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Its been Six months & we haven't done it YET??

I been going out with my current bf for more than six months now.. and we haven't been intimate yet.. Reason i wasn't ready then. For a change i want be in a realtionship with a man who loves me for the person iam.. he promised to wait until i was ready.just a back round on our relationship

2 days ago

After having few drinks at a friends party. My bf friend said few things to me that left me confused.

He said i love you babe will u marry me.. then he said i want us to have a family... He said i will look after you and and make u proud. He then said i can't believe you love me babe... he then said i love u so much i sometime wanna CRY.

I truly love him but he gets a bit emotionally when he has few drinks.. Do u think i should believe any of the above??

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ask him how he feels when he is not drunk, if its the same and you both love eachother,can support eachother financially, then get married.

  • 1 decade ago

    See how he feels when he is sober or if he even remembers what he said to you. For him to say those personal things at a party, about wanting to marry you and have a family, seems of out of place for something that should have been said to you in a more private setting. They should have been said when he wasn't under the influence too. Alcohol messes up peoples actions and often makes them regret the things that they did or said hence the "morning after syndrome" when the tired old lame excuse is " I didn't mean that cause I was drunk". You should be a bit skeptical about believing something that leaves you confused especially when alcohol plays a part in loosing up an otherwise closed tongue. By being emotionally involved the way you are, it's understandable to want him to offer his commitment to you but don't rush to something at the first sign without first knowing if this is at all real or if he is able to step up to what he is saying to you. Let your mind have a say about all of this as well as your heart. If you really are waiting for someone who wants you for the person who you truly are, then make certain that both you are on the same page without any confusion or the ill effects of something like alcohol to be a controlling factor

  • Sydney
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Usually when a person get emotional when intoxicated theyre tellin the truth...It always comes way or the other..Id plan a time where its just you and him..and discuss this have a romantic dinner...and also youve got to ask yourself do you feel the same about him?...He obviously loves you if he doesnt pressure you into making love...youve also got to decern do you want to make Love all the way..or do you just want to have "SEX" w/ him.. I think this is awesome..I get emotional if Im concerned about somethin waay deep in the back of my mind..I feel hes concerned about how you feel about him and wants to take the "Very Serious Step" that God intended in the and family...are you ready to get married and eventually start a family?...Youve got to ask yourself that are you ready for all this..Do you have a plan on how you want to live your life..and enhance his as well as yours..Are you willing to take the step to be "TEAMWORK"..w/ him for the rest of your lives?

    It all works together..for the best of eachother..But If I were you Id truly get him alone to spend alone time and get some answers from him..Tell him what he said to you while intoxicated and find out what he truly wants from you and you tell him what you truly want w/ him...If you dont know these things yet then Id wait to marry and make Love w/ him..Ive been married and divorced w/in two years of marriage because He and I thought thats what we both wanted..Im truthfully glad that we didnt have any children together..Im married again now for eleven years and been together w/ him for twelve total..We have our trials..but are still together because we decided to stay that way no matter what the situation was..We worked it out..Its best to find out what youre really getting yourself into and really ready to go for it..Only you can answer that for yourself...If hes playing you youll definetly know it by the way he reacts to you having a romantic dinner and discussing those words he said to you while he was me youll know..then you can make your decision...But just make sure that youre ready to commit and take the next step if hes there already..It doesnt sound like hes playin you but if this incident happens over and over again Id definetly have a concern that he cant hold his liquor well and may need some help..but from what you asked I dont think thats the case....yet...I hope I helped you ...Ive experienced alot of this emotional...and that just goes w/ territory of feelin love deep down for another..So I wish you well ..God bless..Ill pray that you do the right thing...;)

    Source(s): My emotional experiences in Loving another..
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are very fortunate that he has waited so long to be intimate with you. perhaps he has dug himself into a rut--not having been intimate--and is somewhat afraid to move forward. Be kind and gentle--be the aggressor--gently--etc. Most men would have not waited six months without having sex with someone else--while they wait for you to make up your mind. He's genuine--don't loose him--be the woman every man would want you to be--a genuine lady in public and a whore in the bedroom--good luck

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you are young and dumb so I'm going to tell you a few things this way you don't have to learn them the hard way like most women:

    1. There is no Santa Claus

    2. All men cheat

    3. Marriage sucks

    4. Everyone lies

    Now you can plan your life accordingly or you can keep living in your little "normal" dream world and keep lying to yourself. Happy Holidays!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Why not if you have not had sex he would not waste time in lying about his feelings. We know once sex starts then comes problems,lies and cheating etc...... So since he has respected you and believes in you why can't you do the same. At least he speaks of his feeling too many men will not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lots of men speak the truth with emotions after they have a few drinks. Believe him.. I think he meant it

  • 1 decade ago

    He's a joke, that's for sure..Why would anyone wanna marry someone if you don't even know if the sex or physical chemictry is great?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get rid of this sad turkey. You sound like you need a black man.

  • 1 decade ago

    ur question is not clear.THis is no base that if you don't do anythinga nad still stay together means that he loves you?? may be that first day he will do and will go. so pl. think before you ask

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