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Did you know toys guns are banned in NJ???

Yes TOYS banned in NJ..... what is this world coming too??? Your kids cant even play cops and robbers anymore..... you can thank the politicians for this BS.... go read it here 3rd bullet from the bottom .........


I lived in NJ for 29 years before I enlisted in the Army, now im in Kentucky.... I like the gun laws down here.... I feel sorry for NJ......

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whatcha wanna bet banning toy guns hasn't caused their violent crime rate to plummet. Wonder if they'll ban images of guns in books and magazines next?

    You don't think teaching their police some DISCRESION might help prevent such tragadies do ya?


    Can't teach a cop nuthin'.

    Better to blame the kid.... blame the toy.... Not the cop with the bullet proof vest, the superior sense of morals, and the desire to end the encounter peacefully...

    Oh yeah....


    ....the trigger-happy cop SHOT the kid, did't he.

    OK, We'll blame ......the toy!


    Really builds confidence in the judgement of law enforcement officers in NJ, doesn't it?

    Source(s): 30 years firearms experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, I live in NJ, and I believe it was because a cop shot a child that had a toy gun because it didn't have the little orange tip on it and the kid pointed it at him and the cop shot the child. It's a very sad story...

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have to agree with you toy guns teach a child to be responsible I tell them to act like it was one of mine they learned that they could not point it at any one did not make a difference that it was a toy now they all have 22s a 410 and a .223 they are between the age of 9 and 14 and we all go shooting allot I think toy guns they learned from them we can go shoot and they always watch were the gun is pointed

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't know that but in my 7 year old's school no child was allowed to wear a costume for Holloween that required a toy gun, such as soldier, police, etc. I guess some people think that a toy gun might be used in a robbery if it looks real enough . But with a toy costume, give me a break... People are killed with hammers and screwdrivers so no costumes such as carpenters, people are killed with nail guns therefore no costumes such as construction workers, etc, etc.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yet another reason not to live in Jersey.....

    Hell...For a while they tried to outlaw breakfast.........

    This egg controversy is nothing new to New Jersey, where in 1992 the Health Department made it illegal to serve undercooked or raw eggs. Violators could be fined $25 to $100. Hysteria resulted. Consumers bemoaned the governmental intrusion into their breakfast tables. Politicians pointed fingers. The law was quickly changed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I lived for three years in that state. I would go to the gun store and could not even handle a firearms. Because I did not have a firearms ID card. I was active duty army and I was a trained unit Armour. I scored expert on every weapon I could while in the army.

    M-16a1 and a2







    But I was to dangerous to even handle a gun in NJ. F NJ I wish it would fall off the face of the earth with all the liberals with it. This is the same reason why Doctors are leaving NJ for NY and PA and DEL, Maryland. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    I would expect nothing less from these blazing morons living in that state. But they will give an Illegal MEXICAN $250,000 for attacking a women and having her dog attack him.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a couple of bad experieces from NJ Hunters when I lived in NY in the late 60's and 70's. One of them actually took a shot at me in the woods. I got lucky and I saw his motion when he snapped up his rifle at me, I ducked and the bullet hit above me. Good thing he was slow to fire.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't want to fight a skunk, using a water gun. As long as I

    can "legally buy the real one." When you have a toy one to

    point at a cop. He doesn't know it is a toy one pointing at him.

  • doug
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I did not know it. I wonder which state is more antigun Mass. or NJ. I feel your pain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember this come election time. Don't vote for democrats, they want to ban them all.

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