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sunny_babe_ asked in SportsMotorcycle Racing · 1 decade ago

Do riders do some exercices to warm up before a race?

To those of you who are more into motorcycle racing,this probably sounds like a very stupid question,but I know that riders perform some acrobatic figures while they slide,so don't they have to do some stretch before the races ???


Thanks everyone for answering my question,at first I thought that you'd laugh at my it and no one would answer ;-).So many answers,it's hard picking up a best one.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes they do! it helps you get loosened up and beable to move and respond better to situations! i was just recently in a BAD dirtbike wreck and im out for 10 weeks then in 3-6 months i have to have ANOTHER surgery! i shattered my wrist and arm bones rightbehind the joint!!!! NOT FUN!!!! I AM READY TO GET BACK TO RIDING AND RACING THO!!!! GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS!

    Source(s): EXPERIENCES
  • 1 decade ago

    Stretching is a definite yes, however the exercising would depend. If it's a frigid day, then I would do some light exercising to get my body warmed up so I'm not shivering while I'm in the gate. I would not exercises on any really hot days or if we had long motos because you want to be cool and rested when the gate drops. You have a lot of good answers. Good luck out there.

    Source(s): Retired Racer
  • alLe
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hey sunny :)

    Well, the guys above me said it all. I am sure that all of the riders do something to warm up before a race. I remember watching a video about Rossi and he explained how important this is. I have also seen him a few times with a doctor or something (I'm not sure how they are called) who was helping him to relax before he went on the track...

    Source(s): Great question! It's good to see a few Motorcycle Racing questions around :))
  • geo108
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Definitely they do stretching, and I've seen 2 of the Hayden brothers riding an exercise bike outside their RV before the race.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they do.

    Its not a stupid at all, infact its a good one!

    A rider will do lots of stretches in and out of the leathers. This will help them be supple on the bike.

    Rossi [ always ] does a stretch / prayer move everytime help he gets on the bike.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well ,i would like to tell you that it is very necessary ,but too many can be negative.As a biker ,bofore every race ,i would do some short -distance drive,usually not more than five five minutes .I think it is enough.For more information ,just log on think it will give you the right answer

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah before i race i do alot of stretching and you want to run alot to get n shape for racing.

  • SWT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Most riders will do stretching to loosen themselves up, then get on a stationary bike and get thier heart rate going....

  • 1 decade ago

    The late Barry Sheene claimed to have sex before every race, so I guess the answer's yes..!

  • 1 decade ago

    Doing stretches and exercising is like putting fuel in your motorcycle, "It's a must do"

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