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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 decade ago

What are some of the necessities for a baby?

I was just wondering what are some of the things you could not live without when baby arrived. I am 26 weeks along with our little girl. Thank you for your help.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When preparing for a new baby, there are so many things you will need. It can be overwhelming, but here at Hip and Little, we insist that shopping should be fun! Here is our new baby checklist for the necessities, as well as a few cute optional items. Use it to plan your registry or your own shopping excursions.

    Clothing - Necessities:

    ___ 6 - 12 bodysuits or baby Ts (depending on how often you want to do laundry). Shirts that snap or tie on the side are helpful for babies who don't like things going over their heads.

    ___ 6 - 9 pairs of soft, comfy pants.

    ___ 3 - 5 newborn gowns. These are great for quick diaper changes, especially when baby is sleepy.

    ___ 6 - 12 soft pjs.

    ___ 3 - 5 soft knit caps.

    ___ tons of socks and booties (these disappear quickly!)

    ___ 8 - 12 bibs

    Clothing - Extras

    ___ 2 sweaters if the weather will be chilly.

    ___ 1 adorable take-home outfit.

    ___ Christening or other newborn welcoming ceremony clothing.

    ___ Tiny little fancy outfits that may never be worn.

    Nursery - Necessities

    ___ Crib (unless you are planning on cosleeping).

    ___ Crib mattress

    ___ 2 Crib mattress pads

    ___ 3 - 5 Crib sheets

    ___ Cosleeper and sheets

    ___ Crib mobile (and possibly one for the changing table as well).

    ___ Dresser and/or changing table. There are many cute combos now that have a removable changing table top on a child-safe dresser.

    ___ Changing pad.

    ___ 2 - 4 Changing pad covers.

    ___ Shelves and bins for books and toys.

    ___ A clothing hamper

    Nursery - Extras

    ___ Crib bedding set

    ___ Rocking chair or glider

    ___ Nursery artwork

    ___ A fun, colorful rug

    ___ A moses basket

    ___ Washable curtains (avoid having window blinds in the nursery because of safety issues).

    ___ Lamp (preferrably one that is not too bright, so it doesn't wake your baby further in the middle of the night) or nightlight.

    ___ Music box or radio with lullaby CDs

    ___ Wooden closet hangers

    ___ Armoire or closet organizer

    ___ A cradle or bassinet

    ___ Diaper stacker

    Baby Gear - Necessities

    ___ A baby carrier or sling

    ___ 4 - 6 receiving blankets

    ___ Infant carseat

    ___ Car sunshade (preferably the kind that sticks onto the window).

    ___ Car mirror (so your newborn can see you while facing backwards).

    ___ Stroller

    ___ High chair

    ___ Baby swing and/or bouncy seat

    ___ Tons of burp cloths

    Bath - Necessities

    ___ Baby bathtub

    ___ 2 - 4 hooded towels

    ___ A dozen or so washcloths

    ___ Baby soap and shampoo

    ___ Cotton swaps and alcohol (for umbilical stump care).

    ___ Bath toys


    ___ diapers

    ___ diaper pail

    ___ baby wipes

    ___ travel wipe container

    ___ diaper bag

    ___ changing pad

    ___ diaper ointment

    Breastfeeding - Necessities

    ___ Box of disposable breast pads

    ___ 6 - 8 washable breast pads

    ___ 5 - 7 nursing bras

    ___ nursing tops and pajamas

    ___ Lanolin nipple cream (such as Lansinoh)

    ___ Boppy or other nursing pillow

    ___ Phone number of your local La Leche and/or lactation consultant

    ___ Breastpump, bottles and accessories (if needed)

    Bottle Feeding - Necessites

    ___ 6 - 8 bottles

    ___ Newborn nipples

    ___ Bottle brush and drying rack

    ___ Bottle sterilizer

    ___ Formula

    Safety - Necessities

    ___ Outlet covers (enough for your home outlets, plus a few for travel).

    ___ Cabinet locks

    ___ Baby monitor

    ___ Safety gates

    ___ Oven lock

    ___ Toilet locks

    ___ Earthquake straps (if you live in a earthquake-prone area)

    ___ Cord winders

    ___ CPR / First Aid class for you and family, babysitters, etc.

    ___ First Aid kit

    ___ Spout cover for bath tub

    ___ Playpen

    Baby Health/Care

    ___ Pain reliever / fever reducer as recommended by your pediatrician

    ___ Thermometers (rectal and ear)

    ___ Baby size nail clippers

    ___ Hair brush

    ___ Teething ring / toy

    Saving Memories

    ___ Camera (still and/or video)

    ___ Film, photo paper, and/or video cassettes

    ___ Scrapbook or photo album

    ___ Baby book and/or journal

    ___ Picture frames

    ___ Handprint/footprint keepsake kits

    ___ Personalized blanket or other custom item

    ___ Storage box for keepsakes such as the hospital bracelet, first haircut curls, etc.

    It seems like a lot, but remember that you will receive much of these items as gifts and you can spread the rest out over time. Enjoy shopping for your baby!

  • 1 decade ago

    *Someone to help out with the household chores for a week or so. This doesn't include your partner, he'll be almost as sleep deprived as you.

    *Lanolin cream for my poor overworked boobies!

    *FOOD! I sat down to a dozen mini sausage rolls at some stupid hour one morning. The first few weeks after your milk comes in you will eat like you haven't since you were a growing teenager. I actually ate a man sized pub meal which the guys struggled to get through. They were being piggy, but I wasn't!!

    *A packet of the organic cotton night breast pads. They're available online. During the day I used cheap ones from Target, but these were essential for nights or I'd leak through everything.

    *Decent maternity bras, but you should have them already. Buy the best even if they are ugly.

    *A baby chair. My aunt bought a little vibrating rocking chair. I almost died when I found out how much it was, but it is the best piece of apparatus we have. Not the vibrating part so much, though that helped keep her asleep at times. Being able to put her somewhere where she could sleep upright was really important as she was a winter baby. We tried propping her up in her bassinette, but she slipped down under the covers and nearly suffocated. So don't do that! The chair was better! She's had lots of day time use too, as she's wanted to be upright and looking around from the very beginning; and it's somewhere you can strap them into while you go put washing on the line. Especially good now she's rolling around.

  • 1 decade ago

    sensitive diapers and wipes

    side snaps shirts

    mittens and socks/booties

    flannel receiving blankets

    waterproof multi-use pad/changing pad

    (for changing around the house)

    nursing pillow ("My Breast Friend")

    Breast cups/shields


    lots of nursing bras

    tons of washcloths and breast pads

    wipes warmer

    my helper (husband)

    Then, the regulars like a crib, stroller, car seat, extra onesies/clothes, dresser/changer combo, "Sound Sleeper" (makes different noises to keep baby calm/asleep), bassinet, glider

    There are tons of things you'll want and need but this is my list of things I couldn't live without. I have so much more that I bought and use.

  • 1 decade ago

    baby needs a place to sleep, everything else is just crap, you can always do without. But get a nice playpen, it can serve many purposes, and they also come with a built in changing table. you really dont want your baby to be able to fall when its sleeping. but the best advice, just love it the best you can, everything will fall into place, it always does somehow.

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  • 1 decade ago

    #1 for me I think was the little bouncer seats with the toys that hang down. You can get one at Wal-Mart for around $20 I think. When he/she gets crabby.. they LOVE to sit in those and watch the toys! You can also get ones that rock or vibrate to help put them to sleep! (although it may cost a little bit more)

  • 1 decade ago

    Our playpen that also has a built in changing table and basinett, I use it more than I thought I would.

    My son hasnt even slept in his baby bed yet, he's 5 weeks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cloth diapers for burping pads, a lot of t shirts and onseies, and of course diapers. You will be changing your baby's clothes a lot due to spit up and well spit up.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would have to say a swing,the playpen that has a changing table and a bassinet, a boucy seat and lots of love from both of its parents

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I think Rae Rae said it all, that will get you on the right track. But the MOST IMPORTANT nessesity is you love!

  • Lisa E
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Baby Milicon! (or any other brand of infant gas medicine).

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