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Karma & Illnesses & Forgiveness?

In your view, how much is illness and disease a result of karma? To what degree do you think emotions and thoughts cause illness? If you believe in reincarnation, do you believe we face similar illnesses/injuries/diseases until we heal some aspect of ourself? How much illness is related to an inability to forgive?

23 Answers

  • nacsez
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    illness is a mental thing COMPLETELY! it has everything to do with not only karma but dharma. its all about the energy cycles which your being is going through.

    did you know that the bacteria and viruses which cause the vast majority of sicknesses exist inside your body at every moment in time, and that all that needs to happen for you to get sick is for your biochemical and energetic bodies to fall out of balance? if you get stressed, in comes the flu. if you over exert your voice, in comes laryngitis. if you over expose yourself to the cold, in comes a cold!

    if you have done something in your past lives which has left a mark on your being then that mark gives you the predisposition to follow a certain pattern. we exist in the shape which we have been molded into by our past lives and present life experience. this shape predisposes us to react in a certain way to certain stimuli. If you have a shape which predisposes you to sickness, then you will follow a sickness pattern until you change your shape. there are many ways to change your shape, but one of the most powerful ways is through forgiveness :)

    when you forgive something, you let its shape leave your shape. its like allowing a gentle separation to occur and having your shape gently reestablish itself to its natural form. Our natural form is perfection, and the more we let go of things which have a hold on us, the closer we get to perfection. The less we have attached to us, the less there is to throw us off balance, and therefor the less there is to make us ill. i have found this to be extrodinarly accurate when describing my own illnesses, and i have yet to see a case which contradicts this in someone else.

    when i get sick i generally can tie it to some experience or stressor which is affecting me and allowing my body to fall out of natural harmony. this opens the door for sickness to take hold and it remains in hold until a natural equilibrium has been reestablished. it usually helps a whole lot to do a little meditation and drink hot tea to calm myself. i rarely use medication anymore, save antibiotics from time to time, and even those sparingly. i would challenge you to examine this aspect of your next illness and see what you find!

    this however is only my perspective and as its very true for me, it can be however true you wish it to be for you. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    well... all form of illness and dis-ease is a result of imbalance. These things can be seeded in your conditions, or the laws of your birth, what you have inherited by reason of what has been done before, or rather what needs to be worked upon and achieved, because everything that you will experience or will go through your soul choose it.

    It can be said that many of the things we experience in the body is a result of thought-patterns that become stuck in the body, emotional conditioning which changes your chemistry on a cellular level as the emotional molecule leaches unto the cell. Emotions can become physical in the body. There are ways to free the body out of these patterns that can become fossilized. However karma is more then just cause and effect, especially when it comes to reincarnation. The lives that a soul will express is chosen in regards to the karma that compels. How you live this debt is what the soul chooses and thus is the laws of your birth which define what you are working on in such a life, the body of karma.

    As for forgiveness, it is more so the necessity of repentance, which means to unloose your mind and make a turn from what you were to what you need to become. (Edit) In this is turning upon the negative and using it as a opportunity for growth and consciousness. In this you can change and transcend the conditioned state of sickness which has plagued you.

    I wanted to add that last part ALSO add this, anything that occurs is done so because of ourselves. Sometimes we need shocks and awes to wake us up, all that matters is how we react to these experiences and what we gain from them. If we can gain consciousness and make a turn, then we are on are way and our last state will be greater than our first before we experienced.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not a part of karma.........if someone abuses their body their whole life don't ya think sooner or later illness will appear?

    Here's another Ex. A child was born with asthma...allergies and a weak immune system. What did that infant baby do to deserve it ?

    My dear....It is a known fact that the human mind can make you feel how you think ....I'm talking moods, sick stomach etc.

    But if your talking about broken bones, having an accident It is more than likely a reasonable explanation for all.

    Like the boy who was too busy texting and wrecked his car, Karma was to blame here too I guess ?? Come on people, think for a moment before you type.

    I guess all the fires in california were karma ....NOT !!!! the cat that got splattered on the road...he wasn't looking !!!Believe what ya want and what makes you happy. No one is going to change your mind anyway.

    That goes the same for healing the mind is the most powerful thing we have,but sometimes there are things out of our control.

    I have always said to people who believe in this Karma, sometimes you curse your self because you believe in it so much.

    I also believe the same.

    ALL HAPPENS FOR A REASON and the reason is out of our control.

  • 1 decade ago

    A number of civilizations have (and still do) believed in reincarnation. Many ancient Greek philosophers considered it a matter of fact. Budhism still revolves around this central idea. T. Lobsan Rampa published a number of interesting books on the subject, which more or less reflect the position outlined in the question.

    Personally, I believe in life after death and reincarnation. I don't think I believe in the aspect that we are reborn with various illnesses or disabilities as punishment for wrongs commited in past lives. Philosophically, this would make no sense. If we cannot recall the wrong we have done, we cannot atone for it. Being born without limbs, being blind or deaf, would bring out pity in others, and obly make us feel that we are victims of chance, chosen by God to suffer, to bring us closer to him, as some evangelists would say.

    Personally, I would be more inclined to agree with Plato. People that have done wrong in life will suffer in the afterlife. Only after they have redeemed their sins and suffered knowing what they have done, will they be reborn.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe some illnesses can be caused by, and definitely exacerbated by prolonged negative emotions and thoughts or "stressors". By the same token, I believe we have the power to accelerate our healing by feeling loved and being positive about ourselves and our bodies. I am more scientific than spiritual so I dont believe or disbelieve in any sort of religion or spiritual concepts. I have studied all religions and there are many aspects of Hinduism that fit perfectly in to my non-religous model of how we should conduct ourselves on earth and with our fellow man. Forgiveness is an extremely powerful force and I am certain it has healing qualities. I wish you good health and fortune. You've been starred.

  • Rita
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I believe its not so much Karma that creates this but the actual mind of the soul. You can cure yourself or make your self sick it is your will to live when you stop living and depression takes over it effects your body I am seeing this with my own mother we do not realize how powerful our thoughts are and how they can destroy our physical body. After My stepfather died my Mom went downhill for many reasons from their relationship and its very sad!!! What I have learned is that we and only we can make our lives ok we can't get it from another we just can't because it is temporary in this life time I am not saying do not find love

    Love all you can until the end but do not let it destroy your mind when that person leaves you need to be strong and go on until your time and vocation have been filled on this earth :)))

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that it is very important to focus on being spiritually strong and on being healthy. The two tend to go together, since there is a mind-body-spirit connection. As for reincarnation, everything you do to keep healthy in this life, will give you instinctual habits, that will help in the next. Lives follow lives, as days follow days, and ones habits will determine wether you have certain vulnerabilities. Still you don't have perfect control and you may still get in trouble, but many a good cause has been started, to deal with a real world problem, by one of its victims, who was very strong spiritually.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow... what a thought provoking question.

    Illness and disease aren't necessarily brought on by Karma in my opinion - it has more to do with our thought patterns since we create our reality... I believe in reincarnation and I don't think we bring back the same illnesses, I do beleive that we bring back the experiences behind them to deal with. Many illness are created when we can not forgive - ourselves or others- because there is a lot of negative energy held in that case... negative energy creates more negativity...

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe Karma is just balancing of Natural occurrence and this needs to happen in order to have stability within the co-exists with the law "Every action has an equal but opposite reaction" this being known in could day that everything you do that is harmful...will bring foruth harm to yourself....unless you are actually balancing the karma....for instance....getting back at someone...that wouldn't come back to you...because you would be the equal but opposite reaction.....

    Karma is just a word to understand the physics of Nature and occurrence.

    Sickness and disease could indeed be an effect from Karma....especially if you brought disease or hurt to someone who does not deserve it...and you intentionally brought it upon them.

  • 1 decade ago

    besides the kind of illness that we or our environment bring upon us, there are illness n diseases that occur as a result of past karma.... sometimes certain situation arises and they are oppourtunities for us to learn through experience, be it a disease or an injury....

    an innocent child may suffer because of its past karma.....this aspect of suffering actually sparked a thought in me n caused me to believe in reincarnation.

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