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Is the Bible a Hoax?

With so much controversy going on, I am led to ask this question. What makes atheists believe they bible is a hoax. Secondly, You are always asking for proof that there is a God. I'm asking you to prove if you can that there is no God. I want to start a debate, but I want to keep it clean, no name calling. No making persons of the other persuasion feel like they are ignorant. Can we just agree that we will disagree, and provide the best answers possible. I'll be the first to tell you, I am a Christian, and no matter how hard you try, I will never believe that there is no God. OK, let the best answers win.

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. It is a story written by men,

    Why should that be a hoax???

    Then any book will be a hoax.

  • 1 decade ago

    Surely the Bible is a hoax and it tells you it is a hoax on page one where it says the Sun was created on the fourth day after three evenings and three mornings and blind ones cant see it tests their thirst for nonsense when there must be a sun for there to be a morning and an evening.

    There are many contradictions in the Bible that prove that the Bible laughs at those who believe the garbage.

    But the Quran came along and says that the crucifixion of the Messiah was a hoax and all that comes with it are parts of the hoax, which include the Bible and Christianity and Jesus, and the Bible admits that the Quran is right, 100%, about that and about the name of the Messiah not being Jesus but the Bible shows the name of Jesus to be that of two thieves who were crucified by the Romans in one of the greatest tricks in the past 2000 years.


  • 1 decade ago

    1. We can't win. You say you will never believe that there is no God, then there is no reason to debate.

    2. Burden of proof is on the CLAIMER, not the DENIER. You claim something you prove it. It doesn't work the other way around, buddy.

    3. I will make Christians feel belittled and ignorant at my discretion. You're believing in invariably the most destructive dogma ever devised. So many more people have died under the Three Desert Dogma's then any other religion EVER.

    The bible contains fallacies. Some have mentioned that the bible says the world is "round" but it also says the world is flat and rests of four pillars. It says that bats are birds. It says that rain is caused by god opening the heavens, and that wind is god blowing air around on the Earth. There are also many historical inaccuracies. Like the actual time line (IE: The billions of years the earth has existed) doesn't correlate. The best bible studiers (They don't deserve the title Scholar or Professor) have claimed the earth to be 6,000-10,000 years old. That can't even match up with what happens in the bible for Christ's sake! It just makes no sense! You people need to open your damn eyes. Here's a prophecy. Somebody, somewhere will die. Its now been fulfilled. Was it the work of god? I don't think so.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all , why egage in a debate if you are unwilling to change your mind if your beliefs are proven wrong ? Are you brainwashed ?

    Second of all as an Atheist I don't believe that the OT is a hoax. I believe it is a collection of stories , many featuring gross exaggeration of a few facts . Also much outdated and superstitious information . A small part of the OT is Hoax to have made the Jews seem as a more powerful and legitimate force in OT times .

    I believe that the NT was a collection of stories about ( at least )several real and imaginary Jewish Messiah figures from the period of the Messiah Prophecy Period of that time . And it was a hoax perpetrated in order to attempt to get Jews , Muslims , Pagans , and Christian Cultists to unite .

    AS far as proving the existance of "God" ... It is not my responsibility . There is No Scientific Evidence that "God" exists . I do not need to disprove any "God" evidence , anymore than I need to disprove the Easter Bunny or Zeus . The litttle attempt at science put forth by people who believe in Earth's Creation by "God" has been thouroughly disproved . It is called "Intelligent Design" and it is NOT allowed to be taught in US Public Schools because it was determined by a full hearing in US Court that it is Religion ( based on faith in something created by the imagination of yourself or others ) and NOT Science .

    [Google : Intelligent Design on Trial PBS ]

    EDIT for SIOUX : I feel very bad for you that you had lousy parents . I understand that you need to search for someone or something to replace these creeps . But the secret of life ( of good mental health ) is to become your own best parents . When faced with situations you should ask yourself : What would I do , how would I respond , if I had been brought up by two loving ( of you and each other ) , caring , intelligent , cool ,nice , moral ( meaning that thay empathized with other's feelings and acted on that - NOT religion's teachings) , healthy parents ? It should not be condemed , or thought bad of you , that after such a terrible childhood you are left weak and in need of support . But try to be your own strenth so you can rid yourself of crutches and walk tall .

    EDIT for mythkill :

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible isn't a hoax (unlike the Qur'an and the Book of Mormon, which are); it was not concocted with the intent to deceive anyone. But it is certainly fiction; it has hundreds of discrepancies with known facts [ref. 1, 2]. As for god: Noted Catholic theologian Hans Kung examined the matter in excruciating detail [ref. 3], and correctly concluded that there is no logical or evidential proof of either the existence or non-existence of god. (Not surprisingly, Kung chose to believe the affirmative, explicitly acknowledging that it was a choice.) But lack of proof does not mean lack of evidence; there is a lot of evidence at hand, and all of it indicates that there is no such thing as a god [ref. 4]. It can be shown that belief in any sort of god is useless: no such belief can have any actual consequences in the real world. But actions taken in accordance with such beliefs most certainly can, and they can be quite adverse [ref. 5]. In particular, Christianity is a bad thing [ref. 6].

    Postscript: I am particularly dismayed by Richard B's answer above, which is breathtakingly inaccurate. Surely, one should know better than that.

    Source(s): 1. Mills, Atheist Universe 2. Burr, Self-contradictions of the Bible. 3. Kung, Does God Exist? 4. Stenger, God - the Failed Hypothesis 5. Hitchens, God is not great. 6. Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation
  • 1 decade ago

    You cannot debate people that say you have to prove the positive or they win. That is a bit ridiculous. They want it like in a court room, but with theory you cannot debate the same way.

    If God is God, He is capable to keep the Bible from being tampered with. We know for over 1600 years it is the same Greek and people translate it into more current language all the time, thus not losing the truth in it. We can know for an assurance that it has remained stable since the copies in about the 400'sAD. I am sure if God can create the world, He can keep a few words chained together enough to make it available to His creation. At least, my God can do it.

  • R J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Honestly there are a zillion question on here that you should look at to see the feeling of people. You will also find atheists that ask a religious question, just to get a rise out of other atheist and then reveal they are an atheist. I would study those questions and answers first, that way you will have a grasp of what you will be faced with. As far as the question, how could it be? But you know that. Take care.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you want a debate, you will have to rephrase the question. The burden of proof is on you to prove that God exists. It is irrational to believe in something just because you can't prove that it doesn't exist. Haven't you ever wondered why the atheists keep talking about the Flying Speghetti Monster? It's because they are challenging you to prove that it doesn't exist, or admit that it does.

    What you need to do is ask them to prove that it is impossible for God to exist, and ask them to define the God that is impossible. Then you can have a meaningful discussion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People want to believe what they want to believe. Atheist believe only in what they can see, touch and hear; and believe the bible is a hoax. They can't prove there is no God and they can't prove the bible is a hoax, either. Atheist only defense is that we Christians can't prove it either.

    Christians see the proves everyday of their life's when they are with the Holy Spirit. Christians see the miracles that God and Jesus Christ deliver to the believers. Christians see and hear what nonbelievers can't. Christians have faith and the nonbelievers can't comprehend faith.

    Studying the bible is very complicated, but when you have the Holy Spirit in you and Faith when reading or studying the Holy Bible you get enlightening with the Holy Word.


    Source(s): Holy Bible drgenescott.comm
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm agnostic. I believe there is a God. I believe in Jesus Christ as a prophet and never as a son of God or God himself. What makes the Bible a hoax is because we can never be sure if it was never tampered with. We do not need a priest to confess to God. We do not need a person to pray to God for us. We also do not need a book to be able to feel God. Is the Bible a hoax? I can't be sure of that. All I know is that, that book is utterly useless. Our belief in our faith is what matters not a book. As Homer Simpsons would say "this book doesn't have any answers."

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible is no more or less than stories from an ancient people who were not educated. They were stories that were never meant to be what they are taught in churches as the truth.

    These were stories of what the beliefs were 1000's of years ago, before they understood germs and the universe. The only way they could convey ideas were through these writings. These were nomadic tribes that traveled usually looking for food. Their ideas changed constantly based on where they were located and what area they were in. There were so many different beliefs and ideas floating around that created so many varied ideas and beliefs that never made it into the book.

    This book is a compilation of ideas and beliefs - stories that wound up in a book.

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