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Sides in the Console war. PS3 / XBOX360?

Why do some people get so bent out of shape when it comes to their favorite Game console?Many people ask questions wanting to know which system they should buy. Now if something negative is said about a system that someone else likes, I notice many people get very hostile.

I personally own all 3 of the next generation systems, and if asked, I will give my honest opinion about all of them. But in the process, i get attacked by people with a fervor one rarely sees outside of Religion or Politics.

Why such a blind devotion to one manufacturer?

All 3 systems have their strong points and weak points.

For instance, right now, I think XBox360 is the strongest system, in terms of On-Line play and Games available. Those factors to me are the most important.

PS3 has a nice machine that is very expensive, has some really great Technical spec's but very little as far as Good Games available. In their favor they are the least expensive means of watching Blu-ray movies.


Actually King Cornster, Devil May Cry 4 is on XBOX360 and only XBOX has Gears of War, BIOSHOCK and Mass Effect.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My husband constantly reminds me, "It's not a religion, it's just a game". But you're totally right. I work at Gamestop and some of our customers are nuts about what is said about thier favorite console. They all have thier pros and cons. I'm known as "The Sony Girl" and we have a "360 Guy" I think if it does what you want it and plays the games you like, it's the system for you, but dear lord, stop trying to tell other people that they are losers for thier preference in gaming. My husband's right...

  • 1 decade ago

    The hostility comes from the fanboys of each system. Since the person can only afford one system, they must come up with reasons why the console they are buying is superior to the other consoles out there. In order to due this, they must attack anybody that doesn't agree with them. Myself, I cannot stand fanboys. They don't appreciate what other systems have to offer. I currently own a 360 and a wii. I absolutely love my 360 but I am a little disappointed with it. This is because I don't play Zelda or Mario games. I know they are great games but I just have never gotten into them that much. I am looking forward to Brawl and I love DBZBT2 for the wii. I am going to buy a PS3 in the near future, but not until a few more great games come out for it. I know there are good games for it, but not enough to try to find 500 dollars to buy one. Once the release date for FF13 is announced, here I come PS3. So back to your question, don't listen to what fanboys have to say. Pay attention to people who have a mostly unbiased opinion about games and you shouldn't get any trouble.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would have to go with the playstation 3. Because yes it cost more but there is so much more to do on the system itsself. There is games that come out for all the systems.But then there are games that only come out on one pacific system. Like devil may cry is only on Playstation. But what im getting down to is that playstation 3 has more games like that then the xbox 360 does. The only one xbox 360 has is Halo. So think about that. Because by the time you get all the attachments to the 360 to watch blueray then it will equal the same price as the playstation 3......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can't we all just get along? I am a PS3 fan. But I love Video games not Sony. I plan on buying a Xbox 360 soon. I completely agree...they are all great system in there own right. People who feel the need to choose sides should get a LIFE!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel you are right.. I think like many people think certain games only come out on one console and that is not true any more they tend to come out on all three or the top2. to the best way to chose a console is to look at the current and future selection of games and choice by that. Another way you could try each console which is what i did..

    here list for some games on console exclusives.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's because Wii pwns everyone else...

    It's not blind devotion, it's true love, my friend. ^_^

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