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Christians - how many cells does an embroy need to play host to a soul?

Does god give a soul at the moment of conception when the egg is fertilized? Is it possible something as vast and great as a human soul to exist in a single cell?

If that is the case, is it possible that we could transfer a human soul into that of an amoeba?


I realize that an egg and sperm are each separate cells... so does that mean they each hold half a soul? :)

Update 2:

note: question has nothing to do with abortion, only about the human soul and when it comes into being.

42 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    im not sure but i think you just layed the case for the soul being an amoeba

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Pitchy, you should realize that sperm and an egg once fertilized make up more than one cell, so that rules out your amoeba-soul theory (sounds like a good movie though).

    Honestly, I am not a huge believer in this facet of Christianity (and religion) so I am not really the type you're looking for.

    But, I wanna go with 7 cells since that seems to be the heavenly number.....why not just go with it?

    Peter: Of course we could transfer the intelligence of an ameoba into the brain of anyone. A true test of stupidity would be to transfer the President's intelligence into an ameoba......

    gotta love when someone makes a failed attempt at a put-down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, in the first place, we don't have a soul -- we *are* a living soul. Thus, Life begins when two conditions have been met: (1) the sperm and egg have successfully begun the process of cell division, and (2) the resulting blastocyst implants into the womb wall -- thus demonstrating that it has a chance to survive.

    Back to the soul issue... There is currently no such place as hell and we have neither a spirit nor a soul -- in the spiritual sense. We *are* a living soul -- we don't *have* one (Gen. 2:7; 1Cor. 15:45). The Bible formula for a living soul:

    Dust of the Ground + Breath of Life = A Living Soul

    We also don't *have* the spiritual concept of a "spirit." The word "rûach" translated in the Bible into the English word "spirit" (Eccl 12:7) is referring to the Breath of Life given to us by God.

    H7307 (רוּח) rûach (roo'-akh)

    From H7306; wind; by resemblance breath, that is, a sensible (or even violent) exhalation;

    H7306 (רוּח) rûach (roo'-akh)

    A primitive root; properly to blow, that is, breathe;

    Without the Breath, we are just plain dead -- back to the Dust of the Ground (Gen. 3:19; Psalms 104:29). The Bible formula for death:

    A Living Soul - Breath of Life = Dust of the Ground

    Jesus does promise us an after-life, though. For more Bible information on this topic, see the following references.

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  • summer
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think there's an answer to your question. There isn't really any science to prove something like the "soul" or the moment life begins. I don't think that the soul is a tangible thing that can be found or transfered elsewhere. It's one of those mysteries humans just shouldn't look for. If we knew these answers we alone could be responsible for human life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the soul is dependent on the amount of cells contained in the human body. Then height and weight would also be an issue in this. But what gives a human being worth is not what is contained in His/Hers DNA or where they are at at a cellular level. But how they are being constructed and formed into the image and likeness of there Creator.

  • 1 decade ago

    You cannot "transfer" the human soul. Of the three "realms" body, mind, and spirit, it is in the spirit, it is not physical. Like in most cases, you can't transfer thoughts except through speech. And yes, there is a soul at the moment of conception. That is why abortion is wrong.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Their not just concerned about the "soul". They're concerned about the fate of the individual, the rights of that individual, the potential of that individual. All that is taken away through no fault of the fetus. Vs. a murderer who has taken the life of another and lost their right to life. That's the perspective of many Christians, and others. Seems pretty simple. No, not Christian, actually pro choice. I just believe in consequences for such choices.

  • 1 decade ago

    Possibly not qualified to answer your question addressed to Christians, but I have always felt like a fertilized egg is human and that we are spirit way more than we are body---regardless of how many cells that body is. Good question.

  • Dan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Interesting question.

    A human soul can never be transferred into anything by man's methods, just because the spiritual world is unseen doesn't mean it isn't there. Can you see photons and quarks?

    What about dark matter in the universe?

    Does this question justify abortion?

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