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What is the penalty for a sixteen year old in Michigan with 4 points on their license?

before you all tell me I'm a bad driver let me explain

we have a cop in our town that likes to particularily pull over young girls.

I was pulling out of the school parking lot and going home. There's about 100 feet from the parking lot (25 mph) to the 55 mph sign. He pulled me over a half mile into the 55 mph zone and told me that I was going 50 in a 25 mph zone. I was unaware that I was able to gain such a speed in 100 feet without burning rubber.

I then recieved a ticket some months later for going 5 miles over the speed limit to pass some idiot who was talking on the phone and constantly swerving and slowing down for no reason and showing horrible driving skills.

In about a week I have to go to court to fight these tickets. My questions are as follows: will the officer that issued my tickets be present, and what is the worst that can happen if these 4 points remain on my license?

also, any tips would be greatly appreciated on how to handle myself while there.


4 Answers

  • joe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    as a 16 year old in michigan, you'll probably be issued a suspended license for the next year. it will allow to drive to and from school, to and from work, but not before 6 am and after 10 pm. if you receive a ticket while on driving probation, you'll have your license suspended.

    my advice,

    don't speed anywhere, and don't pass people.

    but for about 500-600 bucks you can hire an attorney to handle the moving violations and you'll be less likely of getting a restricted license.

    Source(s): law enforcement officer in michigan
  • Aurora
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I was in a car accident a couple years ago in Michigan and it was my fault. I wanted to just pay the ticket because I thought I deserved it the problem was that someone was on record as being injured (it was a bumped head she was cleared by paramedics on the scene and didn't bother getting other medical treatment so it was very minor). Because of the injury I had to go to court. I noticed a theme while waiting for my turn. The people who admitted they were at fault and they made a mistake were let off with little more than a warning. People who fought and blamed the police and said it wasn't their fault etc had to pay the tickets and accept the points to their license. I said it was my fault. I told the truth that I ran a red although I thought it was still yellow. There was a witness there who testified against me about things that she couldn't have seen but I allowed her to have her say and I didn't contradict her because even though she wasn't anywhere where she would have seen some of the things she was claiming she probably wasn't far off from what actually happened. The judge then wanted to know what kind of student I was and whether I got in much trouble at home or school. My mom was there and those questions were directed more to her than to me. Bottom line was I was respectful and I regretted the fact that I caused the accident and I admitted it was my fault. I had to pay a fine but they reduced my charges so that I got no points and it didn't go on my driving record.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dress well and present yourself well. Be polite. Yes Sir, No Sir (or ma'am). Speak only when spoken too and don't interrupt. Don't make faces or roll your eyes, even if the officer says something you think is out of line. All of these things go over well in the eyes of any hearing official. Remember these things, and perhaps you might catch a break.

    As for what can happen to you, it's possible that you could get a restricted license as to where you can only drive back and forth to work or school. You might possibly get off with a warning, or I've seen hearing officials assign essays or small chunks of community service. If you're convicted there are also mandatory State/SOS fees that you'll have to pay.

    The police officer most likely will be there, but if he doesn't appear your tickets will be dismissed. Can't prove what an officer's not there to testify to.

    Good luck to you. And remember the advice in my first paragraph. Trust me . . . it goes a long ways in the eyes of the Court.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get a good lawyer, pray for a reasonable Judge, and be aware that that cop is out there. When you go to court wear your best clothes and be as co-operative as possible. Get that Judge on your side and keep him there, be the cutsie young girl being harassed by the nasty old policeman. This is going to sound weird, but if possible, start crying when the cop testifies, that Judge has daughters and nieces, probably grand-daughters as well, he is not going to be very happy with that cop harassing a poor little thing like you. Sure beats paying a fine or losing your license hey!

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