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Dealing with ADD in a 5 year old?

My son is incredibly smart, but he is below average in his academics. He is behind in reading, writing and his listening skills are not what they should be. We know it's not because of his intelligence. His own teacher has told us this.

But he is ADD (so is his dad and most of his uncles). He studies things he is very interested in, but could care less about the things he doesn't. Reading doens't interest him, so he doesn't do it. He writes some letters backwards (we are having him tested for dyslexia, just in case). And just zones out in class at school.

Can you suggest anything I can do to help him overcome his issues. I'm not totally against drugs, but dont want to use them. I dont want him hiding behind his disease and using it as an excuse for not performing to a level he is capable of- if that makes any sense. He's only 5.

So what can I do? Any books you can recommend or websites that can give me information on dealing with an ADD child?


I am looking for behavior modification and ways to do it. Drugs are a last resort, especially at his age. So far, the answers have been great. Thanks to all!! I want to help him learn to control it (as much as possible) while he is young before he has to reprogram his habits.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You mean I'm not lazy, crazy or stupid? is the title of one book that is fairly good, written by MD's, though it spends some time arguing for existence of ADD. What kind of school is a 5 year old in that expects him to read and pay attention for very long? Jeez! In addition, just because he's smart, and doesn't want to pay attention doesn't mean he's ADD. Giving amphetamines to a 5 year old is a bad idea, even if he does have ADD.

    Discipline is key for anyone with ADD, with regular routines, that encourage remembering mundane tasks (hanging up coat, cleaning room, putting shoes in right place). Disorder is firewater/crack to a person with ADD, and will engender further entropy (disorder/chaos).

    He may not want to read, but you will make him. He may not want to sit still and eat dinner, but you will make him, because you're his loving parent and he is a child who needs direction.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Teaching Children to Read
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will jump in on this since I have an 11 year old with ADHD, Yes the drug issue is hard. We are glad we did and so is my son. There are days I forget to give him his meds before school. His aids call to tell me he is upset and not focused. He says mom please I want to pay attention to what is going on. He notices a difference and get more out of school. NO he is not on the honor roll, he is in the 5th grade reads at a 3rd grade level. He loves science and math and those are near the end of the day. He is not interested in reading but he has made a contract with his reading teacher to read at home each night for 15 minutes, log it and have it signed by mom or dad.

    Don't use ADD or ADHD as a crutch, he is a kid. He is active, fun and smart. Have a lot of patience with him and keeps schedules. Don't make rewards to far out any thing over a week. ADD and ADHD children lose interest in the reward if it is to far away.

    Call a mental health hospital or the school to see if a doctor or the mental health hospital is offering a program on working with your ADD or ADHD child. My son and me went to a 6 week class and we both learned so much.

  • 1 decade ago

    Forget the drugs, because of the drug companies advertising and paying off our doctors, we are all duped into thinking that drugs are the only answer to a problem that has been around since the beginning of time.

    Think, what is different with 'us' than say thirty years ago. The lack of responsibilities and rules given to a child, the lack of structure and example. Lack of outside chores, games and sunshine. Our diet of processed 'enriched' bleached grain products, the processed meat and the milk we drink and the hormones in all of it. Lack of discipline. I am not talking about spanking or grounding, that doesn't work on a high energy child, but it he doesn't want to do his work, give him something less desirable to do and a choice to do either of the two. ATTENTION, give the kid attention. Do NOT fix their screw up, make them responsible. And for goodness sake change the household diet and meal planning.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had to reprogram my son, because he is like me. I used hard boundaries on important issues like safety. I used that as a platform to establish the role of the parent/child relationship. I found that children respond to hard boundaries and exploit soft boundaries as part of there nature. I excepted these rules and made tremendous progress with out even raising my voice. I observed that this is a technique used in all the nanny 911 type shows. Show respect but take a dominant inflexible role on inportant issues.

    My brother is dyslexic and that is tough. I have no good answers. He is so smart and personable. I am proud of him for all he has accomplished.

  • 1 decade ago

    While I cannot recommend any specific books, I would HIGHLY recommend behavioral therapy over drugs (though medications is sometimes necessary). I worked with a great many number of children with ADD and ADHD in my former career working with at-risk youth, and often found that parents found them as a substitute, not and aid, to their childrens treatment, not that I am sayin that is your case.

    It bothered me so much, the overmedication of children ( I even saw 8 year olds on thorazine for Asperger's...), that I eventually left the field once I realized that I could do nothing to stop it, and it was doing too much emotional damage to me personally to watch it (as I have none, and want to have children).

    PLEASE, as a former youth advocate, research your *** off online for local theraputic programs, and also behavioral therapists.

    I do believe, as do many respected in the mental health field, that ADD can more efficiently be not just dealt with, but cured, with behaviour therapy and simple at home solutions. I am not a doctor, so I cannot say this for all cases, but I do have more expereince in "the field" even to the extent that even though I was young and had pink hair I was in high demand to speak at national conferences, particularly universities, on the subject and non-hospitialization in home therapy focusing on the family unit, not just the "afflicted individual".

    I can imagine how much you have going on in your head right now, and how confusing all of the conflicting information you find daily is. Its called being a good parent.

    If you would like to chat offline or exchange emails, please let me know in a edit of your post, as my contact info here is private - too many weirdos contacting me, lol. I have contacts in many states, and even those I don't would be more than willing to assist you thorugh the sometimes maze of finding the "perfect fit" for your child, as I am a firm believer that the "one size fits all" mantra in most social services, public and private, doesnt work.

    Source(s): I just got back from a great vacation, flew both ways on JetBlue- founded by a man who has ADD and made it work for him :) BTW, I personally believe that either an extremely focused and high level of stimuli or total reduciton and removal of with only the persons own imagination is the key. The latter being best in the long run. That is in TRUE bioligoical cases though, not environmentally driven ones, which is the most common, in which case its totally behaviorally given by the age we live in, driven, and controlled, not biological, but becomes chemical equally - the human brain is so fascinating!
  • 5 years ago

    The quandary that many parents find themselves in is they do not have the time to search for the proper eBook s and learning framework with which to teach their children but with this specific program , Children Learning Reading this problem is arrived at a end.

    Children Learning Reading is really extensive, and your youngster could have no issues assimilating the classes because the lessons are well-designed. Because the system is founded on phonetics, the educational method is gradual.

    In Children Learning Reading program the classes are special and can not be present in other understanding methods.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    looks like a common seven 12 months outdated raised in a coarse family individuals. i does not say he has upload. perhaps attempting a distinctive attitude of communique could help. attempt preserving him distracted with issues he likes or get him into activities. additionally spanking him and yelling at him will basically make it worse. he's 7, he desires valuable impact. i'm not announcing to not discipline him yet attempt to think of of issues he likes the main and punish him with taking those privileges faraway from him if he has a habit project. needless to say i don't comprehend the quantity of the concern yet i'm in simple terms giving some innovations. If all else fails get him examined professionally for ADHD.

  • Amy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Check out information on the Feingold diet. It has worked wonders for my son who has ADD/ADHD.

    Also, getting him a tutor on the side or taking him to a learning center, like Sylvan, might be able to help him.

    And finally, never say "My kid IS A.D.D.". Your child is not a disease and should never be defined by it. Instead, say that your child HAS A.D.D.

  • 1 decade ago

    Buy him a video game were he has to Read it try not to force it though the human Mind will develop at a certain age and he will want to on his own,our find a girlfriend that likes to write love Notes dont forget the tip

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