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Chels asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Am I Fat???????

Am i fat?

Ok, i am like 5"2, and i weigh 203 pounds....

but i dont look that big, any ideas on how to lose it quick? Thanks so much...

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    for men losing weight is easier then women..

    .in ur case, yeah ,ur pretty big for ur height yeah it sucks hearing it but its true..if ppl tell u ur not they r just lying to u...

    if u wanna lose weight start eating healty ...low carlorie foods....u have to walk about 30 mins. a day..drink proteins drinks...n alots of veggies if u dont like eating veggies they have chewable tablets ..try the one for kids ...

    soo get out there n do ur best...

    i used to be a heavy kid too..then i wanted to be in the u.s marine corps...n they made me run n workout eat healty n lose weight

    its gonna be kinda hard but everyone can do it....

  • 1 decade ago

    5'2 and 200? Sorry to be blunt, but you're either fat or on steroids.

    Wanna lose weight quick? People knock it but the low carb is he way to go. You will lose weight, and it will be fairly quickly (not overnight, but it's the fastest way). The key is you have to be very very strict about it. The way low carb (famously "Atkins" but body builders have been dong it for decades) works is that your body naturally switches to burning fat for energy instead of carbs when your glycogen stores (come from sugars - i.e. carbs) are COMPLETELY depleted. That means there's no half-waying it. If you you over carb even the slightest amount you've thrown your body off, it will return to carb - then protein (muscle - which is a bad thing) for energy, until your glyocogen is them completely depleted again, varrying person to person but perhaps a good week of strict low carb away.

    Many people say you will quickly gain weight back if you low carb it. This is true, if you do not allow your body to readjust. Reintroduce carbs slowly, starting wih complex carbs. You will still likely regain a couple pounds, but you have the potenial with the low carb diet of losing 20lbs in a month, with a gain back of maybe 3-5 leaving you with a quick drop of 15+ pounds.

    Of course, exercise on top helps too.

    Source(s): There are many gimmicks with low carb." The best is to reference low carb from tried and true body building resources (it doesn't have o be just for weightlifters!). Atkins and etc work, but your best bet ae "cutting" diets from anything associated with Wieder publications. Good luck!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The last thing I would want to do is offend you but I think you are in fact overweight. Don't go on a super strict diet 'cause those are such a pain but just try cutting down on very fattening foods and don't eat past 6 pm. Also try to exercise atleast 30 minutes a day. After a while i'm sure you'll see some results and begin to have a lot more energy. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes to tell you the truth. Because I am the same height as you, but I weigh between 115-120 pounds which is considered normal weight. So yeah I suggest you exercise more and eat more healthier and drink lots of water.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry to tell you that there is no quick way to lose it and keep it off. You've got to learn how to eat properly and still have foods you enjoy. I tried weight watchers and it helped me recognize problems with my eating. You've got to remember that this is a lifestyle change and that not just one thing will be the magic end all for you. You've got to watch what you eat and then get moving to burn more calories off... That is about the only long term solution... Best Wishes!

  • Nate
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    wow ok,

    don't listen to the asshole.

    you know what you should be eating and what you shouldn't, make sure you are getting at least 1500 calories per day to keep your metabolism.

    and you need to be running and swimming no less than 5 times a week togeather for no less than 45-50min. as fast as you possibly can.

    it's an uphill battle but you can do it, consider a trainer and/or nutritionist, and if you have any questions you know who to ask.

    good luck

    Source(s): used to weigh 210 ish. now weigh 175, and it's a differen't kind of weight if you know what I mean. You'll be much happier 50lbs. lighter... trust me.
  • sam
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    according to bmi, it's obese, but so am i. i'm 5'3'' and 225. it is not MORBIDLY obese... please. you aren't going to die. people need to chill out. i'm doing weight watchers and it is really great. my friend went from 185 to 125 on WW and another went from 200 to 150. If you just eat like WW tells you to, you will lose lots of weight pretty quickly. Don't let all these people say nasty things, because while obviously we can tell we are overweight, it's inconsiderate people who make us feel bad about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah, sorry im 5'1 and im in the 6th grade and i weight 80 pounds! WOW! go on the show the biggest loser!

    i never was fat, but lose weight! im in the 6th and weight 72 pounds that a big difference by over150 pounds!

  • Steph
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Talk to your doctor, they can tell you the answer. they can also help you to lose weight if you need to.

    Oh, and you can't lose weight quickly, steadily is the only way to lose it and keep it off. Find out your BMR (how many calories your body uses per day to keep you alive). Consume at least your BMR in calories per day. Do cardio exercise (e.g. rope jumping, jogging, cycling, swimming etc). Aim to do 30-60 minutes per day.

  • thom t
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes you are fat. Don't try to lose it quickly or you will put it back. Change your eating habits: cut down on starches and sweets,

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