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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Does anyone have a good workout routine that can be done at home?

I don't have that much time to go to the gym so I was wondering if anyone knew any good workout routines to do at home. (I have a standard weightbench if any workouts involve them). Thanks!

84 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes Dear !

    1: Must Have An I Pod / Music player.

    2: Re luxe and Easy .

    Now When U Got these 2 Simple Steps then u r on the Line To work As A GYM / Light Exercise ......

    Note: Not 2 forget Reading the Books...

    Source(s): Most of the time I'm Reading and then Jogging Exercises at Home Yard.....
  • 1 decade ago

    Well I would do whatever cardio you want to do in the morning (empty stomach for losing fat stores instead of recent food) and then if you want to build muscles/endurance maybe look into doing the basic exercises (pushups,pullups,dips,situps,etc..) adding more reps each week and throwing in some heavy weight lifting (train from larger muscle groups first).

    If you dont have a whole gym setup/small space at home you might look into the select-tech dumbells (go up to 90ish lbs each) and you can do pretty much every basic compound exercise with that....train whatever/whenever your schedule allows and add a few more lbs each week. Those dumbells are spency but nice...try ebay for them.

    You kind of have to custom make your own program, here is a pretty good list of common exercises by type and muscle(bodyweight,dumbell,machine,etc..)

  • If you're a guy you're probably going to think this is silly, but listen! I stumbled upon a DVD by Tamilee Webb - "I want that body". Ok ok, it's cheesy, and I'm kind of embarrassed to do it, HOWEVER, it will kick your @s*! Seriously. I made my boyfriend do it with me once (because he was making fun of me) and he couldn't walk the next day! <Serves him right>.

    It comes with 3 sections - abs/buns/arms and 2 levels on each. She's also pretty informative about your form, though her encouragement can be a little annoying. Each section is only 15 minutes long (really more like 11 with the stretching at beginning and end), but you will be sweating and breathing hard for sure. So it's cardio and resistance.

    Also, if you're interested in an elongating/toning type exercise, the New York City Ballet workout DVD is pretty cool. It's not very strenuous; sometimes I do it on my 'off days'.

    It's about an hour long.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I tried this, and I think it is a great workout -- it requires mostly dumbells and maybe an excercise ball.

    From this link, click the "Official Body For Life Workout" link and also on the left side bar, the "excercise demos" link. They lay it all out how to do this routine. The cardio portion is killer too, but probably needs a treadmill or whatever.

  • Gina D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    P90X!!! I run regularly, and have worked out for a long time, kickboxing, swimming, lifting weights, and NOTHING I have done compares to this workout!! It is AMAZING! The Plyometrics DVD (it comes with 12 different ones), is the BEST! I couldn't finish it. In fact, I'm really curious to talk to someone that can! You will be feeling like you're STILL working out 3 days later!!

    I promise this P90X is the answer!

    Source(s): P90X, I've tried the rest, this IS THE BEST!
  • 5 years ago

    "How much would you bench?" In the event that you is likely to be wealthy just buy getting a buck for every single time some one asked you that! Use this plan in order to impress them.

    How much do you benchis turned so essential and this is the reason individuals are continually trying to increase their bench. Nothing feels as effective as adding still another plate to the club when it's your change to use the benchin your gym.

    The Critical Bench program will allow you to boost your benchwith the 5x5 technique. 5x5 process means that you will do the exact same fat for 5 representatives of 5 sets. You intend to find a fat which will weakness you by the final representative of the final set. This type of education places great amount of stress on muscle tissue and they have nothing else to accomplish but respond and become stronger.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Go for kettlebell workouts — an average burns 400 calories in 20 units.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, side-straddle-hops (jumping jacks for you civilians), sit-ups, and flutter kicks every morning, about 30 mins to an hour altogether. Every other day, run, run, run. A mile is good, two is better. On a non-running day, use weights. Also, it's important to do this all AFTER eating. Make sure you eat a good, NUTRITOUS breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Drink lots of water, too. You won't look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you'll be in very good shape.

    Source(s): US Army, Infantry School
  • 1 decade ago

    Denise Austin DVD's, the workouts are amazing. Also cleaning is a good excersize.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Then there is bench press, front and back military press, arm curls, bent over rows, upright rows, and probably squat. That's just assuming the bench doesn't move. If it is adjustable, then you can do incline and declined presses. Let me know if you don't understand and of the workouts.

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