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I'm having a problem with answering this question. Can I get some advice?

Ok. so I identify as a straight transguy. However, I am heteroflexible. Meaning..I like bio girls, I like post op trans women, and I like tranguys that haven't had bottom surgery. I am homogendered and heterosexual. Meaning, I like a masculine gender, but am attracted to the female sex (as in sex organ).

So, I am crushing on another transguy that I go to school with. He's post op, but hasn't had bottom surgery. He's very passable and identifies as a gay man. I identify as primarily straight. Word has gotten out that we're both interested in each other. So now, I have people in my GLBT student organizations asking if I'm bi or gay, and I'm not. I don't feel that I am because I don't really dig the penis if you get my drift. But I DO like this transguy.

How do I answer this question? I don't want to out him, and I don't want to say "I'm not gay but he is" because that brings up MORE questions. How do I respond to this?


ViumoriO.....yes, you are exactly right. Confusing isn't it? lol...hence why I hate feeling pressured to explain it over and over and over.

Update 2:

Ah kkk...I knew something wasn't right without the annoying feeling of the thorn in my side. How ya doin?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you know something? don't worry about it, you have discovered through being who you are that gender doesn't equal love. you find love through the souls of others. i believe that you are pansexual myself but only you can decide that. as for this guy, if you like him and he likes you go for it and don't worry about the gay/bi/straight thing xxxxxxx <<hugs>>

  • 1 decade ago

    Random things do happen now and then. For myself, I identify primarily as a gay man but I do admit that every now and then I like a girl even though typically I don't dig vagina. Ironically, all the girls I've ever really liked were on the butch side and at gay pride events I always find myself usually attracted to the masucline gay women before the gay men (which are predominantly fem at these events). Sometimes people just over analyze with labels and it can get so confusing. If you like this person, and you think that you could get around the fact that this person has a penis, then go for it. You could answer people's sexuality/gender questions with "I'm not into labels." And if you are attracted to perhaps the personality/spirit of this transguy, who knows, maybe you could be with him until his transition is complete.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Friend . . To be confused is a natural response to your relationships. It used to be that we were labled straight or queer, but now-a-days there are so many inbetween lables (that no individual could possibly fit into). When I was a teen amongst friends a common responce to questions about s/e/x was: "if it moves f/it! Sometimes the simplest answer is the corect one. Humans are duelistic. The body is made of almost everthing in pairs, also the brain. Ever notice that immediately after masterbation you feel slightly quilty. Our brain switches back to the morality imposed by society and religion that we should not do that. Natural impulse tells us: if it feels good, do it! Social morals tell us that s/e/x is dirty which makes the young boy feel guilty or afraid that if he doe's it "wrong" then he is queer. The truth, from an evolutionary perspective is that we are all into s/e/xual exploration all of our lives. You may be attracted to your friend wheather he is masculine or feminine because he is excentric, flambouyant, liberal, versatile, etc. You may enjoy being with him but not want to be like him. Your two heads will never agree with each other. There are no lables to be confused about. Its all immagination responding to peer group presure. We are mamals and occationally we get so horney that we forget what we are supposed to do about it and like the Puppy that trys to mount whatever comes his way we are not gay, straight or bi . . we are psychologically driven by powerfull s/e/xual urges in everything we do, so "if it moves F/it" and dont wory about a stupid thing like labeling yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    OK let me see if I have this right, and sorry if I offend I really don't mean to. So u were a girl who's now a strait guy, and u like the girl part, either on guys or on girls, but u don't like the guy part on guys, and now u like a girl, who's now becoming a gay guy, but he still has the girl part and that's y u like him but u don't identify as a gay guy although u like one. OK so all that stuff aside love is love and has no limits, so if u really love someone and they really love u then just go for it, and stop thinking about the unnecessary details, be happy.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You really don't have to answer to anyone. Just be yourself and whether you identify as straight or gay doesn't really matter. All that matters is that you guys like each other and so you should go for it. Don't get so caught up in having to be able to answer every question that's thrown at you.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just tell them that it's none of their business.

    That's really the only answer I can come up with that would be appropriate in this situation.

    I can see how confussing it would be even if he was out. But that he's not...that makes things even harder for him especially.

    Let him decide when it's right for him to come out.

    You know this already.

    Just let it go and don't respond if possible. If you're pushed, just say it's really none of their business.

    Tell them you two are friends...that's all they need to know.

  • 1 decade ago

    i do not think you should have to spell all this out for anyone. it is none of their business. and if they force your hand, that is what you should tell them. say something along the lines of, you don't like labels. or labels are over-rated...something like that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they know you're trans, which I'm assuming they do, just tell them that you're polysexual (or multisexual, same thing) they're queer they should be able to handle it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats like saying I like to have sex with oranges but not apples and only bananas if it hasn;t been peeled. They are all fruits and so are you. So eat up. I for one hate V-gans if you get my drift. I'm hetero both.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol just tell them you color outside the lines :)

    no really, why let labels that don't accommodate for reality define who we are and who we love.

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