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Lonely, lonely, lonely!!!!!!?

Hi there,

Please be brutally honest here...

I had my daughter about a year and two months ago... Ever since I broke up with her father, I have been single... Maybe its good for me, but I hate being lonely. I feel like Im not good looking or funny, or worth the attention. Admittedly, my daughters father was quite the a**hole, and he totally screwed with my head. And when i was with him, he used to tell me **** like I was ugly, and that nobody would ever want me...

Does anyone think that Im just being paranoid and impatient? Will the right guy eventually come along?

21 Answers

  • L
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you are being impatient and paranoid.

    concentrate on you and your daughter for now.

    the right guy will come along at some point

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The right guy will come along, you just have to be patient. He told you crap like that to get you to stay with him, not because it's true. Guys do stupid things like that all the time...he probably figured if he make you feel bad about yourself you'd eventually believe that he's the only man who would want you and then you'd never leave him...I'm glad you're too smart for him! I'm sure you are attractive, funny and worth the attention of some great guy, you just have to be patient in finding him. You've got to make sure when you bring another guy into your life that he's not only right for you, but right for your little girl as well...and I'm sure you'll find someone that's absolutely perfect. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although I don't have kids my long time partner was exactly the same as yours,screwed my head up real bad.I have honestly enjoyed being single for afew years.I've needed it to get my confidence back and you will do in time.I believe things happen for a reason. In time you will meet someone who hopefully treats you better.I believe in fate anyway.When it's the right time it will happen.Use this time when you're single to reflect and get mentally stronger.Don't be in such a rush or you'll atract the same kind of guy again and you don't want that!It's beter being lonely for a while until you find a man who treats you how you should be treated until somebody is deserving of your attentions!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, the right guy will come along, this BOY you were with is a scumbag and insecure, and truly not a man, i dont think you are being paranoid, but maybe a little impatient, 14 months is not that long, relationships take time to develop, go out and interact with new people, you will make new friends that apreciate your true beauty, inside and out and try to forget the **** that the EX has said to you, like i said, he has no worth to you, and doenst respect the mother of his child. if i knew him i would kick his *** for being a prick!

    hope ive helped



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  • 1 decade ago

    aww hunni!! dont worry, the right guy will definitely come along!! im sure you are absolutley fabulous and sexy and the whole lot- dont listen to what your ex would be saying if you were with him right now. go out once in a while with a bunch of mates, and leave your daughter with parents/ someone you trust so that you can have some time to doll yourself up and feel great. by going to a nightclub, you'll meet loads of people- guys will be swarming!! nothing has to come of it until your ready, thisa ust gives you a cvonfidence boost. hope you feel better soon- the right guy is just around the corner!! xxx

  • Jewel
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Don't concern yourself with when the right guy will come along, just concern yourself with you - pamper yourself a little, get your hair, nails done, have a massage, buy some new make up, shampoo, top. Spoil yourself a little - you are worth it - maybe join a local gym - the most important person in your life is your daughter and you!

  • Paulo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Being brutally honest .... you'll never find someone who will love and apreciate all that you are until you begin to love yourself. Don't settle for anything less. It doesn't matter what you look like or how funny you are (or not), focus on being the best Mum you can be ... learn to love yourself ... start with thinking about all the great things you already are!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I want to say I think you are strong. Many women....and men have a hard time being alone. Many women swing from one branch to the other. They seem to set up where they are going to swing to next before letting go of the first branch. They are afraid to walk the ground alone.

    Because you chose to take care of your child and not sl*t around town you are much stronger than you think. Take the time with your child and slowly get back into dating.

    I would recommend eharmoney. My dad did it and it was amazing for him. He sounds like the commercial.

    Find a person you really want to be with. they should make you feel good about yourself. My wife when we where dating made me feel great about myself and inspired me to want more and be a better person. She still does inspire me to be better; for her.

    I suggest you look for someone that makes you feel good about yourself too. Don't settle, keep looking until you find a great match.

    If you want to start working out that is a great way o get started build confidence and get healthy. most good gyms have child care on site too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish i could give you a hug..everything Will get better but YOU have to make it get better.

    i was where you are 4 years ago,i'd just had my second child,my partner had left me,i was homeless after a house fire (in which myself & my chidren almost died),we were broken into whilst in temporary accomodation & i had crippling post natal depression.

    The worse thing you could do now is get into a new ralationship.Your image of yourself & your situation is distorted by your ex's verbal abuse & your lonliness.

    I'm not a dr,so woul never say you have depression,however,you are clearly low.If your able talk to your friends & family & try to keep yourself busy.It's easy to shut yourself away when you feel bad but force youself to get out of the house everyday,(even if its just taking the kids to the park).

    Once your feeling better about yourself & are ok being on your own you'll attract better men as you'll be less willing to settle for anyone simply because your lonley.

    I wish you luck,feel free to email me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look out for your daughter and don't start dating men and bringing them home to meet her. When you find a man that you feel comfortable with tell him you have a young daughter, but you don't want to introduce them until you know it will last. Some men will be happy to do exactly that, they will be the ones who will value you for your honesty. You will find that there is someone out there that will find you attractive, and who will be prepared to take things at your pace, good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously you should be out of that relationship, but yes i think in a way it is impatience. You are probably just not used to being alone. Just give it time and focus on raising your baby. Your time will come!

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