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Socially speaking, is sleeping around OK?

I'm not talking about cheating, I just want to know if you feel society is now blasé about people being promiscuous and having casual sex with different people, or do if you feel either yourself or that society still demands that sex should ideally be in a relationship of some sort?

Obviously there is the aspect of STD's and unwanted pregnancy, but assuming all precautions are taken care of and it is done in a responsible manner and all parties are consenting adults and all the usual boxes you would want ticked.

So forgetting that aspect, I just simply ask if in this modern world of ours, there is a line between being sexually liberated and the village bike, and if either or both ok as far as you see it?

Im not advocating either side of the argument, I think I fall somewhere in the middle myself... (I think the best term to desrcibe me is "flawed romantic"). I'm just interested in hearing people's thoughts and if they would like to volunteer it, where they stand on the issu

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Insecurity makes a person sleep around & they never get what they search for by doing so.

    Male or female, in the long run, its detrimental to your self esteem to sleep around

    (thats just the moral aspect without taking the risks into consideration)

  • 5 years ago

    My boyfriends best friend is 23 and he is a virgin and nobody ever comments on it or teases him etc. He isn't ready for a relationship, or hasn't found someone worth committing to and he isn't the sort of guy to take random girls home after a night clubbing. The way I see it is, it isn't the sort of question someone should ask you until you are already close so if you two are already dating when you find out, she shouldn't care because she would have already fallen for you! I can't speak for other girls but I would actually quite like it if my boyfriend was a virgin until me. It would mean he has nobody to compare me to and it also means I wouldn't have that imagine of him being with other girls. Nobody likes the idea of their partner being with someone else. Play it confident and I see no problem with it. If somebody finds it weird just say 'I have been waiting for the right girl and I just haven't found her yet'.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think 'planet 80s' is spot on. A lot of the time sleeping around stems from emotional issues. I did it a little bit a few years ago when I was having a bad time and it didn't make me feel good about myself afterwards. Having said that, if someone was honestly happy with doing it and was careful, it's fine. i wouldn't judge them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am active in the swinger scene

    Sex is a fun social interaction, love and sex go together like a horse and carriage..... ideally they go together, but there's no harm to each other if they are unhitched occasionally

    Young people tend to be very uptight about sex..

    they are also very judgemental and opinionated

    Most swingers tend to be 30's and upwards

    when you're over 30, with some real life experience... you've done everything, and got bored with the same ol' missionary position with the same ol' person for 10 years... you may change your mind

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm the opposite of you - a cynic about "romance" and long-term relationships - so naturally I think if a person of either gender wants to "play the field"/"sleep around"/whatever you call it, they shouldn't be stigmatized.

  • 1 decade ago

    well that would depend on how much casual sex you have and who you have it with , if you have it with every tom ,dick and harry,,then ewww,,but if you know a few guys who you can count on to scratch your itch ,,,and are ok with just the casual wham bam thank you mam, than i think that would be better than being with ,, just whomever,,, they only way you get a bad reputation is by telling others your business,,hopefully if you are into the free love thing,,you have enough respect for yourself and they have enough respect for themself's that they won't go tell it to the world,, what you do in bed together...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who wants to buy an used car with 1 000 000 miles on it, not me it will never be accepted socially people do not like used goods.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate the idea, I couldnt fall in love with someone who i know has slept around. Even knowing that it was in the past, I would feel that they're not morally and emotionally sound, and they're heart isnt centralised and clean.

    I think people who live that life are hurting themselves and causing themselves spiritual misery.

  • I have a friend called Shagger,

    some people would say that's a cool nickname.....

    she doesn't like it

    Good ol' Jimmy Carr...

    But what do I know (Quick Hide!!!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're not bothered about getting a reputation, then I guess its ok.

    I wouldn't do it though, I think its still socially frowned upon.

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