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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Are Mormon steak presidents also commanded to eat meat sparingly?

And why are Mormons in general commanded to eat little meat anyway?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been advocating this since I've been a member of the church (since the light consumption of meat is actually a part of the word of wisdom).

    The Word of Wisdom is the "Mormon Dietary Code" so to speak. When it was first instituted, it wasn't enforced as a commandment, rather just a sound piece of advice.

    In the contemporary church, the Word of Wisdom is a commandment. In light of what the scientific community has found in recent years is SHOULD be a commandment. (Alcohol is poison and smoking is just the stupidest thing a person could freely choose to do).

    Unfortunately this part of the Word of Wisdom is often ignored by many members. Sadly we are paying for it with an ever increasing rate among our members of heart disease, high cholesterol, hyper tension, and diabetes.

    I think the reason why this part of the Word of Wisdom isn't a "commandment" is because the church would have to quantify "sparingly". You see, since the Word of Wisdom directly states that smoking, drinking, coffee, and tea are not for the body (period, no exception) its easy to just forbid it all together. Since the Word of Wisdom doesn't outright condemn the eating of meat what can conclusively be considered "sparingly"? One serving a day? Once a week? How large is a "serving"? What kinds of meat? What parts of the animal?

    Though members aren't at pain of losing their Temple Recommend for being a glutton for meat, I do believe we should all do our best to bring this facet of the Word of Wisdom to the forefront of our religious thought.

    Excellent question.

  • Ender
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The term is "Stake" Presidents not Steak for the record.

    A health code was revealed to Joseph Smith and can be read in D&C 89. One element of it was to eat meat sparingly. It does not say that it is a sin or even that it is the best for you, but rather that it is "pleasing to the Lord".

    This hasn't been focused on heavily. It could be for health reasons. It could be because God likes his critters better alive than dead. All we know for sure is that following this counsel is pleasing to him.

    Many Mormons joke or debate over this issue. I won't claim to understand it perfectly.

    I might point out that smoking was recommended by many doctors at the time that this health code came out and it specifically prohibits it.

    The dietary code is pretty consistent with the traditional food pyramid.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Stake is how it is spelled, and no where that I know of are we commanded not to eat a lot of meat. We are told to eat it sparingly, meaning not for every meal and stuff like that, but that's it. No one should just eat meat. It isn't healthy for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Umm sparingly and eating a little are pretty much the same thing.

    The Word of Wisdom is where that comes from. It warns them against hot drinks (coffee,teas,etc) and eating a lot of red meats. Basically told this cuz its bad for the body to indulge in such things.

    Its in their other scriptures...D&C and Pearl of Great Price.

    All members are asked to hold to this "instruction" including STAKE presidents.

    Source(s): post mormon
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are commanded to eat meat in a moderate way if we are to eat meat, there are many mormons that are also vegetarians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Was this on the FIRST translation of the golden plates that was lost necessitating the SECOND (different therefor not comparable by anybody wanting to test Joseph Smith's ability to translate) or was it in later years of divine inspiration. has lots of good info on Mormons. Last time I posed a question, it got REMOVED.....hmmm is YAHOO owned by the LDS?

  • 1 decade ago

    Meat is generally not very good for the human body, it helps to insulate the body for winter months. That is why we are commanded to eat meat only during winter, extreme cold, or famines.

    Besides eating to much red meat can increase your chances of cancer.

  • gumby
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    drizzt got it right. "Stake" president not "steak" president.

    Eating meat sparingly just means to make sure we have variety in our diet. Plus, we do view animals as God's creation and we shouldn't abuse them or use them beyond what he provided for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ms. Fisher they were not commanded but it was a suggestion. D&C 89.

    Those who judge, shall be judge by the same way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Like a tent stake...

    We're not commanded to. The "milk before meat" is like get everything you can from the cow before you kill it...

    (if you're refering to something else, let me know and I'll fix my answer)


    Edit: Ok, so someone just told me you're refering to D&C and others have answered. It's just to get a variety in our diet. Google "Atkins diet, kidney failure".

    Too much red meat can kill you.

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