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rance42 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Anyone know why a state of emergency was just delcared in Pakistan?

I just recieved a notice by AP that Pakistan is under a state of emergency and I can not find out why.


Thanks to both

Update 2:

Thank you lilliput

Update 3:

Spartacus - I am sure lilliput has the right track, those countries that are beginning to support our effort are now under attack by Al Qaida. The nice thing is unlike this country they cannot fight multiple fronts.

Update 4:

jessicaisbeautiful - thank you very much.

Update 5:

Chinagirl - I agree, the truth is I don't have as much faith in Mussarief as I do Bhutto, I do believe that she will make the difference in calming Pakistan.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    here is the article from MSNBC..

    "Musharraf declares state of emergency, jams TV

    Pakistani president tightens grip ahead of court decision on his election win

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - President Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on Saturday ahead of a crucial Supreme Court decision on whether to overturn his recent election win and amid rising Islamic militant violence.

    Eight Supreme Court judges immediately rejected the emergency, which suspended the current constitution. The government blocked transmissions of private news channels in several cities and telephone services in the capital, Islamabad, were cut.

    “The chief of army staff has proclaimed a state of emergency and issued a provisional constitutional order,” a newscaster on state Pakistan TV said, adding that Musharraf, who took power in 1999 coup, would address the nation later Saturday.

    Dozens of police blocked the road in front of the Supreme Court building, with the judges believed inside.

    The state TV report gave no reason for the emergency but it follows weeks of speculation that he could take the step. Military vehicles patrolled and troops blocked roads in the administrative heart of the capital.

    The U.S. and other Western allies urged him this week not to take steps that would jeopardize the country’s transition to democracy.

    During previous emergencies in Pakistan, a provisional constitutional order has led to the suspension of some basic rights of citizens and for judges to take a fresh oath of office.

    “This is the most condemnable act,” said Ahsan Iqbal, a spokesman for the opposition PML-N party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Sharif was barred by Musharraf from returning to exile to Pakistan in September to mount a campaign against military rule.

    “The whole nation will resist this extra-constitutional measure,” he said.

    Private Geo TV network reported the eight judges rejected the declaration of emergency and ordered top officials, including the prime minister, and military officers not to comply.

    Geo reported that the army had entered the court building, but the report could not immediately be confirmed.

    Shahzad Iqbal, an official at a cable TV news provider in Islamabad said authorities were blocking transmissions of private news channels in Islamabad and neighboring Rawalpindi. State TV was still on the air.

    “The government has done it,” he said.

    Residents of Karachi said their cable TV was also off the air."

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    And so it begins. I do think this will be a trend in the very near future. For one thing Bush and Cheney are about to be on the hot seat with Rumsfeld over this torture deal. We're talking Nuremberg trials here. Edit: Declaring a state or emergency is the same angle that Bush is using.He has already aligned the Whitehouse with the correct executive orders and definitions of terrorism and what qualifies a state of emergency such as a pandemic outbreak this cold and flu season.He has also already got Operation Nobel Eagle troops swarming all over Washington.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    During the Cold war India was, despite being the worlds largest English speaking Democracy, a semi-allie of the Soviets.

    Hence, Pakistan, also w/ a large English speaing population, became a client of the US to counter the Indian threat, they became closer to US.

    Democracy has had its ups and downs, but the Pakies still have a fairly good relationship with America, and continue to do and say just enough nice things for us to maintain that relationship and have some influence.

    But, the "stuff" will hit the fan if the radical Islamo-facists take over the country and oust Mussarief ? and Bhutto. This struggle is intensiffying even as we speak because of Benazaar Bhuttos return to Pakistan and her expected coolition government with the General.

  • 1 decade ago

    I asked about Pakistan on yahoo answers a few days ago, and then the next day Joe Biden was asking about it in the Debate.

    The issue Joe Biden has was they have nuclear weapons, my issue was don't they support terrorism.

    Pakistan is according to the George Bush talking point an ally in the war on terror.

    This is like saying well Germany didn't attack us Japan did they attacked Pearl Harbor so Germany is our ally in the war on Japan.

    Don't fit

    Edit: The point that al quida is attacking is valid - and my concern is what if al quida takes over a nation with nuclear weapons.

    We joke about there not being an al quida land - not saying the sky is falling - just saying heh state of emergency in Pakistan - let's not ignore it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because President Gen. Pervez Musharraf does not want to lose his Presidency. So he Declared a state of emergency so the Military could prevent the Supreme Court from overturning his presidency and declaring new election be held. Democracy in action, A friend of good ole george bush.

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember that Musharraf assumed power by force 8 years ago (coup d-etat), by overthrowing the democratically elected president (Nawaz Sharrif).

    His term is about to end very soon. In order to hold on to power, he declared a state of emergency and abolished the constitution. This also means that there will be no new elections.

    It is very clear that Musharraf has no intention of stepping-down, and that he is ready to use illegal means to retain power.

  • 1 decade ago

    Latest Headlines: Militants capture two police stations, 120 security forces, telephones cut, private news channels blocked.

    This sounds very bad for Pakistan...will be keeping an eye on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe rebel forces like the ones who killed over 140 people when Bhutto returned from exile are creating a civil war. Check and then asiatimes for details. The bad guys do not want the former PM and the current President to combine forces. Thus forcing them out.

    edit: yahoo implies the militant Islamic forces are in an uproar and democracy is not high on their priority list.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Check yahoo's main page- it's been updated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    good gosh,,I'm taking notes,,,TROOPS LISTEN UP,,,,OK go ahead...haaa chow

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