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What is some of the best music that I have never heard of-artists or albums?

I love The pierces, Susan Cagle, (French Camille and Cali), Jem.. Heard of Poe Plumb, Courtney jaye... Give me unheard of gems (no pun). Pop, pop/Rock Light rock, accustic, low-fi, trip-hop, maybe symphonic rock like verve, upbeat folk... I want to weep from the glory of it's musicality! (am I overstated?)


Oh, i left out that I love carbon leaf, etc, music with a Gaelic twist

Update 2:

Well, I am a fan of the mandolin and of course, fiddle, but the Tosser singers' voice! U gotta be drunk!

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Coldplay 'Rush of blood to the head' is absolutley awesome! You also may like One Republic 'Dream out loud' cd specifically their songs apologize with timbland and stop and stare songs.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Tossers

    Sort of like The Pogues. You'll like them a lot. Good Irish out of Chicago.

    Give them a listen:

    Check out:

    Preab San Ol

    The Crock of Gold

    I've Pursued Nothing

    You may also like Sondre Lerche:

  • 1 decade ago

    bright eyes- fevers and mirrors, im wide awake its morning, and noise floor

    also try

    azure ray

    elliot smith

    all time quarterback

    her space holiday

    neutral milk hotel

    iron and wine

    Architecture in Helsinki


    the arcade fire


  • 1 decade ago

    taking back sunday-where u want to be, paramore-riot, undoath-they;re only chaging safty

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