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Is veiling Muslim women really the answer?
When I hear the reasoning of Muslims that women must be covered for their own protection I am disgusted. Where does this mentality come from that women who aren't covered are asking for rape? Do these people think that men are animals incapable of controlling themselves? I find this insulting as a man and a decent human being. If I see a women who is not veiled that doesn't mean I'm going to rape her. I have self control.
Is it possible that maybe, JUST MAYBE, the reason that so many of these young guys are so willing to become suicide bombers is because they are so fed-up and sexually repressed and tired of every aspect of society being controlled that they can't take it anymore?
Are Muslim men afraid of women gaining power?
17 Answers
- milomaxLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
They're willing to become suicide bombers because they're indoctrinated from birth to believe it's the right thing to do. I don't think sexual repression is part of it.
I do, however, agree that it is ridiculous to men to place the blame on women for their acts and feelings. If a woman chooses to cover for religious reasons, I'm ok with that. But the idea that a man cannot control himself means there is no personal accountability.
I do believe that under Sharia law, yes, men are afraid of women gaining power. Women are to be controlled and seen as little as possible. It's a horrible thing.
- 412envyLv 71 decade ago
the veil is not about "covering your hair" its about covering your body. The reason for this is not because of rape, but many many reasons. First of all since you mentioned rape, there was an article last year in Time magazine that encourages women to cover more skin because they are more likely to be raped if they are showing off too much. Another reason for covering is because a woman doesnt want a man to like her because she ahs big boobs and a small waist, but for her intellect and personality. Its like puttling the shell on the pearl. Maybe you have self control but ive met many many many men who cant control themselves. And scientifically, a mans lust for a woman is twice that of a womans lust for men. and who would a person respect more, a woman in modest clothing, or in a miniskirt and size D breasts hanging out of her low cut top?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
1. Wearing a veil is not a complusion in Islam only 5% wear a viel. And they do it to follow in the footsteps of Mary mother of Jesus (PBUH) and the wives of the prophet Muhammad (BPUH) and to please God.
2. No one said if you dont wear a face veil you are asking for rape. A rapist will rape anyone a baby, a granmother, a teenage boy etc. Rape is an act of violence not sexuality.
3. We dress modestly as a sign of respect to God, to our families, to our neighbours and to ourselves.
4. We certainly dont think men are animals. Our men are virgins till marriage. They wait for the woman they want to share there life with, to know that he has waited for her that she was worth waiting for. Does that sound like an "animal" to you? I think that takes a lot of control being a virgin till marriage.
5. We dont assume unvieled women are asking to be raped. As a muslim woman i have never worn a face viel and neither has any of my muslim relatives. Ans PS some muslim women dont even wear headscarf.
6. Is it possible that maybe, JUST MAYBE, that your listening to, to much here say, stereotyping and prejuduce and running with them like they are fact?
7. Muslim men are powerful men, they are God fearing men. They are men who would die to save any sister in trouble. They would not think twice about stepping in to save a sister from attack. Muslim men respect women. Muslim men protect women. Muslim men are without a doubt the sweetest, kindest most secure men i have ever met.
8. You obvioulsy dont know many muslims personally.
I have a question for you?
Are head scarf for Catholic nuns really the answer?
Or are you not so offened by there dress code because they are not muslims?
Catholics = fine
Muslims = opression
Oh the irony of it all. Good day to you sir. Hope you have a nice one.
- 1 decade ago
Why do u have a problem with veiling if muslim women don't? and that;s not why muslims women veil, they veil to protect their chastity, because it's not like women dont feel tempted themselves, we are humans. but with the hijab, or veil, it helps the woman realize that she is a slave to God, therefore, being chaste is an act of worship; it also helps the men to be tempted into lust and unchast desires.
Do u see the amount of rape in america even comparable to the countable rapes in the muslim world; so if u think that the veil is something that has harmed this world, i'm disgusted from u, because veiling has only brought chastity, as far as i know.
and yes, some men are animals incapable of controlling themselves; dont act like u haven't seen for yourself.
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- 1 decade ago
i don't understand why people are so intimidated by the thought of women covering and showing respect for themselves. if a woman covers does that make her oppressed, submissive, or unliberated? that is totally ludicrous. women dress revealing and basically leave nothing to the imagination and no one question this. where is the "concern" for the women that bare all. also at one point in English and American society women covered themselves and even went as far as covering the legs of tables and chairs which became know as slip covers just for the sake of modesty. covering is for our protection but also just for self respect because if you don't respect yourself then you can not ask others to respect you. as far as the Freudian idea of Muslim men anxiety stemming from sex and aggression is so shallow. there are rules that must be adhered to in every aspect of life so why is it so wrong to be morally correct. casual sex as we all know leads to disastrous results. instead of passing judgment ponder the deeper meaning and then maybe people will be able to commend and show respect for others
Source(s): muslimah - Anonymous5 years ago
with any success you could quit ranting lengthy adequate to study an answer and picture about it. Islam forces masking of the whole woman body of ALL females previous the age of puberty. that's area of demeaning, controlling and preserving females as 2d class electorate. A veil or habit on a Catholic non secular females is by no skill EVER a masking of the whole face or body. that's often only a head masking to be an outward signal to all like a wedding ceremony ring is to maximum persons. a wedding ceremony ring says someone is off limits as they're married to a distinct already. A habit on a non secular woman is an same except it skill she is married to Christ and is likewise deserving of the more advantageous appreciate you would manage to pay for a non secular human being. as an party, you'd be some distance more advantageous careful round this holy woman which includes your language, jokes, movements etc out of appreciate. huge huge distinction you want to communicate about. The Catholic non secular woman CHOOSES the existence and the existence-style and is of the same opinion to the habit and all. She is by no skill pushed into it or requested to do it except by technique of God. The islamic woman is forced by technique of adult adult males to placed on the masking or be beaten-executed. The Catholic woman can end at any time and bypass back to civilian, commonplace lay existence if she needs. there'll be no beating or violence of any form. The islamic woman is stuck. I really have traveled around the international and talked about those customs with my personal eyes as well to my college preparation. You for sure have little understanding of what is going on previous your community. The burqha and hijab are very demeaning and proscribing for females in a lot of international locations of the international. attempt even utilising a automobile in some international places as a lady.... in case you get stuck you'd be charged and sentenced to a harsh punishment. we are talking about being stripped of your clothing and beaten with a cane or a whip of one style or yet another. that's actuality. attempt even analyzing the data on line of places like Saudi Arabia. Sounds tremendous like oil, money and Arabs in high quality vehicles.....nicely it is not any longer the in easy words aspect occurring there. attempt vacationing as a lady and see the mess you would possibly want to bypass by.
- 1 decade ago
im VEILED...ooh spooky!!!
as a veiled muslim woman and a decent human being i find the way that you have worded your question highly offensive.
is VEILING Muslim women really the answer?
hmmmm....sounds to me like youre trying to imply that SOMEONE is MAKING me sport the veil.
uh-uh. aint like that. i wear the veil coz i want to.I feel i get more respect like that in the sense that when im talking to a man hes not checking out how fit i am, hes paying attention to what im saying therefore hes talking to my mind, my soul, not my ar*e or ma anything else.gerrit?
well durr!!! ALL men are afraid of women gaining power!!!
If women started doing mens jobs... obviously men dont want to wash their own socks!!! stupid lazy men!!!
- 2bzyLv 61 decade ago
From what I've read Muslim men AREN'T sexually repressed! I was raised in an independent fundamental baptist church with rules very much the same. We were not allowed to wear pants, our skirts had to go to our ankles, we had to have long hair, no makeup, no hand-holding or kissing until marriage...
When I left religion behind, I had gained a good deal of understanding through comparison. I observed 14 year old boys involved in their first relationships and would have sworn they were the same kind of baptists when actually one of them's parents had raised him as an atheist. They blame the girls' clothes for their own uncontrollable sexual feelings; as they aged, they actually began to want the girls to wear more revealing clothes to show off (their friends would be envious of their hot girlfriends).
Religious people are stuck in adolescence. They are immature and aggressive and uncivilized.
Even the willingness to become suicidal harks back to adolescent behavior. Adolescent males are always willing to do something risky--especially to show off their strength to the girls!
Finally, yes: Muslim men are afraid of women gaining power. Like any little boy, they want to be the bestest!
The answer is that women must not allow themselves to be treated this way (of course, to prevent any "rebellion" of this sort they, as I was, are told they'll go to hell if they try anything). So the further answer is to teach women that religion is nothing but a fairy tale thought up by immature men.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
compare the rape rates in america and in saudi arabia :)
can i also ask you why a christian Nun doesn't wear a mini skirt and walk around topless?
they are dressed up just like muslim women...
so maybe we can say a lot of muslim women are religious!
- didiLv 51 decade ago
This is not new. Until the arrival of feminism and the stunning idea of equality between the sexes, it was always the woman's fault, even a woman going to the police for rape meant most of the time being told that she had probably asked for it.
And to those who think that a veil is protection, in most muslim countries a woman who is raped is punished for it. She can also be killed by her family, the honour killings, there is also the option of marrying her to her rapist against payment so that there was no rape. And if she does complain... her complaint is most of the time not registered. So there's no rape records, no rape, and no problem.