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  • Newborn cries at bedtime...?

    Hello, during the day, our Newborn only cries when needing to be fed, about every three hours. There is one exception to this, and that is at night when we are desperatly trying to sleep. All day long she can contentedly sleep by herself in her bassinett or papasan, but when we put her in her bassinett at night to sleep she cries and never goes more than an hour in between crying fits. We don't understand why. We have tried a noisy and quiet environment, dark and light as well, and nothing makes any difference. I understand wanting to be close to Mom or Dad, but during the daytime she sleeps fine with or without Mom or Dad. Any advice would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question for HD DVD owners and enthusiasts?

    It looks as though the format wars are coming to an end with Blu-ray now controlling 70% of the market. Alot of people who love their HD DVD players are very upset, and many believe HD DVD to be the superior format, something I do not understand. so here comes the question...

    ..What is it (other than the price), in your opinion, that makes the HD DVD format superior to Blu-ray?

    This is a serious question. I am a Blu-ray owner. I made my decision based on technical spec's, so please, enlighten me as to what I am missing or didnt take into consideration with the HD DVD format.


    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Have you ever hidden a Christmas Present so well...?

    ..That when it came time to wrap, even you could not find it?

    Well, this has happened to me, today. I was so certain I placed it in a specific location, but when I went back to retrieve it, it was gone. 2 of the other presents I had placed there were still there, but the third is AWOL.

    To make matters worse, I already spent way over my limit, and this was something my wife really wanted. I have looked high and low and cannot locate it, and I am beginning to fear that it somehow got thrown away with discarded boxes.

    Though I still feel certain I had hid it in this place I thought was very safe, and she isnt exactly the kind of person to snoop.

    It's driving me nuts!!!

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • What makes your Christmas Tree different from others?

    What do you do with your tree that you think is somewhat different or unique?

    15 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Christmas Tree?

    Real or Fake?

    Tinsel or Garland?

    Angel or Star? (feel free to put a star on mine)

    Loaded with Ornaments, or Lightly decorated?

    Lights, Blinking or steady?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does anybody ask rhetorical questions on Y!A?

    and if so, do you answer?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Antique Value? Sears Catalog 1908?

    A Family member found a Sears And Roebuck Catalog from 1908 in Very Good condition (so they tell me)

    I am sure there must be people who collect this sort of thing, though i am not sure who.

    Where could i go to find people who collect this sort of thing?

    If you happen to be someone who does, what would you say is a ballpark estimate of it's value, assuming the condition is Very Good as I have been told.

    Any Help is appreciated. Thanks.

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Do you want a sequel to UNBREAKABLE?

    I am not big on sequels, but I always felt like this movie should have had one. It's my favorite of Shyamalans movies. I remember hearing something that Bruce Willis wanted to make it a trilogy, but the director didnt want to because it didnt do as well as he had hoped at the Box Office.

    Bruce Willis isnt getting any younger, and I fear the clock is ticking on this one.

    Do you think this movie deserves at least one sequel, or do you think any more would just ruin the original?

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Bragging Parents and Childless Couples.?

    As a Childless couple visiting your friends with kids, do you ever get tired of their bragging?

    I have alot of friends with children (my wife and I are waiting) and whenever we visit, the parents cant help but talk about how exceptional or how much smarter their child is than most other children. I am always polite and agree, but in all honesty, it is beyond tiresome. I understand being proud of your kids, but seriously, while their kids are great, there is nothing as far as intelligence or development that really sets them apart from any of the children of my other friends.

    I would never say anything to them, but do you experience this and does it irritate you?

    For once I'd love to have a conversation about something other than how their kid was the youngest kid on the planet to ever walk.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Sides in the Console war. PS3 / XBOX360?

    Why do some people get so bent out of shape when it comes to their favorite Game console?Many people ask questions wanting to know which system they should buy. Now if something negative is said about a system that someone else likes, I notice many people get very hostile.

    I personally own all 3 of the next generation systems, and if asked, I will give my honest opinion about all of them. But in the process, i get attacked by people with a fervor one rarely sees outside of Religion or Politics.

    Why such a blind devotion to one manufacturer?

    All 3 systems have their strong points and weak points.

    For instance, right now, I think XBox360 is the strongest system, in terms of On-Line play and Games available. Those factors to me are the most important.

    PS3 has a nice machine that is very expensive, has some really great Technical spec's but very little as far as Good Games available. In their favor they are the least expensive means of watching Blu-ray movies.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why is it so hard to make a really good Horror movie?

    I was trying to think of great horror movies, or for that matter, good ones, but it seems I could only come up with a few titles. It seems like there are so few good horror movies from the last 30 years, cause horror and suspense has been substituted with shock and gore. Somehow I just dont find movies like Hostel and Saw to be scary, they seem more like porno for truly perverted minds. All the emphasis seems to be on gore today.

    Here are some movies I thought of that I think are very good.

    Rosemarys Baby

    The Shining

    Silence of the Lambs

    Jacobs Ladder

    Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70's remake)

    The Fly


    Dawn of the Dead

    The Omen

    The Sixth Sense

    The Dead Zone

    I'm sure I am forgetting a few, but the point is; it seems like Horror is a lost art. And a really good horror movie seems like such a rare find nowadays.

    Anybody else feel the severe lack of Great scary films?

    What would you make a truly Great horror film about?

    19 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • New Radiohead Album, Free or Pay? Your Choice.?

    I just Downloaded Radioheads Newest album. They have decided to stick it to the record companies, retailers and itunes by allowing people to pay whatever they want for it, including Nothing.

    So, the question is, How much would you pay?


    What do you think of this latest move? Do you think any other bands would have the guts to do the same?

    For those who are interested...

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Best Answer?

    Okay, I have to ask this, cause it seems to be happening alot lately. Someone will post a question, asking for instance, to give them the name of a movie. That person will receive sometimes two answers, sometimes more, all identical, but will not choose the first answer as Best Answer, why is that?

    Now mind you, no answer had any more information than the other answers.

    I kind of feel like it is a slap in the face to the person who had the correct answer and answered first. After that first person answered, anybody could just copy them.

    Smells really fishy to me.

    Makes me not want to bother.

    This happen to you often?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Blu Ray vs HDDVD question.?

    So, the numbers are in and Blu-ray is outselling HDDVD hands down.

    The other day Paramount and Dreamworks announced that they would only support HDDVD (except for Spielberg movies, his will release on both formats)

    Given the numbers, this decision does not seem to make sense, and some are even accusing the studio of taking bribes or payoffs in exchange for exclusivity to HDDVD.

    What do you think about this?

    If the accusations are true, than how could any bribe or payoff be more lucrative than selling your movies on the most popular format?

    Most are calling BluRay the winner of the format wars. do you agree or disagree?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Upgrading to Vista.?

    I am going to Upgrade my PC to Vista, now, the directions say I should copy all my files, music, pics, etc., before I do. This sounds like alot of wasted time, is this absolutely necessary?

    Has anybody upgraded and lost files in the process?

    Also, If I have an external HD attached (I cant seem to find the install disc) is it absolutely necessary to uninstall and then reinstall this periphal?

    Also, has anybody had any problems I should be aware of before I undertake this procedure?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can I interest you in a copy of Watchtower? How bout...?

    ...a set of shiny Ginsu Knives?

    How are you set on Pocket Fishermen?

    Hows about this set of encyclopedias?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago