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Dionysus asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Will Global Warming Benefit mankind and stop world hunger?

More CO2 and heat will likely increase crop production.

More heat will cause more evaporation increasing water vapor in the air and increasing rain fall possibly increasing crop production.

Will Global Warming be the hope of mankind?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many ignore the benefits of Global warming. Did you see 20/20 last Friday? Totally embarrassed Al Gore and his lie factory. BTW there is NO proof that Global Warming causes hurricans infact it is proven that it did not cause Katrina.

  • 1 decade ago

    We already produce WAY more food than the world needs. If you want to see this first hand, go into a restaurant and check out how much food they waste a day(I figure about 50lbs a day of food material for a decent size restaurant), now times 50lb by the millions fo restaraunts...that eqauls a lot of food!!!!! I used to work in a restaraunt and I figured if we wasted that much food(we were not wastful however), imagine how much the world wastes. So no, there is not a food production problem, there is a food distribution problem. Global warming would not help this, probably actually hinder it. Warmer temperatures, while making the growing season longer, would also produce droughts in many places and severe flooding. Warmer air does not always mean more rain, look at the deserts for example. Some areas will get more and some less. The overall pattern of rain will change. global warming will not help the food problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is "global" warming we are talking about right?

    OK, if you warm up the globe equally, some areas would be warmer and be suitable for agriculture; but the areas that are already warm would be hot and wouldn't be able to grow crops that used to grow there.

    Plus please keep in mind that global warming disrupts ALL ecosystems, air, land, or sea. Human beings are not the only organisms on Earth and we will not survive without having a balanced and diversed ecosystems.

  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The world produces so much food that produces have to dump their surpluses into the ocean. The only problem is that those who don't have food, also don't have money.

    There are better solutions to global poverty and I'm optimistic enough to think they are starting to work, especially in places like India and China with their economic booms and to a lessor extend Africa which has the potential for a large oil industy. Opps - wrong forum to be optimistic about that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Those are two benefits for sure. But there may also be bad effects. The densely populated river delta areas in Bangladesh and Vietnam where millions of poor rice farmers live could be flooded by rising sea levels, taking all that highly productive land out of production and making landless refugees out of millions of already poor people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO global warming is a bad thing i dont know why you would think it would benefit mankind, more crop production wouldnt be the solution to everyones problems while part of their country is drowning i think you should do more research about it and find out what global warming does to the earth

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No and no.

    Altered weather patterns can increase crop vulnerabilities to infection, pest infestations, and choking weeds. This will not only decrease yields of crops, but may force farmers to apply harmful and expensive pesticides and herbicides. Developed countries have more resources to deal with vulnerabilities.

    In general, food crops are sensitive to climate change, which affects soil temperature and moisture levels, and determines the vitality of both beneficial organisms and pests.

  • 1 decade ago

    Global warming will NOT benefit mankind and stop world hunger. Global warming will only contribute to it making it worse. Global warming is just glaciers and ice caps melting making the seas bigger and shrinking the land.

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No. Scientists have studied this carefully.

    The increased rain will fall mostly in the tropics and near the poles. The agricultural mid latitudes will see much more drought. And our farms are geared to grow particular crops in particular places, We'll have to rework those and our irrigation systems.

    In places like Bangladesh, much cropland is only inches above sea level. Flooding with salt water will ruin those lands.

    Overall, the impact on agriculture ill be very negative. Rich countries will have to spend a lot more on food. In poor countries unfortunately situated many will die of starvation. More details here:

    Some plants will do better of course:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    These people are funny. The seas will rise except the seas will be lessened; which is it?

    They don't know... they saw a movie (that is full of some big lies) and they are experts!

    Al Gore = Chicken Little; Nobel peace prize (fe), he should get the P.T. Barnum Award

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