feel that god would only choose the people who are of one partcular idiology and just turn his back on the rest of humanity, after all not everyone gets the opportunity to even hear the word of god from a 'reborn' and would therefore never have the opportunity to be converted, would god just basicley say tuff luck, to bad for you?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it means reincarnation. If you look at the Bible from this point of view you can find the surgical strikes to remove this from the Bible as there are loose ends leftover. For instance when Christ cured the man who was blind since birth, the blind man was asked if it was because of something he had done, or something his parents had done. If it were something the man himself had done, and he was blind from birth, it could only have been done before his current life. Look at John in the dungeon and the question he sent regarding Jesus. He asked if Jesus was one of three dead men, or the one he had been waiting for. Check it out. If it were one of these dead Prophets, then they must have been "born again".


  • 1 decade ago

    Being born again is having been baptized with water and spirit and ones baptized your sins will be washed away that is now what we call born again. You were born again in spirit and not born again as body and flesh.


  • 1 decade ago

    Being baptized (buried with Christ) by water (immersed) and washing away the sins of the old man, crucifying the old man, and arising (being resurrected with Christ) a new man filled with the Holy Ghost.

    Rom. 6: 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

    Col. 2: 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

    Baptism (being born again) was so important that Jesus himself required baptism in order to fulfill all righteousness and show us the path to take by example. If Jesus, being Holy, required baptism in order to fulfill all righteousness, how much more do we, being unholy, need baptism in order to fulfill all righteousness.

    Matt 3:13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? 15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. 16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is real.

    It is indicative of a true relationship with God through Jesus Christ. To be without it is to not be assured of eternity in Heaven.

    To fake it, as ispeakfreely says he did, is to lie to yourself.

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