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Are American conservatism and Islamic extremism both threats to our enlightened civilization?

Aren't they allies in the assault on reason and rationality? Even their war doesn't it beneift them both to try and scare more enlightened spirits to follow the "norm" out of fear?

They both have a cultist spirit where everyone who doubts their interpretation is a traitor and part of the evil outside world(infidels for Muslims but liberal bias for cons) They both put ideology before science and reason think junk science like creatioinism or intelligent design. They both are extremely religous and hostile towards gay people

Of course there are differences in methods and sevirity of hostility but can you deny the similarities? Will we be clever enough not to let ourselves be fooled to take a side but reject them both and choose rationality?

Who's protecting the enlightment in this war on terror?


To the person making the Hiler analogy. What if you are right and islamofascism is the new Hitler what does that make American conservatism in YOUR analogy. You might think of conservatism as the allies who bring freedom. I'm afraid American conservatism is more like Stalin, very powerful in defeating Hitler but just as much a threat to freedom

20 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes they are threats, but they are losing the war with reason. If you look back through the decades and centuries you will see that the world has become more and more enlightened. The conservative extremists that have tried to keep the world from moving forward to a more rational human race have been gradually losing.

    People like you and me and millions of others are the ones protecting the enlightment. We are winning. But we need to be constantly vigilant of the evil of thoughtlessness, blind fear and hate.

  • 1 decade ago

    The greatest current threat proceeds from the union of american jews and fundamentalists,engineered by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and Daniel Lapin,in concert with Ralph Reed. As Poheretz has pointed out,if this crowd continues to manipulate U.S. foreign policy after the pattern that has emerged since 9/11 we damn well will see another armaggedon,since they clearly want the U.S military as a golem to destroy every Arab state,just because Jews don't like Arabs. The Isreali ambassador to the U.N. calls this the "War without End". No wonder the Arab states are scared and - probably - want nuclear hardware.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religious battles have been occurring since the beginning of mankind. Instead of promoting peace, many religious fanatics promote hate to those who don't live by their religious tactics. It's that "My beliefs are right and your beliefs are wrong" mentality that has destroyed any hope for peace. It's the radical extremist that are threatening civilization as a whole. Despite this, there are MANY really loving Christians and Muslims among us who value peace and embrace it. People should keep in mind that you said "extremist" and you're NOT labeling all Christians and Muslims to be that way.

    It's a individuals choice to put ideology before science. Those with religious beliefs, believe that God controls all things. My way of thinking was similar to Christian beliefs for most of my life, until I started questioning faith and witnessing the hatred from fellow Christians and inconsistencies in the bible. But I think all religions should be cherished and respected. Religious extremist should NOT have control any aspects of civilization because nothing but war and hate come out of it.

    This is by far, the best question you have ever asked.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't agree with your premise. It is not American conservatives that you are describing. It is far right Christians. And, far left liberals are just as bad, in my opinion.

    Both the far left and far right individuals consider themselves enlightened. There is no one more subjective than an enlightened person.

    You are just as bad as the people you are debasing.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they are identical in all respects except for primary language spoken. Not surprisingly they both hate to learn foreign languages equally.

    Methods are identical. Both elements think torture is great. Both would chop off heads, firebomb children without ever considering the correct moral course.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In all honesty, I'd rather a Islamic fascist babysit my child than a con. At least I wouldn't have to worry about child molestation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Any kind of dogma people believe in without question is a threat to enlightened civilization.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they are I agree totally that's why I want Borat to be our next President :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If radical Islamic terrorism is the "Hitler" us US Conservatives think it is, Belgium may once again find itself "protecting reason" while someone else protects Belgium.

  • 1 decade ago

    Liberals are full of the same hate and zealots. Both sides have zealots who are a danger to the country like Hillary,Michael Moore,Cindy Sheehan , Cheney and Robertson

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