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in pursuit of new dreams!

  • Japan race postponed?!?

    I just read an article on BBC Sport saying that the MotoGP race was postponed to October.

    So this is probably final...

    Do you think this will affect the championship in any way? Like the preparations for the races, even the world championship standing?

    For one I'm certain - huge disappointment! I was waiting for the weekend with so much excitement, and now I have to wait another week...

    2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • First race of season 2010 (MotoGP)?

    Ok guys, tell me your thoughts for the first race for this season! To be fair I was so excited for Qatar and extremely surprised with the people on the podium! (and quite sad to see my Bautista not making it at all) So happy to be watching the races again!

    So how did it feel to you? Share your thoughts :))

    (but seriously, Stoner had this race, what happened?! not that I'm complaining, Rossi winning is what I wanted, it's just strange)

    2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • MotoGP - Valentino Rossi's future career?

    Hey guys, I haven't been here in ages and to be fair I kind of missed a lot... too much actually!

    anyways, my point being, i remember hearing that Valentino Rossi would not be staying for too long in MotoGP (supposedly for just 2009 and 2010) and I was wondering if there is any truth in this statement. I read this last year so I don't know how much it is trust worthy... I couldn't find anything useful as information on the web so I thought I should try Y!A again

    So is this his last season or is there a bigger chance of him to decide to stay?

    2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Are there any regulations in the UK for downloading things from torrents?

    Here, in Bulgaria, is legal to download things from the Internet, but I've heard about cases in the US when people got sued for downloading songs. I'm interested in the law in the UK. And if it is forbidden, are there torrents where you can pay to download things or even free ones?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • If you had to choose between Portsmouth and Bradford (UK), which one would you prefer?

    I want to study in one of these cities, but I am completely lost! So even information for the city would be helpful!

    thank you in advance..

    5 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Choosing between universities (UK)?

    I'm accepted for an undergraduate program in Aberystwyth University, Bradford University, Coventry University, University of Portsmouth and Worcester University for a degree in Marketing. The thing is that I have absolutely no idea which one should I choose! So if anyone can offer some type of information I would be very grateful!

    (being completely honest, I'm thinking of choosing between Portsmouth, Bradford and Coventry; they seem like better in this area)

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Choosing between universities (UK)?

    I'm accepted for an undergraduate program in Aberystwyth University, Bradford University, Coventry University, University of Portsmouth and Worcester University for a degree in Marketing. The thing is that I have absolutely no idea which one should I choose! So if anyone can offer some type of information I would be very grateful!

    (being completely honest, I'm thinking of choosing between Portsmouth, Bradford and Coventry; they seem like better in this area)

    3 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • Season 2008 is over. What are you going to remember as best and worst of it?

    Last race. Always gets me feeling nostalgic. For me the best part was Vale winning the championship, but also Lorenzo's racing (when he was on the track, not falling). And one of the worst was the single tire rule. And Dani's decision, which I find rather childish.

    So what were your impressions of this season racing fans? :))

    oh, one really great thing - the battle between Rossi and Casey in the US. I was jumping and screaming of excitement...

    8 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Open questions and resolved ones?

    In the section, where I spend most time, there are question that are resolved and are still in the answer tab and when I tried posting a question, it doesn't appear at all! In my profile it says that I have posted the question but still I cannot find it in the section.

    Not only I stopped receiving notification for new questions from my contacts, and now I have to answer already resolved question when mine are not appearing at all!

    Is the problem in me or I should try writing pointless emails to the Y!A guys!?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix?

    Some predictions on who will be winning (although I think it's clear who's taking 1st place - Stoner). I'm more interested in top 6. For me a dream result would be to have 4 Yamahas in the first 6, but I doubt it, I'm getting a bit pessimistic.

    So your thoughts please? Who's taking the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places? (and possibly the 4th, 5th and 6th...)

    2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • When did Shell supply for the first time the MotoGP class with V-Power fuel?

    I really need this answer fast! I tried looking in the but there wasn't a year written so I'm kind of lost and I really, really need this answer!

    3 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • MotoGP Assen?

    The best part of the whole race for me was Bautista winning and the first part of the 125cc race, when Smith was leading. Everything was a bit... lets say disappointing. On the whole, it was a good racing day, but it would have been better if Rossi won (that's just because I'm a Rossi fan).

    A bit sad for Nicky, for something silly like this to loose his podium...

    What are your thoughts on the race today?

    6 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Tipping time. Who's your favorite to win?

    So who do you think has the best chances in winning the race tomorrow? That is in all classes - motogp, 250cc and 125cc...

    I'm still wondering whether Rossi is gonna be able to pull it off and win, or this race is just the perfect one for Pedrosa to show he cares? And let's not forget Stoner, who unbelievably is doing better and better, and my favorite Yamaha Tech-3 boys.

    Your thoughts and bets? ;)

    7 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Simoncelli wins again, was it fair?

    It kind of bothers me because it is not the first time he is involved in a crash (or something like that), leading to a rider getting out of the race (if you remember how Bautista and he ended up with no podium...)

    I like Simoncelli but this makes me reconsider my opinion of him. Do you think he has any fault in this case (or any other) or he just brings bad luck to the riders around him?

    4 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Yamaha - 1st 2nd and 3rd!!!?

    Never seen a race like this one! Yamaha is finally doing their thing (both teams, bad for JT)! And who was this guy with Rossi? ;) And Lorenzo with his troubles ankle still getting second. This has to be the best season for Yamaha... I'm so excited that I'm even speechless..

    Your thoughts on the race?

    7 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Marco Melandri getting the sack?

    The Bulgarian guys on Eurosport (I don't trust them and I practically hate them... but that's another story) said that Melandri has to improve his riding or else he'll get the sack?! How trustful is this rumor and do you think it would be smart move for the Ducati team to replace Marco?

    6 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Party themes?

    I'm supposed to have a party because I'm turning 18 after two weeks. I don't feel like celebrating but I have to, so if I'm gonna do it, I want to have something original.

    Can you suggest me anything, a way to celebrate my 18th b-day?

    12 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • How do different countries deal with homeless dogs?

    As I was waking to school I saw two groups of homeless dogs (the first one with probably 7 dogs and the second one with 5) and although I know those that are in my neighborhood are not dangerous I have to think why are they left like that. (just for the record, I'm Bulgarian) I've heard of cases where people got attacked by homeless dogs or even being killed and yet there are so many....

    So I was wondering... what's a way of dealing with this problem? How is it being treated in other countries?

    and another note I should make... those dogs are not animals that got lost or whatever... they are living in those streets their whole life and they are not any special type of breeds... I don't know even how I am supposed to translate the way we call them...

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How come Stoner is 1st and Melandri - 11th ?

    I had the notice the fact that after the first race we have Stoner who is 1st (good work to him and his team...) and Melandri, who is 11th! And this gets me to wonder why do things like this happen? One of the teammates is doing unbelievably good and the other one ends up with bad results. I know that everyone chooses what type of adjustments to do to his bike but... Still why does it happen?! It almost seems like one of the bikes is not done properly 0_o

    and it is not only about this team.. I have noticed the same with the Repsol Honda team....

    6 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • Michelin taking top 3 places?

    Am I the only one who didn't expect that? I know that this is the qualification practice only but it's hard not to notice that the guys with Brigestone are way back and that the 3 front rows are almost all people with Michelin tyres.

    So my question is: Is this year going to be better for Michelin, did they finally worked out their problems?

    And probably another thing that will come out is... Did Rossi make a mistake by choosing Brigestone?

    I know it's a bit early for comments like that but it's kind of bothering my mind..

    3 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago