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mick t
Lv 5
mick t asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why do all the anti-Ron Paul articles contain factual errors?

Do any of you who support other candidates find this to be true of negative opinions written about your guy (or gal)?


@Amnesty Sucks,

The taxes you pay on your labor do not pay for one single government service. All of the money we pay each year is spent on one thing... the interest on the national debt. It doesn't pay for any highways or schools or policemen's salaries. Just the interest on the debt. Ron Paul wants to repeal the Federal Reserve act and put the nation back on a gold standard. In the future (if he can accomplish this) the government will not borrow money, it will simply print it and borrow it from itself, interest free. This will eliminate the need for the federal income tax. All government services are paid for with all the other taxes that we pay. Property taxes pay for schools, gas taxes pay for highways, etc.

Update 2:

@Amnesty Sucks (again)

Check out the Grace Commission Report. That's my source. Some people alleged this to be true for a long time, so Reagan had the claims investigated and found out they were true.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In regard to amnesty sucks, she is concerned about how Dr. Paul plans to pay for government costs if he eliminates the IRS.

    RP states that if you think that America should be the policemen of the world through militarism and that we should make no plans to ween ourselves away from a welfare state - then we need to collect income taxes. Otherwise we can get rid of the IRS and not replace it with anything else.

    The Grace Commission under Reagan and a study done by Heritage Foundation a few years ago supports his numbers.

    BTW - according to your online name you should be in favor of Ron Paul on that issue!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Amnesty Sucks said -

    "What errors? Where's your source? Every article I've read has been true. Even pro-Paul articles have proof that he should not be president.

    I still haven't found an answer to a question about Mr. Paul. After he eliminates the IRS, how are taxes levied to pay for government costs? (BTW, the right of the government to levy taxes is in the Constitution that Paul allegedly holds to so strongly.)"

    If you reduce the size and scope of government, it costs less to run it. The IRS only deals with the INCOME TAX. The income tax is unconstitutional. Not to mention that the Grace Commission under Regan concluded that all of the money collected by the income tax is absorbed entirely by the interest owed on the national debt before it can be used on anything else.

    Read up on it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you tell the people the truth, they would elect him in a landslide. So since no one but everyday Americans could possibly stand this they need untrue slogans to shout him down when the time comes. Its amazing the things people say. Ive heard that hes a racist and for socialised medicine. What a hoot. Of course its actually not a hoot at all its very depressing that most Americans will vote big business come election time.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are correct about the Federal Income Tax. The money collected from that pays the trillions in interest owed to the private central banks for running up the debt.

    Congress can coin its own money (granted to them by the constitution) and charge themselves no interest!

    I think this is a very good idea! In fact, the constitution encourages it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's too bad if that's true. It only does a disservice to everyone.

    There could be lots of reasons for it like simple ignorance, easier than dealing with the facts, or sabotage I suppose. I'm sure there are other reasons or possibilities.

    I'm pulling for Dennis Kucinich. I haven't seen anything too out of touch for him. I haven't seen a lot of specifics on him, just blanket statements. I don't let that bother me. I feel he is the best man for the job. I like Ron Paul second. We need an outsider to get in there and who isn't in the pockets of big corporations and special interests groups. We need someone who knows where they come from and aren't trying to be something that they aren't.

    I don't care if my candidate isn't presidential looking. We need more than looks. That is such a stupid thing to say.

    I'd rather my candidate be brilliant and have great ideas. I also want him around smarter and more intelligent people with integrity and principles that matter to me and people like me.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the only way for the media to make Ron Paul look bad. He has no skeletons in his closet. No scandals. No bad votes. Nothing at all to attack him on. So instead they make up stuff to try to sway the uninformed people like Amnesty Sucks, the Romney shill that posts garbage in every Ron Paul question. Are you wearing your magic underwear today?

  • 1 decade ago

    not all but the ones that do get it right usually dont state what are ron pauls top priorities in his platfrom which is disturbing - also the other day I saw someone complaining huckabee got a bad rap for something false

    PS -you can forget about trying to tell ms sucks about rons platform her ignorance is her bliss and she just moves on to the next ron paul question to rant her uninformed scare voters from paul speech

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Looks like Ron Paul could be a sleeper. Good Luck to his supporters. The media is not only negative with Paul, they misinform about Obama from time to time as well. The media wants to think they can elect their candidate and that is sad when people listen and believe propaganda.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its very simple they hear snippets of made up stuff from the news or hear about it from other people. In all honesty i cant find ANYTHING bad about the man whatsoever he is very consistant and never changes his views. Basically if you cant hurt something with the truth you have to fib a little and in turn the lie goes out more and more people buy into it.

  • 1 decade ago

    the current government and media do not want a man like Ron Paul who would actually be a president with the interest of America and her citizens in mind.

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