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Give me a reason to live?

I don't do drugs. I don't drink. I don't over-eat. I don't believe in violence or infidelity. I do exercise and I eat well. I have a loving, close-knit family, tons of friends who care about me and the best boy-friend I could ever have asked for. I'm part of a well-to-do family. I'm studying in college and I have great grades, as well as a ton of potential to make something of myself in the future. Yet, despite all this, I find myself in a constant state of suffering, my mind flooded with thoughts of suicide. I want to be happy for all the things I have, but I only cry when I think of them, as if they were only some sort of burden. I don't understand why, but that's not what I want to know.

Besides all the things that I've already mentioned, I want you to give me reason to live. I don't want any " You've got everything going for you". Obviously all these things aren't making me happy, so give me something else that will make life seem more worthwhile to me.


I appreciate your help, but please don't ask me to live just so I won't make the people that love me sad. Because how happy can a person be when he/she's not living for herself?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you will validate what everyone thinks about you. and all will

    continue on after you are gone.

  • Tellie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    How do you drink your coffee? From a cup.

    It’s the same with the energy, or light, of the Creator. In order for it to be revealed in this world, there must be a vessel. On a simplistic level, every positive, conscious action we take creates a container for the Light to be revealed, and every negative action tears it down. Whether or not there is a vessel, the Light is always present; this is important to remember.

    Make a difference today. Stop thinking small, that you are just one person. No. You are an entire universe and every moment you act with consciousness means more protection, enlightenment and prosperity for the rest of us.


    Have you ever noticed that the last five minutes of a workout are always the hardest? Or the last minutes of anything we do? There is constantly a dark force at play whose singular mission is to stop us from finishing the job, spiritual or physical.

    Today, pay attention to those moments you feel like quitting. Fight back against that downward force. Dig deep within and find the strength to persevere, no matter how big or small the task at hand.

    Our weaknesses can be our channels for Light.

    None of us are 100% strong. We've all got our Achilles heel. But we are terrified to admit it. Big boys don't cry, right? So we cover up with defense mechanisms, or worse, we believe we are indeed weak.

    Kabbalah teaches us to admit the weakness, admit we're afraid to start a new relationship, admit we feel inadequate compared to other people. And then to ask, beg, and plead with the Light to give us the strength to overcome.

    Today, every time you recognize feeling worried, or incapable, or doubtful, resist judging yourself or hiding. Address and deal with the darkness and fulfill it with Light.

    from kabbalah daily tune-ups.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope you can appreciate that you are not alone and I personally identify with your question. You also should know that you must emerge from this darkness and emerge into the magnificent and brilliant light. When this happens all of the darkness you feel will vanish.

    Members of my family have suffered with "mood disorders" and depression for at least four generations. I hope that you will consider the cure that it took me two decades to discover. I suggest that you try spiritual meditation and readings. You may find what I found, that this darkness has been known by almost every Saint and is an important stage in your life. Each of us has an innate need to know we are loved and to know that we share a consciousness with our loving God. Not to be preachy but God’s light will illuminate greater truth then any that you have known before. Remember that the meaning of life is to fulfill our full potential for developing, experiencing and providing love, joy, peace, kindness and wisdom as our contribution to the human experience. Please remember that you are loved.

    If I may suggest some reading for you it would be John 14 and 1 Corinthians 2:10-16. But even more importantly Saint and Doctor of the Church, Teresa of Avila's book "Interior Castles."; and finally Saint and Doctor of the Church Therese of Lisieux's book "The Story of a Soul."

    Source(s): Saint Barry
  • 1 decade ago

    Don't live for what you have achieved, regardless of great it is. Live for what you can achieve! You may have had a great life up until now, and have been born into certain privelages, make the most of what youhave been given, and do something meaningful with it. And when I say meaningful, I don't necessarily mean on some grand scale, or something the community would classify as meaningful, I mean something you find meaningful!

    Don't live for others, you need to be happy with what you have accomplished, and who/how you have been to yourself and others, regardless of how much others love you, we leave this world alone, they can't stop it.

    Clearly you are suffering from some sort of depression, you know that as well as everyone who reads your question knows it. The question here really is, what are you going to do about it? are you going to let it take everything from you? or are you going to stand up for yourself and do something, so you can start to enjoy the great person you are, the things you have done, and the countless amazing things you will do.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Your circumstances sound to good to be true. You need to have your priorities straight. Just because you are living the 'American Dream' is that the dream you necassarily want to be living. Did your parents urge you to attend college and save a college fund to drive you to be a physicist, physician, psychologist,etc. Or is this a decision based upon your wants and needs. Maybe the friends you have aren't the ideal way you are. Are you hanging around Delta Gamma Seniorities, and your a layed back farm girl? I feel you are letting others make decisions for you, and as a consequence it is making you feel miserable. Having a boyfriend, as if that wasn't enough stress, always has you giving a false image that your not, will make you live anothers life. You need to figure out what you want in life, and make arrangements accordingly. Don't allow others to persuade your lifestyle. You, no doubt, are in your twenties, and depression strikes around this age. Talk with a doctor, for more insight. I hope you feel better.

    A good reason to live: The future is always bright no matter how many storms you have to get through. Imagine a family in the distance, if you marry your boyfriend and have children. Your destiny may be a wife, mother, and whatever profession you go into. Goodluck!

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a good question?

    Why should I want to live?

    Well, for starters your family would miss you terribly! And think

    of all the people you would hurt! All the crying and depressed


    I think you need to reconsider what's important to you no one

    else. What do you want for your life?

    Is there something you've wanted to do but haven't done?

    What about God? I don't know how you feel about him but for

    me he's enough reason to live. He gave us life and he has a

    place for us in eternity.

    You see we will be eternally rewarded someday for the things

    we did in this life.The things that were in harmony with God's

    word. But if you were to leave this life that way well I don't know. You would be taking your life.

    Life can be so sweet we just need to get through the rough

    parts so I know how you feel! Every ones life is important

    maybe you just need to feel this way! Do something good for

    someone today! I mean really find someone who needs your

    help! We all have this desire to be needed or useful!

    Believe me when you get your mind off of yourself you'll be

    amazed how good you feel about life!:)

  • 1 decade ago

    You should first schedule a doctor's visit and speak to them about your depression as there may be a physical reason-an inbalance.

    If, physically you're ok, then you should live simply for the reason that you are unique and that your purpose (whatever God has chosen for you) will never be fulfilled. Aren't you even a little curious as to what it will be?

    Sunrises are always a good place to start. Choose a great location and make a point of being there at the beginning...Good luck

  • Cee T
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I suggest that you ask the Lord into your life. I did many years ago and He has guided, helped and blessed me now for many years. Psalm 32:8 says "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go. I will guide you with mine eye." If you decide to live for God, I think your depression will lift. Jesus died for your sins and rose again. God loves you. He has a good plan for your life. Start reading the Bible (New Testament first). You will find answers there for your questions. Talk to God. Pray that He will direct you to a good church where you will find support and fellowship. I'll pray for you. Here are some Bible verses to look up: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 5:8, Romans 3:23, Romans 10:13, Proverbs 3:5,6, Isaiah 30:21.

  • 1 decade ago

    My mom suffered from depression a long time and with therapy and treatment she has done her best to get over it and is now a much happier person than she used to be.

    My point is that things can get better, even when it looks so dark. But you need to reach out. Trying to go it alone will be so difficult and overwhelming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can I give you a serious answer to your question? I think that you already have a reason to live, otherwise, you wouldn't be alive. What is that reason? What is keeping you alive?

    I feel that it's not so much that you want to die, it seems more that you don't want to carry on living, (the life you're living). What is it about that life that you want to change? And how could you best bring about that change?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can't do that... sounds like you are suffering from clinical depression... I hate to suggest happy pills but that and some therapy could very well be what you need.... If that isn't the case then I would suggest that you search for God... something is missing and it could also be spirituality.

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