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Are you with us or against us? We Muslims, condemn the arrest of the British teacher held in Sudan?

She went to Sudan to teach, essentially for the goodness of the Sudanese people. I do not at all think she intended offense unlike the Danish cartoonists. She innocently called the teddy Mohammad, as in the Muslim boys name Mohammad.

If the teddy was not a bear but a animal such an offensive animal then it would be understable.

So I want to clear up that a majority of Muslims want her back home safe and sound. However the Sudanese people are being misled and being told she named the bear out of hatred or something of the sort.

Hopefully Lord Ahmed (a fellow Muslim) can help diffuse the situationand bring her back home, safe and sound and now.

3 Answers

  • Tammy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How refreshing to hear from a Muslim with compassion and understanding. Thank you, nice to know there are still Muslims who don't hate us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes we're with you.

    However, wanting to kill the danish cartoonist is also unacceptable, as the punishment does not fit the crime. There is freedom of speech in Denmark, and he had a right (however distasteful) to do what he did. An offensive cartoon does not warrant a death penalty.

    It is encouraging to see the non-fundamentalist muslims speaking out against the sudanese government and hardliners (there have been quite a few who have spoken up, especially in Great Britain). They do so at a risk of being ostracized (or worse) from their ultra-conservative counterparts, and that is commendable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I though Mohammad was the most common name on Earth? They are basically contradicting this by saying that a teddy bear can't be named Mohammad when a lot of average people have the same name. This is very confusing to me... I'm not Muslim, so maybe I don't know. I feel very bad for that woman.

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