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How likley is it that they would induce early if I am having issues?

I am 34w and 1d, I was induced last pregnancy at 41w and 4d. This time, I was hoping to go into labor by myself. I have a Dr. Appt today for the issues I've been having. I just wonder if anyone knows whether these are reasons to induce early or not. I don't think any would harm the baby, just me.

1. Sciatic-hip pain, severe. To the point I need help walking and can't put weight on my right foot 3 times a week or so.

2. Can't sleep, even with unisom.

3. PUPPS rash

4. Nerve pain, feels like I'm getting a shot over and over again in my thigh.

Obviously they wouldn't induce now, it's too early. Anyone had these and been induced around 37/38 weeks?

Please no "go to the DOCTOR" remarks, I have an appt this afternoon, just hoping for some insight while I am sitting and waiting to go.


Unisom was prescribed by my doctor.

Update 2:

Oh yes, I tried a chiropracter. It helps, but not for long. Acupuncture... not yet, I am afraid of needles. I am still working, and I can't take time off, I have to save all my vacation leave for the baby. I do the best I can with keeping my feet up when I can.

Update 3:

PS I have a 16 month old... I can't sit as much as I'd like ;) He keeps me busy!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because you're experiencing severe nerve pain it's possible that they may consider induction, however not if they don't feel a risk to either you or baby. I would consult your doctor at your appointment about you pain to be sure he/she is aware (make sure you use the 1-10 pain rating scale as most doctors seem to prefer this method).

    I feel for you I had PUPPS with my first pregnancy, took them forever to figure it out. Pain/itching/discomfort from five months on. Not much in the line of relieve. Not to mention it actually caused me to go into premature labor three times (stopped with Brethene).

    I would suggest trying to elevate your legs and changing positions often to attempt to remove pressure from the nerves that are being affected.

    You could consult your obgyn about trying Melatonin (don't take it without consulting as I'm not sure of the safety with the baby) it is a natural supplement for the chemical your body makes to help you feel sleepy and relax. But please be sure to consult your medical provider first.

    Other than that I can suggest warm baths (try some lavendar scent bubble bath for a more relaxing soak). You can also try epsom salts in the bath.

    For the PUPPS rash if you are not getting any relief for itching ask your doctor about using Sarna Lotion. It has a menthol smell, but is actually one of the best for relieving that itchy feeling and for not causing secondary reactions.

    Hang in there. Best wishes

    Source(s): Mother of 3, have had PUPPS rash, been induced once.
  • 6 years ago

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    How likley is it that they would induce early if I am having issues?

    I am 34w and 1d, I was induced last pregnancy at 41w and 4d. This time, I was hoping to go into labor by myself. I have a Dr. Appt today for the issues I've been having. I just wonder if anyone knows whether these are reasons to induce early or not. I don't think any would harm the baby,...

    Source(s): likley induce early issues:
  • 1 decade ago

    first i don't think that unisom is a good idea.i was induced with my 3rd son at 37 weeks because he was supposed to be almost 10 pound and i am a vaginal delivery kinda woman,so i begged the Dr to induce and they did,i was 207 pounds(normally 150)

    and was in constant pain,couldn't sleep,eat walk or get into my shower door without help from my husband,so if your in that much pain at 37 weeks then they most likely will do something as long as the baby is an acceptable weight.

    good luck

    by the way my son weight was almost 9 pounds at birth,so the Dr was right he would've been huge because babies gain a pound a week in the last month

    Source(s): experience,mother of 3 boys 7lbs 6 oz,7 lbs 5 oz and then 8lbs 10 oz
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you considered physiotherapy/chiropractic care and a support (pregnancy cradle) to treat the sciatica? Even acupuncture could help.

    The not sleeping is probably related to the poor spinal alignment and pain. Same of the thigh pain.

    PUPPs normally resolves between 36-38 weeks so that isn't a reason to induce early.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have the same problems now. I went to the doc yesterday and they are not inducing early. I am currently 38 weeks and 5 days. My doctor said that it is normal and healthy for your body to react like that ans it means everything is on track and the baby is low. Your doctor may say the same or may choose to induce because of your pain level. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Generally doc's won't induce early for maternal discomfort, unless the pain is extremely severe. It really depends on the doctor though. Some are more compliant with requests for elective inductions than others, and some will perform them earlier than others.

    It's all going to be up to your doc.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to tell you this, but for the reasons you listed, you probably aren't going to get induced. None of the Dr's I've been to in all my pregnancies would induce for what they consider "normal discomforts of pregnancy" which is basically what you've just described. I had trouble getting them to induce for pre-eclampsia even!

    Source(s): mom of 4 and awaiting #5
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, they don't typically induce because of maternal discomfort, even pain. Unless the baby is at risk, they typically want you to go as long as baby needs. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    no its not life threatning to you or the baby

    Source(s): nurse
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