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If there is a superior being, call him/her/it god if you will, why............?

did he/her/it create us?

I'm agnostic but lean more towards evolution than creation.


So far only Jugernaut has come up with anything like a reasonable answer as to why, although the rest of his argument can be used against him as well as for him.

The Church of latter Day Saints seem to think we were set up to fail so we can be saved later...what a nice god.

Islam seems to say we are here to worship.....could god be so small minded as to create just to boost his/her/it's ego?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do people have children? They are disobedient, they consume resources, they create problems, they think they know it all... So why? Love... Most sane people want children to love, teach and help shape these wonderful little personalities with inquisitive, rational, wise little minds.

    This is the only answer I have... And I am still looking for a better one, but without any results at all...

    Personally I can never accept evolution, I have examined it over and over, again and again with the same results... It does not fit, the fundamental hypothesis has no real evidence, too many assumptions, too many improbabilities, too many well, leaps of faith for my taste. I don't mean to offend, its just all the data does not add up to evolution. I already gave it an honest shot and it failed... Anyway you will have to find your own path.

    Journey Well...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, God created us in THEIR image. Why is it their? Well, if you were to read the Bible and not take passages you would find out that later in the New Testament that God and Jesus were together in Heaven creating Humankind. Genesis is interesting because you find out how God's incredible plan was set in motion for all of us to enjoy. The world as we know it distorted that plan and has wanted to keep us away from God ever since the apple was bit into and from that time we were forever separated from God and His love - It is unfortunate that the world hates God and questions God for what He has done to bring us close to Him - The Death of His Son Jesus Christ - that is unfortunate, but it had to happen. Satan never wanted that to happen because satan knows exactly what will happen to him when Jesus reappears to take us home and away from everything evil.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because God loved us first and knew us in our mothers womb. He knows how many hairs are on our heads even out mothers don't know that.He took the earth and shaped till it was suitable for man to live on .The earth is self sustaining each thing makes another as its self.Out of great love God created his first only begotten son and they made everything else together. His personal name is Jehovah and he is the Alpha and the Omega.He has given man the bible to explain all we can understand ,at this time, about him , his will for earth, man,and the heavens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why ever shouldn't the LORD God wish us to want to serve Him. He knows all things and mankind is scurrying along finding the Hows and Whys. It has taken us a long time to get this far.

    Creation really is wonderful and it is everywhere in glorious technicolour. Today, heavy skies and rain - then the rainbow, wonderful. Men have learnt to explain how it works but they can't begun to imitate it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes the God of the Bible, our savior, creator, and lord created us. he created the world in six literal days and rested on the seventh day. on that sixth day he created us. Perfect we were, sinless and pure. holy and righteous. but then Satan deceives us in the Garden of Eden and then sin entered the whole. Creation and evolution do NOT go hand in hand. it is either hot or cold. left or right. either creation or evolution. if God created the world but let us evolve. that is not a God i want to serve. but no, he created us in His image and made us good. but all throughout history man has turned his back on God and because of there lifestyle has amde the world as we know it. and all the bad that we see in the world is not because of God. it is because of Satan. he does not like to see us hurt, or suffering, or crying. he allows it, because we either choose to do wrong and we have to pay for our consequences or he allows it because it to prove that satan is evil and that satan is the father of lies and death. he created us because he wanted to make man in his image. have someone worship him love him and serve him. this world was not a world of pain, it was a world of joy, but satan wanting to be like God. Isaiah 14:14 says that Satan wanted to be god. and that thinking has been introduced to man by Satan. and evolution teaches that we are god or there is no god and that we will become gods.

    There either is a God or there isnt. Both possiblities are frightening. If there is a God we better find out who he is, what he wants, and do what he says. If there is no God, we are swirling around the sun 66,000 mph and no one is in charge.

    the greatest question of all time, that will never be answered by evolutionists because they dont have an answer is...... How do we tell right from wrong? if evolution true, its not a pretty picture. if creation and God is true, God tells us right from wrong he sent us the Holy Spirit to be our guide and our conscience after Jesus ascended to heaven. and before that God spoke directly to them through dreams, angels, pray etc. well if you have any other questions. feel free to email me

  • 1 decade ago

    Because He knew we would like it. That's how much He loves us. "God made us to show forth His Goodness and to share with us His everlasting happiness in Heaven." (The Baltimore Catechism)

  • 1 decade ago

    We're like god's very own Sims.

    Hey, I enjoy a good god game now and then too.. but I have to play on a computer.


  • 1 decade ago

    According to Islam God/Allah created us to worship him and nothing can fill the voids in our hearts except by worshipping God/Allah.

  • 1 decade ago

    To evolve, improve, learn, and eventually become gods ourselves.

    That is my best guess.

  • 1 decade ago

    This site pretty much sums up what I believe, and it is a lot easier to give you a link than to try to type it all myself:

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