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Let me get this straight, Iraq fought Iran for 8yrs to a draw & the US whooped Iraq in 100 days....?

and now Iran thinks it can stand up to the US?


Thanks for the responses, especially from my good buddies from Britain. Anyway, i'm not talking about the insurgency...that'll be the same old story as in Iraq today and Vietnam...sorry for the miscommunication. Who said war is a video game, lives are lost, trust me, it's no video game.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right and people answering so far dont understand the question.

    In a ground fight, conventional, yes, we beat Saddam's army quickly. Iran would take a little longer, but thier conventional army would get destroyed.

    Now, what the other people answered is also true. Once you destroy the Army, what happens next. Iran would turn into an insurgency also. They have an entire force already dedicated to that.

    So in summary, their conventional army would be destroyed, it the aftermath that Iran is counting on.

  • 5 years ago

    He won't have the means to do something approximately it. as quickly as US troops are long gone, Iraq would be torn to shreds. Sunnis and Shiites would be at each others' throats. Iran will take the Shiites' part, Syria will take the Sunnis' part, and each will ultimately dominate and administration area of Iraq. Turkey will invade northern Iraq to get rid of Kurdish rebels. ultimately, Iraq would be as nonexistent a rustic as Lebanon, or worse. some thing like this might finally ensue no remember how long US troops stay in Iraq.

  • Kilroy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    People, he is oubviosly referring to the invasion of Iraq, where we desimated thier army in a few weeks. The insugency is not the same thing. If you take his argument literally: That we defeated an Iraqi Army in mere days that held Iran in check for 8 years, he has a good point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Willie - in case its escaped your attention, war is not a video game you play in front of the TV with can of Bud at your elbow - people get killed and mained, civilians inconveniently get in the way, and is it ever expensive.

    I'm not sure where your news comes from, but the news I see seems to indicate that there's a small problem still in Iraq that's holding up the "mission accomplished" party.

    Now, just in case those poor bored people in the miltary have nothing to do, you want them to wander over to Tehran for a visit.

    Haven't you learned anything yet, or do you want yet another insurgency (that makes Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran) - hell boy - go get North Korea while you're at it...............and we;ll still be fighting in 50 years time.

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  • TG79
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes we did topple Iraq's government quickly. The rebuilding has been troublesome but since this is the first time in world history that a country does this there are bound to be setbacks.

    Iran would be easier than Iraq but we would have the same rebuilding problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    if war would come to Iran then it would be an air war along with special forces. no invasion, just blast the country back to the middle ages. and by that i mean blast roads, bridges, military logictics. power plants, nuclear plants, army bases anything that can be used as a way to fight a war.

    can't fight a war without fuel , ammo clothes and food.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whooped them 100 days? Are you on drugs. Welcome to Bushes Vietnam and if you think for one second that Putin and the Chinese will stand back and watch the US march into Iran, you are gravely mistaken.

    It's only even being considered in the US because of the pressure exerted by the jewish lobby who are terrified of Israel being nuked.

    It won't happen. Targeted missile attacks on key installations maybe, all out war, no way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please let me know what you've been smoking!

    Iraq fought Iran for eight years with the support of the UNITED STATES. Yes, they, Iraq and Iran fought to a draw. By the way the gas used to kill thousands of Kurds and Iranians was supplied by the United States. WMD's?

    Anyway, we've been fighting Iraqi's for going on 5 years. Not 100 days. Whoopeee


  • 1 decade ago

    You said "stand up"... well think about it, what if you were being invaded, (your own government being right or wrong) would you "stand up" and defend your home and family against an army of any size?

    Believe me, Im pro Military, the majority of my best friends are enlisted and serving... but I have to believe that anyone being threatened by an invading nation, regardless of beliefs and ideologies, will stand up!!

  • 1 decade ago

    In the UK "Willie" means something more than just an abbreviation for William. I think you just illustrated why.

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