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willodrgn asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What should be done... where is the line?

I saw this video, and i read the posts on here against BYB and Puppy mills and such.

I also read posts by people who get upset when someone sugests and urges spaying and neutering.

Those of you who get upset with the "breeding police", what do you do when you see something like this video? Do you think it is none of our business as a society? Should we be concerned? Where is the line?

This is for all those who get up set with the "breeding police" on here. What do we do? Turn our backs or stand up for what we believe?

Just watch this...

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off, the video is mindless propaganda designed to elicit an emotional response from its target group ... the mindless.

    As to "What should be done... where is the line?"

    In my opinion we need to enforce laws which are already on the books to shut down those mills operating outside of licensing guidelines.

    The problem is ... it won't stop the hobby breeder, who may not contribute the same numbers as the puppy mills, but they do contribute to the "problem." Want proof? Pick up your local paper and turn to the pet section. Call those advertising and ask them how many pups they are selling, if they are licensed to breed dogs, and by whom?

    Tony A-

  • 1 decade ago

    These are the sad facts that so many of us have been fighting against for so long. Sadly it is a loosing battle. Every time that someone JUST HAS TO HAVE THAT CUTE LITTLE PUPPY at the pet store and justifies it by telling themselves that if they don't buy it someone else will or that every dog needs love... they are actually hurting the cause by contributing to the problem.

    I have seen it time and time again where someone will fork over 1000.00 to 2000.00 for a sick and questionably bred puppy when they could get one that has been bred and raised in a wonderful home invironment for 200.00 to 500.00.

    I know that the shelter should always be the first stop but I am talking about the killing of the puppy mill here. The only way to stop these people is to stop the money flow. The only way to stop the money flow, sadly, is to harden your heard and expand your mind.

    Just like with drugs and gun running... all of the legislation in the world is going to do very little as long as the money keeps rolling in.

    I would like to point ou that this is not just a Virginia problem... this goes on in every state.


  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't even finish this video, it breaks my heart. I think that society as a whole should pay attention to the increasing problem of puppy mills. Not only are they mistreated, underfed, abused, sick, maimed by others, they are often over bred (inbreeding). Most people do not realize that when they are done breeding the bitches; they are put to sleep, some as early as the age of three. Also, those people who are buying the inbred dogs are paying out the nose within a years time for health problems that should not have arisen...It's sad.. I stand up for what I believe, STOP THE INSANITY and close down the Puppy mills that are not reputable.

    I know I didn't answer your question, but I wanted to add my two cents anyways...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't need to see it. I've seen the results of those mills in real life in the rescue where I volunteer.

    I think most of us stand up for what we believe in every day when we go out and continue to be advocates for our dogs - shelter AND those from reputable breeders.

    The true dog lovers here are advocates on both of those fronts - I think we can agree on that. We are all working toward a common goal. Our methods are diverse but we need some with hammers and some who use honey.... Some people have hard heads and some are willing to listen to a well-crafted message.

    Source(s): Owned by 5 dogs and rescue volunteer.
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  • cashew
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    After watching this, I had to get my dog and hug him REAL TIGHT. I feel so bad for these animals, and even when I want to buy one from a pet store, I have to think, "buying these puppies will only be giving more money to these dog fiends! I am glad someone had the audacity to put this link up. For anyone who would give me a thumbs down, I really hope that you learn! Although I am not a PETA nut, I do support every single one of their endeavors. Keep it up and stop the puppy Mills!!!!!

    Source(s): Proud owner of two beautiful dogs
  • DP
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You aren't going to get the responses you are looking for.. People who are breeding their pets and their mixed breed dogs, or breeding mixed litters on purpose are sitting in their little houses saying ' I am not doing stuff like that ' and ' I am not part of the problem ' and ' You can't tell me what I can and can't do '

    The videos don't work, education doesn't work, telling them nice, explaining it all, being rude and nasty or aggressive... None of it works.. Selfish greedy people will do what they want, for their monetary gain, or their selfish reasons, no matter what anyone says or shows them.. They cannot see ... They are blinded to the truth, by their selfish desires..

  • 1 decade ago

    Koehler nailed it!

    Education combined with law enforcement is the best way to teach the mindless about bad breeding practices.

    Source(s): "Breeding Police". I like that one!
  • 1 decade ago

    It is insane that there are people so greedy in this world that they would treat animals that way.

    But that is not everybody. I have a Choc. Lab who has a fenced (almost half acre) back yard to run in, and he sleeps in the house with us. If I took him to breed with a female, she would have to be cared for as well. I wouldn't reward someone who has a dog kept in a pen for the purpose of making money. It's just wrong.

  • 2bzy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, we don't turn our backs. We'll never get things perfect, but we all know that something like that is going too far. Life and law are all about checks and balances; people will go too far one way, then the law will go too far the other way, and so on. We must continue to stand up for what is humane, and continue to defend our rights at the same time. We'll never get it perfect, but we must keep on trying.

  • Shanna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Amen. People need to wisen up and realize that there is a huge problem and quit buying from pet stores and most of all, spay and neuter their pets.

    It's just wrong for so many reasons.

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