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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Will America stop buying oil from Venezuela as a matter of principle because of Hugo Chavez?

1) Or will you just stay the course

2) Put your head in the sand, pretend he likes America

3) Invade because you need their oil

4) push the government to boycot Venezuela and its oil


Somber- no offence taken, but why no real answer? As a proud American, doesn't this relationship bother you at all?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Americans are oil whores. We can't afford to stop buying oil from Venezuela. "Cut off our nose to spite our face?" How well did aggression work for us in Iraq?

    How does Chavez differ from the closed society Saudis?

  • ash
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It has always been our policy to buy stuff wherever we can, no matter if the political ideology of the government. Money first principles later.

    That said I prefer oil from Venezuela, where I finance tyranny, over oil from the mideast where I would be financing war and terrorism every time I fill up.

    And that said, Chavez shouldn't be pres for life, NO ONE should serve more than the permitted one or two terms - not Chavez, not Putin, not Musharif in Pakistan (sorry I can't spell his name and unlike Bush I admit it) and not a Bush here. but that is kind of a separate issue, isn't it?

    One more thing - oil is a finite commodity, if we don't buy from Venezuala we will get it from somewhere else and the people who were buying it somewhere else will get it from Venezuela. net zero.

  • TJTB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is a great question.

    You might be shocked to know that buying BP( British Petrolium) isn't any better.

    Here's just ONE example. I choose this one because it's consequences have become relevant to the world with the threat of the laundry heads in Iran:. Read it and weep:

    The US, hand in hand with bp, over threw a legitimate, pro western democracy led by a Swiss educated, honest man in Iran, so that the corrupt Shah would stay in power and let us and bp keep our hands in the cookie jar. Bp was raping Iran dry with the help of the Shah. Mosedegh (sp?) objected as any reasonable leader should and wanted to nationalize Iranian Oil so that it would have to be purchased and not basically stolen. That became the end of him and he was destroyed along with many innocent Iranians during that bloody coup instigated by a CORPORATION!!!! A corporation who was influential enough to get another country to come in and do what it dictated by fooling the US into thinking that they had something at stake too...

    If it wasn't for bp and we had left Iran's oil alone we wouldn't have those rag heads to contend with now. Our short sighted gains ended up costing us and the world in the long run.

    So before we blame Venezulean oil, let's look at out own backyard and educate ourselves as to what WE do or have done that might be equally evil if not worse.

    Chavez is very bad, but there are MUCH worse. I'd take his oil over many other companies.

    If you're interested in the subject, there is a book called "All The Shah's Men" written by Steven Kinzer, who's a highly credentialed author with immense bipartisan and international respect. It will change the way you see how oil effects our world today as the reprecussions of it's trade have directly effected political alliances and world security. A must read for every inquiring and truth seeking American and Brit.

    ps your civilized response to a disrespectful answer shows an incredible amount of class.



    I just found another very nice link on the subject:

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I lived in Venezuela for over a year until recently. Chavez is the Mugabe of Venezuela he will ruin Venezuela as Mugabe ruined Zimbabwe.

    A Venezuelan friend’s son aged 15 stayed with my family only last month. I do know what I am talking about.

    Chavez is ruling by violence and intimidation. Two Venezuelan doctors who I know personally were refused jobs in the state system because Chavez gives idiots a copy of a recent referendum against Chavez These people are political cadres and work "overseeing" who works and who does not.

    When the 2 doctors applied for jobs 2 party workers said:

    "We have your name and address on this anti Chavez referendum, no job for you get the **** out of here"

    I have near this computer a floppy disc with photos of a Venezuelan friend with bruises right across his back done by Chavez goons simply because he was demonstrating against Chavez..

    Chavez is opening Chavez education schools for ALL Venezuelan children OVER AGE 3, These are indoctrination schools chanting such slogans such as "we love Chavez" in the same way as Cuban schools chant "we love Castro"

    The referendum tomorrow 2nd Dec 2007 is to allow Chavez to stay in power PERMANENTLY, frankly I am amazed at some chinless wonders from western countries who support Chavez..

    By the way I am also against Bush, but don't confuse the issue,being anti Bush should NOT mean being pro Chavez

  • 1 decade ago

    That's really just theatrics. Oil is a world commodity. We will use the amount of oil we are going to use anyway, and we'll pay world market prices.

    If we stop getting oil from Venezuela, we'll get it from somewhere else.

    That oil we got from somewhere else would have otherwise gone to a different country

    That different country will instead get the Venezuelan oil.

    Net effect...nothing

  • 1 decade ago

    There has been a consumer boycot going on for a while now. The largest retailer of commercial gas in Texas with over 300 convenience stores ended up ditching the Circle K affiliation, in part because the gasoline they were selling came from Venezuela. So he switched to the brand Stripes and started selling different gasoline that was NOT from Venezuela.

    Personally, I have a very high disdain for Hugo Chavez who is acting more like a dictator and trying to get zero term limits on his office so he can be empowered as Supreme Leader for the rest of his life.

    And I also think it was diplorable of the militant activist mother whose son was killed in the Iraqi war and has made it her mission to criticize and disempower President Bush in every way she can (what's her name?), ended up cuddling up next to Hugo Chavez just because Bush was their common "enemy". I don't like Bush but as an American, I am beholden to support my country and that includes the President during his term as we have elected him in a democratic society. Yes I sympathize with the movement to call for Bush's impeachment, but I'm not so extreme as to side with ANY enemy of Bush's because Hugo Chavez is an enemy to ALL Americans. What that lady did was virtually treason in my eyes.

    But HELL NO I won't buy from any gas retailer who sells gas in America that came from Venezuela. They are also great friends with the leader of Iran if that tells you what they're up to. Trouble on the horizon!

  • 1 decade ago

    Chavez is dangerous and of low intelligence, he does not even speak English and to those who know Venezuelan Spanish he looks and talks like an airport taxi driver; but worse, he is supported by George Galloway and if that does not indict him as an idiot nothing will

  • 1 decade ago

    Oil is a fungible resource, you buy futures contracts for delivery of the product, not on the product from a specific source. So 1 is the answer.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The enviro wackos are part of the reason we are not drilling for oil in the USA! Our politicans are in "bed" with Chavez, Castro, and the middle east. Don't look for any resolve to the oil crises!

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